Jets coach trip


Securing the borders
Dec 11, 2010
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Not Gophers and not even college football, but did anybody else see this live?

I'm not quite sure what to think about this. The Dolphin player was running way out of bounds, and he looked like he almost wanted this to happen, and then took a little Ronaldo dive after some contact. But that is inexcusable from this coach, and I don't know how he isn't fired already. If dude thinks he's part of the game he should go out there sans pads and take a couple licks. One of the more cowardly things I've seen on a football field.

I'm pretty sure he was an inactive player and will get fined.

His name's actually Sal Alosi and he's the strength and conditioning coach for the jets. I can't think of many more idiotic things to do if your profession involves the health of players.

This Ranks w/ the Maegle Play in the '54 Cotton Bowl, OR . . .

Woody Hayes' sad display in the '78 Gator Bowl.

There should be a stiff fine and long suspension for that. Both very dangerous and impacts the integrity of the (on-the-field) game.

That was total bush league!!! How the offical on that side missed that is beyond me!!!

somehow this fine will be less then some of the fines players have received for legal hits!

somehow this fine will be less then some of the fines players have received for legal hits!

The salaries are a lot less as well...something to consider.

I seriously doubt he will be retained by the Jets.

My only question is if he would not have been caught by the cameras, and only the Jets knew about it, would anything have happened to him.

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