Joe Paterno post game meeting with Murray


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Warmath discussed in the Harrisburg PA paper.

Joe seemed sort of out of today, but I think he is better than people think. Allegedly his hearing is going, which makes his responses to questions create an impression that may not be 100 percent accurate. I think he is still mentally sharp enough, but his is his last year.

His actions after the game were filled with class as usual.

Great story, thanks for linking.

Go Gophers!!

I almost made a post about his post game interview earlier today. He did seem very senile and out of it. He made a comment that made it seem like he didn't even know who his own quarterback was. But lack of hearing would make sense.

What the author of this article doesnt know

is that the reason Murray may have seemed out of it is that he cant hear either. Just as Joe may have looked senile for this reason same for Murray. I have a feeling Murray knew well what was going on but couldnt hear.

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