Joe Nathan article

I wonder if he did that horse-like exhale before he wrote that.
Or is this a different Joe Nathan?

Oh, and people who use their children as pawns in pushing an agenda are the scum of the earth.

According to his website he receives funding from the U. Disgusting.

The Center for School Change used to be housed at the Humphrey Institute, but moved across the river a few years ago. I didn't know it still received money from the U. I wonder if it's a research grant of some sort.

Gopher lady is in on that video and she's sayn fan base is split ... I'm not seen it the same as you GL ..there's a pool on here that says otherwise ...

Gopher lady is in on that video and she's sayn fan base is split ... I'm not seen it the same as you GL ..there's a pool on here that says otherwise ...

Technically she's right, it's not unanimous. But if she means 50/50...

Technically she's right, it's not unanimous. But if she means 50/50...

Heck the fan base was split on Claeys even before the story broke...many just don't like the guy. I can't understand that for the life of me. He is a good football coach and a good guy and kids love him. Plus did you see that we won 9 games this year and our second bowl game in a row...this one against an actual P5 team too.

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