Joe Soucheray: Gophers football meltdown makes U look ridiculous, again


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Joe:

Those of us not steeped in the world of academia still wonder how the deplorable behavior of five, six, maybe 10 football players, or more, could bring about such a falling of the dominoes at the University of Minnesota.

Are one of you clowns, Kaler, Coyle, going to come forward and explain to us dummies why you couldn’t have kept this simple and thus avoided what was now the 11th search since 1978 for yet another messiah? Tracy Claeys, serving somewhat of an apprenticeship as a first-time head coach, seemed desperately confused when his team threatened to boycott a meaningless bowl game but could have saved himself, presumably, by being the first one in authority to say, “Those guys? Those guys? They are no longer part of this team. Any questions?”

Oh, he didn’t know? He is supposed to know.

Because nobody took the bull by the horns, now the next great one has to come in here and turn everything around. Again.

By the way, that hasn’t worked, those 10 coaching changes since 1978, when Cal Stoll was replaced by Joe Salem. With the exception of Glen Mason, who was competent, and Lou Holtz, who played “The Music Man’’ off Broadway here for two years, nobody brought aboard managed to use this Big Ten platform as a springboard to greater things. Salem — we put him on billboards around town with the stem of a rose in his mouth — went nowhere. Then Holtz, who was merely waiting for the intercession of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. John Gutekunst? Nope. Jim Wacker? Nope. Glen Mason. Tim Brewster? Nope. Jeff Horton? Nope. Jerry Kill? Well, Kill might have been the guy except he was also fighting a debilitating illness. Kill’s longtime pal Claeys got the job, and now Claeys is the fellow thrown under the bus to bring about, yes, the 11th new coach since 1978.

The new coach better make it clear from day one that he will suffer no fool gladly, especially when it comes to the treatment of women. You want to go on a date, maybe dinner and a movie, fine by me. But if I get any report that you let me or this team down by behavior that shreds even the most basic definition of moral and ethical decency, you are gone. And, coach, when you bring in a recruit for a visit, he had better be assigned to an adult. He can be taken to a hockey game or maybe driven out to Lake Minnetonka to see the wonders of ice fishing. But the recruit isn’t going to be put in the hands of the inmates who think they run the place.

As much as the new coach needs to make that clear to the players, the administration needs to make that clear to the coach they hire. Because all of you look ridiculous. None of this needed to happen. It had better become a hallmark of this program that sexual impropriety will never happen again.

Any questions?

Go Gophers!!

Hey Joe, time to hit the road. You are a nobody. I truly feel sad for you and your meager existence.

Joe and the Pioneer Press probably got the most clicks they received in years for going after Claeys and the Football team as often as they did. Even the Elmore story was given a ugly and non-supported headline.

They've not gonna give up lynching the U over this until they absolutely have to.

What else have the got?

He goes overboard in parts of the article, but he speaks a lot of truth in saying that Kaler and Coyle could have stopped this before it ballooned, and that the central administration is to blame for the quagmire this program has been mired in for the last 50 years.

Keep selling those My Pillows, Joe. I know how it hurts that you're taxed and some of that goes to ... horrors ... public education.

When will the media dinosaurs finally lay down and die

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Extra burn for "tshooootsch". Many fans will travel to root for the "clowns' " coaching choice, P J Fleck, and the Gophers via . . . the horrors . . . light rail public transit! ��

Joe, we don't care what you think about the Gophers. You are not a fan.

I was listening to your afternoon radio show on a drive home from work this fall, and you mentioned watching Gopher Football on TV and rooting against them...?

That was the last day I listened to your show. Hit the road, and take your weeble buddy, Reusse, with you.

Soucheray is an idiot. He's only on the air still because of the fellow nut-job old man Hubbard. Soucheray is the type of person who gets mad when he has to press one for English.

Soucheray is an idiot. He's only on the air still because of the fellow nut-job old man Hubbard. Soucheray is the type of person who gets mad when he has to press one for English.

Yo no me gusto tambien

That's the second time I heard music man references in regards to Lou holtz, were they both from him or did he lift it from someone else?

That's the second time I heard music man references in regards to Lou holtz, were they both from him or did he lift it from someone else?

That's what both newspapers and most radio guys called him while he was here. Probably originated on the old Saturday or Monday Night Sportstalk shows.

Soucheray's gradual transmogrification into Abe Simpson has made people forget that he was a gifted writer and an interesting columnist back when he actually tried.

I think Reusse actually started the Music Man stuff with Holtz, and it caught on.

What points does he make that you disagree with?

Joe was a very good writer back quite a while ago. Now his current shtick is playing an angry old guy the gripes about anything that requires some sort of thought.

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Soucheray's gradual transmogrification into Abe Simpson has made people forget that he was a gifted writer and an interesting columnist back when he actually tried.

I think Reusse actually started the Music Man stuff with Holtz, and it caught on.

Probably. Soucheray and Reusse were on both Saturday Morning and Monday Night Sports Talk in those days.

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