Jacob Thomas


Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Jacob Thomas who is playing for Columbia Heights is a great player I was able to see him the other night.

Columbia Heights looked to shoot the ball in the first half. They wanted to get the ball into Jacob Thomas’s hands. When he had the ball he felt confident that he would hit the shot. He looked to shoot from anywhere on the court.

Jacob Thomas for Columbia Heights was able to knock down some key shots in the first half to keep Heights in the game.

Jacob Thomas scored 47 points for Columbia Heights. Benilde-St Margaret’s was able to come away with the 86-74 victory over Columbia Heights.


Thanks for the update. I wish Jacob Thomas was coming here next year instead of Hollins. I still think he could end up here in a year or two if he winds up attending prep school or junior college. He's exactly the kind of guard we could use next year with Westbrook's offense leaving. I think if Thomas is eligible somewhere, he could become a scorer in the mold of Stephen Curry. Not saying he'll be as good, but his offensive game could mirror what Curry did at Davidson.

Thanks for the update. I wish Jacob Thomas was coming here next year instead of Hollins. I still think he could end up here in a year or two if he winds up attending prep school or junior college. He's exactly the kind of guard we could use next year with Westbrook's offense leaving. I think if Thomas is eligible somewhere, he could become a scorer in the mold of Stephen Curry. Not saying he'll be as good, but his offensive game could mirror what Curry did at Davidson.

Thomas committed to Long Beach State.


Can you go back to prep school after a season of D1? I never really understood prep school, is it was for people that didn't finish HS or is it was like junior college and the earn transferable college credits?

Can you go back to prep school after a season of D1? I never really understood prep school, is it was for people that didn't finish HS or is it was like junior college and the earn transferable college credits?

I think he means if he doesn't qualify.

IC, I thought he was saying if he does't like the city, coach, playing time, etc. and returns to home like so many others.

I found an older NYTimes article related to my question: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/01/sports/ncaafootball/01preps.html

Some quotes;
The decision will shut down a glaring N.C.A.A. loophole, one exploited by diploma mills: students avoided graduating high school to pad their grade point average in a fifth year. The N.C.A.A. also hopes the new policy will help eliminate schools that exist solely to qualify players for college scholarships.

“If you’ve been a prep school focused on simply getting kids eligible that are not high school graduates, this is going to be problematic for you,” the N.C.A.A. vice president Kevin Lennon said.

Junior college basketball programs were virtually gutted in the past decade as students took fifth, sixth and sometimes even seventh years of prep school as alternatives to using two years of eligibility at a junior college. The last star players to go through junior college and play at four-year colleges were Steve Francis and Shawn Marion.

“In theory, this thing is probably the right idea,” said Bill Barton, the coach at Notre Dame Prep in Fitchburg, Mass. “But the reality is that you’re hurting a wide spectrum of kids that come from different backgrounds, but most are minority kids from the inner city. There has to be a lawsuit in here somewhere.”

Okay so is a Prep school in some cases like a 13th year? Also is it in some cases just like a high school? Findlay Prep, the school that Cory Joseph attends, is what? A high school or a school attended after high school? I read 98VQueens article (thank you) and ended up a little confused. Sorry if I'm off thread.

Didn't Westbrook attend a prep school for a year after graduating from high school before he came to MN?

Okay so is a Prep school in some cases like a 13th year? Also is it in some cases just like a high school? Findlay Prep, the school that Cory Joseph attends, is what? A high school or a school attended after high school? I read 98VQueens article (thank you) and ended up a little confused. Sorry if I'm off thread.

I thinks that's a good question and I am curious myself.

Okay so is a Prep school in some cases like a 13th year? Also is it in some cases just like a high school?

Yes - at the end of the day, it's like a high school in that it comes before college (and generally you can get a 'high school degree' from it).. there can be people that go to four years of prep school, then go to college.. and there can be people that, for example, go to four years of traditional high school, then go to the prep school... all prep schools will tell you they are all about helping a kid become well rounded and ready for college.. but they are often focused on a specific talent -- be it basketball, music, whatever. Some prep schools are highly selective and have incredibly high respect when it comes to academics.. others are shady and accused of bad things.

At any rate, the Thomas kid isn't that good.

Seems like a nice advantage to play basketball get your GPA up and not affect your four years of eligibility like JC. I saw the quote from Notre Dame Prep coach in the article. Not saying they don't focus on academics also, but they are certainly a basketball factory. They have a lot more D1 recruits then your top junior colleges.

Jordair Jett 6′2″ 200 St. Paul, MN - Reminds people of former UConn star Khalid El Amin and Pittsburgh’s Lavance Field. Uses size, strength and play making ability to be an effective “body guard.” Point guard all the way! Lots of schools involved at all levels. Most interested are Marquette, Baylor, Northern Iowa, St. Louis, Wisc-Milwaukee and North Dakota State. The Jett is wide-open!


Jordair Jett 6′2″ 200 St. Paul, MN - Reminds people of former UConn star Khalid El Amin and Pittsburgh’s Lavance Field. Uses size, strength and play making ability to be an effective “body guard.” Point guard all the way! Lots of schools involved at all levels. Most interested are Marquette, Baylor, Northern Iowa, St. Louis, Wisc-Milwaukee and North Dakota State. The Jett is wide-open!


Your information is bad - there are not lots of schools involved at all levels with Jordair Jett. Not a high-major talent at all - you don't want the Gophers to ride that Jett. I can assure you Marquette has no interest in Jordair Jett.

It's not exactly my information, after seeing that quote form Notre Dame Prep's coach I did a quick search at thought I would pass along the link. I don't think Jett is even a top five player for them, it appears he is the back-up pg to Memphis commit, Antonio Barton. They have another player committed to UCONN as well as other D1 commits and recruits every year, that's a basketball factory.

It's not exactly my information, after seeing that quote form Notre Dame Prep's coach I did a quick search at thought I would pass along the link. I don't think Jett is even a top five player for them, it appears he is the back-up pg to Memphis commit, Antonio Barton. They have another player committed to UCONN as well as other D1 commits and recruits, that's a basketball factory.

They have had some very good players pass through at Notre Dame Prep (MA), definitely. And a lot of so-so players... including the Gophers own Big John Williams.
Speaking of Memphis.. geez. What a ridiculous class coming in next year. Antonio Barton is the least heralded of all them and isn't even the best 'Barton' of the incoming class.. don't see that guy playing much next year with Jackson coming in.. The 2010 Memphis class is flat out scary.

They have had some very good players pass through at Notre Dame Prep (MA), definitely. And a lot of so-so players... including the Gophers own Big John Williams.
Speaking of Memphis.. geez. What a ridiculous class coming in next year. Antonio Barton is the least heralded of all them and isn't even the best 'Barton' of the incoming class.. don't see that guy playing much next year with Jackson coming in.. The 2010 Memphis class is flat out scary.

Cheap shot- Hopefully the Gophers will know whats it's like to have the best Joseph on their squad.

Time for some Mich St. vs Illinois.

I can assure you Marquette has no interest in Jordair Jett.

This may be a moot point for Gophers fans, but apparently there was some interest if the head coach went to watch him a few months ago.

The always quotable Hurd has been raving about Jett lately, but the Levance Fields look-a-like didn't suit up due to bronchitis.

"He's strong and attacks the rim," Hurd said. "He's a great passer and sees the floor well. He has a body to play as a freshman, but he needs to work on the mental aspect of the game."

Marquette head coach Buzz Williams was down to see the 6-foot-2, 200-pound Jett last week, and Wisconsin-Milwaukee was in attendance and able to evaluate his chair-sitting skills on Thursday. Baylor and St. Louis has both offered scholarships, while Seton Hall, Rutgers and UMass have expressed interest.


I have seen both players....

and I would take Jordair Jett over Jacob Thomas any day. As the article mentions he is very strong and can get to the rim quickly and finish. He's not a gifted shooter, but he finds ways to will the ball into the basket.

A very interesting prospect IMHO.

This may be a moot point for Gophers fans, but apparently there was some interest if the head coach went to watch him a few months ago.

Marquette head coach Buzz Williams was down to see the 6-foot-2, 200-pound Jett last week, and Wisconsin-Milwaukee was in attendance and able to evaluate his chair-sitting skills on Thursday. Baylor and St. Louis has both offered scholarships, while Seton Hall, Rutgers and UMass have expressed interest.


Like I said, I can assure you Marquette has no interest in Jett, in response to your claim that Marquette is one of a number of schools with high interest in the kid. This is college basketball recruiting - last September is an eternity ago and much has changed for most schools (i.e., in Marquette's case, the signing of Reggie Smith in the early signing period.) Besides that, head coaches see a ton of kids - other than a couple of mediocre programs from solid conferences, there has not been a ton of offers for the kid.

My main point here is this: As both a Marquette and Minnesota fan, I have absolutely zero interest in Thomas or Jett. They are not players that can help teams compete in the Big East or Big Ten. Both mid-major contributor type of guys, at best.

98VQueens said:
Cheap shot- Hopefully the Gophers will know whats it's like to have the best Joseph on their squad.

Nothing wrong with being honest!

in response to your claim

Again, it's not my claim, there are multiple sources, albeit two-three months old that say he has offers from St. Louis and Nebraska, interest from Marquette, Arkansas, Baylor, Iowa State and others.

I'm never said he belongs on the Gophers or Marquette.

Clem's Gophers said:
Again, it's not my claim

Lots of schools involved at all levels. Most interested are Marquette, Baylor, Northern Iowa, St. Louis, Wisc-Milwaukee and North Dakota State.

Hah.. I get what you're saying, I'm just giving you an 'update' on the old information. Although when you say what you said (see above quote), that sure sounds like your claim. You were just basing it on old/bad information when your own words (not the article, but your own words) inferred there was currently involvement from schools 'at all levels' and that Marquette was one of the most interested schools.

The real issue is tomorrow - I'm not sure if it's possible for It's Indiana, It's Indiana to be embarrassed by losing to a quality team, but if it is I hope they are thoroughly embarrassed tomorrow. Big day tomorrow - I need the Vikings to handle Dallas (noon, ct), then Marquette to beat Providence (3pm ct) and the Gophers to demolish II, II (3:30pm ct). Oh yeah.. and church in the morning!

what you said (see above quote), that sure sounds like your claim. You were just basing it on old/bad information when your own words (not the article, but your own words) inferred there was currently involvement from schools 'at all levels' and that Marquette was one of the most interested schools.

Church, Gophers, Vikings tomorrow, I'm with you on that.

'Lots of schools involved at all levels. Most interested are Marquette, Baylor, Northern Iowa, St. Louis, Wisc-Milwaukee and North Dakota State.' - http://fivestarbasketball.wordpress.com/2009/10/15/notre-dame-preps-depth-will-be-their-strength/ - The quote following came directly from this link, sorry if it wasn't clear.

Having played vs both Thomas ans Jett in high school (Thomas as a sophomore hit a game winning 3 against us and Jett went off for 32 in the second half of the game as a sophomore), I have to say I was very impressed by both of them. Jett reminds me a bit of Nolan but I cannot see Thomas competing in the Big Ten

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