James Franklin must think Jerry Kill is one of the great college football recruiters

norman dale

Lord, grant me one Rose Bowl
Nov 20, 2008
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I think Coach Kill eluded to it during his introductory news conference in self-deprecating fashion that he probably outkicked his punt coverage with his wife.

"I've been saying it for a long time, I will not hire an assistant coach until I've seen his wife," Franklin said in the interview. "If she looks the part, and she's a D-1 recruit, then you got a chance to get hired. That's part of the deal.
"There's a very strong correlation between having the confidence, going up and talking to a woman, and being quick on your feet and having some personality and confidence and being fun and articulate, than it is walking into a high school and recruiting a kid and selling him."

I saw this story on Deadspin.com tonight.. what a joke.

I think it's so sad to see this comparison. Any self-respecting woman would put up a fight if their husband spoke this way about their marriage.

That said, James Franklin is going to be the next great college football villain if he can find a way to keep Vanderbilt winning.

I saw the story and laughed. Of course, I'm a middle-aged white guy and laugh at this kind of stuff. Maybe Franklin should hire Tim Meadows, after all, he's the Ladies Man.

I'd take James Franklin as the coach of my team in a second.

Embarassing that anyone felt it was necessary for him to apologize for any of those comments. How sensitive have we gotten? People use a lot more controversial reasons for weeding out candidates when hiring people than anything he said.

Good for him for speaking his mind. Some people just plain have a really hard time handling the truth when they hear it. In the real world, some things matter that other people don't think should matter. That's life. Deal with it.

I don't think he needed to apologize, but I found his comments mind-numbingly stupid.

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