Jay Bilas on Jimmer: "He couldn't guard a bank with a machine gun"


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Bilas tweet: "Jimmer a great college player, but he couldn't guard a bank with a machine gun. Guys going by him at will. He had a GREAT year, though."

Go Gophers!!

Gonna have to agree with that. As much as I love his deep threes and finger rolls, his D is pretty horrible.

That will translate perfectly to the NBA :D

But, but he says his coaches don't tell him to play D, so he has an excuse.

Signed, Jimmer apologists


Seriously, I think they're giving the NPOY to the wrong guy this year. I think Kemba Walker should win it.

Actually it won't translate to the NBA. There will be a role for Jimmer in the NBA (worst case: Eddie House? best case: Jason Terry?), but his lack of defense limits what you can do with him.

all offense, no defense

works for a ton of NBA players.

I love how people spout this off like it's true, but all you gotta do is look at the Wolves to know that isn't remotely true. Besides a Mike D'Antoni coached team, how many teams win a lot in the NBA without playing defense? Not many.

Jimmer is a second coming of Wally Szczerbiak

true, but you can get away with at least one player who is mostly offense in college ball. we would have been a lot better this year if we had any player who was a good enough athlete to score on his own, no matter how bad his defense was. If the team has to create plays for every point, half court offense is tough.
Westbrook's game was ugly to watch, but he wanted the ball, and would score reasonably efficiently in 2/3 of our games.
We have no one who could do that this year, Rodney shows no understanding of how to get open to even get the ball, or how to make any play other than a wide open dunk.

I love how people spout this off like it's true, but all you gotta do is look at the Wolves to know that isn't remotely true. Besides a Mike D'Antoni coached team, how many teams win a lot in the NBA without playing defense? Not many.

+1. Anytime I hear anyone say the old "they don't play defense in the NBA bit" I know that they don't watch any NBA basketball. Which is fine, just stop acting like you know about it.

Jimmer reminds me of S. Curry

Everyone questioned Stephon Curry's athleticism, strength, and quickness. And he is playing fine in the NBA. Actually more than fine. At worst Jimmer is a combo guard off the bench. He will have trouble guarding any of the quicker players in the league, but when you can shoot like him, they will find you a role.

Everyone questioned Stephon Curry's athleticism, strength, and quickness. And he is playing fine in the NBA. Actually more than fine. At worst Jimmer is a combo guard off the bench. He will have trouble guarding any of the quicker players in the league, but when you can shoot like him, they will find you a role.

Yeah, he reminds me of Stephen Curry too (presuming that's who you were referring to). Everything about them is the same, except the position they play, their style of play, their skin color, their skill set, their ability, their ceiling, their religion, their height, their weight, etc. Yeah, I guess they both breathe oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, so they do have that in common.

Yeah, he reminds me of Stephen Curry too (presuming that's who you were referring to). Everything about them is the same, except the position they play, their style of play, their skin color, their skill set, their ability, their ceiling, their religion, their height, their weight, etc. Yeah, I guess they both breathe oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, so they do have that in common.

Not a great take, more similar than most Fredette comparisons...also love the skin color mention.

I see an Adam Morrison type career for the Jimmer.

I might be way off, but it reminds me of the Ryan Wittman situation. I was discussing with a friend, and we agreed that Wittman's not in the NBA because he can't defend a position. That might have as much to do with leaping ability as it does with quickness. We might be wrong about that, but it's our sense.

Morrison made 17 million in 4 years with 3 different team.

Morrison made 17 million in 4 years with 3 different team.

He's not a complete failure for an NBA player, but for a 3rd overall pick, I'm sure the Bobcats wish they could have that one back lol.

Many of the best NBA point guards are unguardable. Nobody can guard Rose, Williams, CP3, ect. Jimmer will have to improve his D, but I think he'll be OK. He has an NBA level skill, Morrison didn't.

Many of the best NBA point guards are unguardable. Nobody can guard Rose, Williams, CP3, ect. Jimmer will have to improve his D, but I think he'll be OK. He has an NBA level skill, Morrison didn't.
I think Adam Morrison could have been a productive pro but his mental make-up along with the injury killed his chances.

Jimmer isn't asked to play defense because they can't afford to get him in foul trouble. I'm going to bet he has the athleticism to play defense if he wants to. He's actually pretty athletic.

I've heard a lot of comparisons to J.J. Redick. But Jimmer is head and shoulders above Redick. Jimmer can create his own shot and because of that, I think he'll be a solid pro. I think a very reasonable comparison is Stephen Curry.

I think a very reasonable comparison is Stephen Curry.

Why do people keep saying this? Curry is much better than Fredette at every basketball skill except shooting, and even that is probably a wash. It's not like Fredette has grown all that much as a player. He's the same guy he always was, except he may have gotten slightly better at shooting through repetition, and he received far more touches/looks the further he progressed in his college career. The two aren't even remotely similar, and the comparison is ridiculous. Fredette was a great college player, but he will be lucky to be a poor man's Redick in the NBA. They are basically the same player, but Redick is 6'4" and Fredette is 6'2" with platforms on.

Feel free to bookmark this thread, and we'll revisit it in 3 years when Curry is an All-Star and Fredette is some team's 10th man and 3-pt specialist at the end of games.


People keep saying Jimmer will struggle on D.

I think he will struggle on O. I saw Jimmer's shot get blocked quite a few times going to the hole. His height wont help him.

I saw Jimmer throw up shots that were not blocked and did not go in with Jimmer laying on the ground looking for a call. Jimmer can hoop but its a different game in the NBA then the WAC or whatever conf he was in.

He has good strength but not sure about him finishing at the hole in the NBA which might make him one dimensional. I think Curry is a little more crafty with the ball and his shot.

The move where Jimmer drives to the hole bumps into the defender and throws up a shot will end up in the 5th row in the NBA. Eddie House might be a good comparison with that said if your hooping in the NBA it's not a bad life.

Jimmer was fun to watch.. I like Kemba Walker better and hope the Wolve can grab him with their second FIRST round pick.

Why do people keep saying this? Curry is much better than Fredette at every basketball skill except shooting, and even that is probably a wash. It's not like Fredette has grown all that much as a player. He's the same guy he always was, except he may have gotten slightly better at shooting through repetition, and he received far more touches/looks the further he progressed in his college career. The two aren't even remotely similar, and the comparison is ridiculous. Fredette was a great college player, but he will be lucky to be a poor man's Redick in the NBA. They are basically the same player, but Redick is 6'4" and Fredette is 6'2" with platforms on.

Feel free to bookmark this thread, and we'll revisit it in 3 years when Curry is an All-Star and Fredette is some team's 10th man and 3-pt specialist at the end of games.

I think it's a fair comparison. Both are shooting guards who are forced to play point guard because they are too short. In what way is Curry far superior to Fredette in every way except shooting? I think Fredette is a very good passer and a very good ball handler. I also think he is a lot quicker than people give him credit for. I'm not saying he is superior to Curry in all of these areas, but Curry is certainly not clearly superior in these areas either. Curry has 1 or maybe 2 inches on Jimmer in height.

In what way is Curry far superior to Fredette in every way except shooting?

Passing - slight advantage Curry
Ball Handling - huge advantage Curry
3 pt Shooting - push
2 pt Shooting - slight advantage Curry
FT shooting - slight advantage Curry
Interior offense - huge advantage Curry
Quickness - huge advantage Curry
End-to-end speed - huge advantage Curry
Height - huge advantage Curry
Vertical - huge advantage Curry
Man defense - huge advantage Curry
Zone/help defense - slight advantage Curry
Rebounding - slight advantage Curry

That's how. It's really quite silly. Curry is one of the best young players in the NBA. Fredette will be extremely lucky to even be drawing an NBA paycheck 5 years from now. He is a one-dimensional player whose only NBA-level skill is 3 pt shooting. Curry is elite or near-elite in every NBA PG skill with the exception of his quickness and speed, which are just average or below-average for an NBA PG. The fact that he is still much better than Fredette in both of those areas should tell you something.

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