Jerry Kill live today at noon

"Stop worrying about why it's broken, lets just concentrate on how to fix it."

This is a bit of advice we as fans need to take, IMO.

Choice quotes (paraphrasing from memory):

"I've been telling everyone I wasn't going to do anything [presumably he was referring to sign his contract] until I was comfortable with where our president stands on things. I'm confident that President Kaler is 110% on board and knows what we need to get this thing turned around."

"We need to stop talking about how we got here. We need to start talking about what we can do to make things good again."

Kill says he is buying lunch for 4,000 students before the Iowa game as a reward for sticking with him and the team through a tough season.

I can't type fast enough for some of these nuggets coach is spitting. Good stuff, I hope you all are watching/listening to it.

Talking to Sid:

"I've been around 50 years, you've been around a lot longer. I've got to imagine there's a year or two in there where sh*t just didn't go your way. And what do you do? You go back to your basic principles and the things that have worked for you before."

Said that 4 of 5 o-linemen played good. Thought the o-line played a good game. Thought that some drops, QB decisions, and RB's vision made the OL look worse then they were.

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