Jerry Kill says Nick Saban 'earns every damn dime' of $6.9 million salary


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Nov 11, 2008
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This is the second article in a week that we've received from this reporter in Alabama:

Nearly $7 million dollars per year might sound exorbitant to some, but at least one other college football coach thinks Saban is worth all those millions.

"If somebody said something about coach Saban's salary, I'd bet he earns every damn dime of it," said Minnesota coach Jerry Kill. "He's under a fishbowl. It's just the way it is."

Saban's name came up when Kill was explaining to the difference between being a coordinator and a head coach. As the paychecks go up and the money becomes more lucrative, coaches have to deal with more pressure and responsibility.

"There's a helluva lot of difference between making suggestions and decisions," Kill explained. "When it becomes public, you know who they are talking about...they are talking about the ol' ball coach. We are responsible because we are making the big bucks."

Go Gophers!!

Start the Kill to 'Bama rumors!

He's a straight shooter, and just the guy I want running this program.

This is the second article in a week that we've received from this reporter in Alabama:

Nearly $7 million dollars per year might sound exorbitant to some, but at least one other college football coach thinks Saban is worth all those millions.

"If somebody said something about coach Saban's salary, I'd bet he earns every damn dime of it," said Minnesota coach Jerry Kill. "He's under a fishbowl. It's just the way it is."

Saban's name came up when Kill was explaining to the difference between being a coordinator and a head coach. As the paychecks go up and the money becomes more lucrative, coaches have to deal with more pressure and responsibility.

"There's a helluva lot of difference between making suggestions and decisions," Kill explained. "When it becomes public, you know who they are talking about...they are talking about the ol' ball coach. We are responsible because we are making the big bucks."

Go Gophers!!

I think it's great! Kill is merely cooperative marketing. It's no accident that he's rattling the Alabama cages and talking up Saban.

I can see something like this - 5-Star receiver JB and 4-Star receiver TG have offers from Alabama. They can only take one; on signing day JB commits leaving TG being the odd man out. TG has had his sights on 'Bama and starts to panic. Rather than hastily taking the Western Michigan Offer, Saban simply calls the kid up and explains why they couldn't take him and says he's got a great option in Jerry Kill up in Minnesota. TG and his family buy in right away since "Saban said so" and TG walks away thinking Saban is great and Minnesota is awesome. Everybody wins; except Western Michigan*.

*and according to Dr. Don, even the Bison of NDSU.

Scooter, Western Michigan couldn't beat the rumbling Bison of NDSU?

And Coach Kill earns his bucks too. He is near the end of the honeymoon time and pressure will start to amp up. No comparison between the UM and Bama as far as public pressure is concerned.

"If somebody said something about coach Saban's salary, I'd bet he earns every damn dime of it," said Minnesota coach Jerry Kill. "He's under a fishbowl. It's just the way it is."

And you will soon be there too Coach. Enjoy the moment as the time is very close when Minnesota folks will expect results for the "Minnersota big bucks" invested in you..


This is the second article in a week that we've received from this reporter in Alabama:

Nearly $7 million dollars per year might sound exorbitant to some, but at least one other college football coach thinks Saban is worth all those millions.

"If somebody said something about coach Saban's salary, I'd bet he earns every damn dime of it," said Minnesota coach Jerry Kill. "He's under a fishbowl. It's just the way it is."

Saban's name came up when Kill was explaining to the difference between being a coordinator and a head coach. As the paychecks go up and the money becomes more lucrative, coaches have to deal with more pressure and responsibility.

"There's a helluva lot of difference between making suggestions and decisions," Kill explained. "When it becomes public, you know who they are talking about...they are talking about the ol' ball coach. We are responsible because we are making the big bucks."

Go Gophers!!

Bayfield is totally correct with his observation of the nature of this beast that the inflated salary and visibility that a head college football/basketball coach is awarded on any major Division I campus makes that person both expensive and at the same time, very disposable.

It is obvious why a Saban or a Meyer or any one of the five or ten highest paid coaches becomes an idol of all the other college coaches and "wannabe" head coaches. Their very presence at the top of the salary chain by being so outrageously high brings the lowest paid head coaching salary levels to "equally by comparison...outlandish levels..." The head coach who several years ago was in the $750,000 range suddenly finds himself earning 1.5 million. The former million dollar coach is now earning over 2 million a year.

An outrageous salary level for Saban is GREAT NEWS for every other Division I Head Coach from Anderson to Ferentz to Fitzgerald to Kill and then down the ranks to all the coordinators all the way down to the newest position coaches.

Of course, Coach Kill strongly "believes" that Saban earns every dime of his salary.

And a big part of the very heavy lifting Nick has done along the way has been ALL the inflating of all of the wages of virtually every Division I head coach, coordinator and position coach in the 5 major conferences. Coach Nick has done a LOT for the financial well-being of Coach Kill and every other Big Ten Coaching Staff. You just may not hear too many statements coming out at Conference media day events complaining that Coach Nick is over paid and is not earning his keep.

Coach Nick and the other top five earners have done a LOT for the major college coaching fraternity...

In fairness, Coach Nick has also done a LOT for the institution that pays him his large salary.

What might the magic "overpaid" salary level be achieved by Nick Saban? You know, the point at which he no longer earns "every dime?" 10 million? 15 million? A cool $25 million? Infinity? How many more tickets can Alabama sell? When is paying Nick more going to become a figure of diminishing returns? At what point in time does it cease to be in the interest of the University of Alabama to continue to pay this much money to a football coach? Why doesn't Nick just become a "fanchise" or"consulting" business that will sell his services to every university that can buy the "Nick Saban System?"

And, if Nick Saban is earning every dime of his salary, is the coach of a bottom half SEC conference member earning every dime of his salary? times a confusing question to ponder..

I just love how direct Kill is and has no qualms about it. "Every damn dime..." Love it.

Also, like the Saban-Kill recruiting partnership you guys have proposed. One can hope! If there's one thing Kill's good at, it's building relationships.

I think it's great! Kill is merely cooperative marketing. It's no accident that he's rattling the Alabama cages and talking up Saban.

I can see something like this - 5-Star receiver JB and 4-Star receiver TG have offers from Alabama. They can only take one; on signing day JB commits leaving TG being the odd man out. TG has had his sights on 'Bama and starts to panic. Rather than hastily taking the Western Michigan Offer, Saban simply calls the kid up and explains why they couldn't take him and says he's got a great option in Jerry Kill up in Minnesota. TG and his family buy in right away since "Saban said so" and TG walks away thinking Saban is great and Minnesota is awesome. Everybody wins; except Western Michigan*.

*and according to Dr. Don, even the Bison of NDSU.

I have a hard time believing that a 4* recruit (top-350 composite ranking) that Saban offers would be considered the "odd man out". I could see a kid who is a solid 3* getting left out, still a quality recruit. If Saban is inclined to do Kill a solid with a kid like that, I have no problem with that.

What might the magic "overpaid" salary level be achieved by Nick Saban? You know, the point at which he no longer earns "every dime?" 10 million? 15 million? A cool $25 million? Infinity? How many more tickets can Alabama sell? When is paying Nick more going to become a figure of diminishing returns? At what point in time does it cease to be in the interest of the University of Alabama to continue to pay this much money to a football coach? Why doesn't Nick just become a "fanchise" or"consulting" business that will sell his services to every university that can buy the "Nick Saban System?"

And, if Nick Saban is earning every dime of his salary, is the coach of a bottom half SEC conference member earning every dime of his salary? times a confusing question to ponder..

If Jerry thinks Saban deserves $7mm per year, I wonder what he thinks the scientist who cures epilepsy deserves to be paid?

If Jerry thinks Saban deserves $7mm per year, I wonder what he thinks the scientist who cures epilepsy deserves to be paid?

The corporation that solves epilepsy will be rewarded beyond it's/their wildest dreams. There will not be hundreds of thousands buying tickets, listening to radio, and millions purchasing memorabilia and watching on advertising run TV when it happens. The scientist will be part of a vast team with "no skin in the game" making $100k and retire nicely. Many scientists have made a nice living with zero risk/profile and accomplished nothing.

The value of any product or service is determined by what someone else is willing to pay for it.

I remember when you could buy an ounce of pot for $40 - well, I sort of remember's a little hazy.......

Seriously, if you're going to gripe about Saban hauling down $6 mill to coach a FB team, then what about Adam Sandler getting millions of dollars to make bad movies? Or Ricky Freakin' Nolasco hauling down $49 mill from the Twins and throwing junk. I think you can make a solid argument that Saban "earns" his salary more so than a lot of other athletes and entertainers who haul in big bucks. I'm surprised Wren isn't on here with a 25-page manifesto complaining about the raise "Prexy" Kaler just got from the Board of Regents.

The value of any product or service is determined by what someone else is willing to pay for it.

I remember when you could buy an ounce of pot for $40 - well, I sort of remember's a little hazy.......

Seriously, if you're going to gripe about Saban hauling down $6 mill to coach a FB team, then what about Adam Sandler getting millions of dollars to make bad movies? Or Ricky Freakin' Nolasco hauling down $49 mill from the Twins and throwing junk. I think you can make a solid argument that Saban "earns" his salary more so than a lot of other athletes and entertainers who haul in big bucks. I'm surprised Wren isn't on here with a 25-page manifesto complaining about the raise "Prexy" Kaler just got from the Board of Regents.

I could care less what Saban makes. He wins...a LOT. It is the coaches who don't win as much...or don't even win very much who benefit from the "lift" that those top-end big-time winners give to those on the bottom. But, what the hell? It's only money, right short ornery Norway dude, and every college and university football program has a ton of money coming in from the tv contrats, so more money should get thrown at the coaches and athletic directors, right? After all, all that money is generated because people want to watch the coaches and the people who run the athletic department standing around on the sidelines.

And you mean, old nasty, ornery Norway short term or long term memory lapser, which ever your case may be: I guess we will have to wait to see what the price of tuition at the University does compared to the scholastic rankings to find out if Prexy K deserved some sort of a raise or if he could have waited a few more years drawing his current salary until the current freshman class graduates. It will be a real shame if their tuition rises every year they attend the U IF the academic rankings at the U don't increase by just as large a percentage as the tuition did. And It would be nice if the starting wages in entry level positions for the graduates of the U would increase to match the percentage the old Prexy got.

Sounds as though you are suffering from a bit of euphoric recall: no trips to Colorado or Washington State for you son...

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