Iverson and Williams


Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Good game Iverson and Williams. The rest...not so much.

Two losses to a really bad basketball team. Two blow-outs more like it.

Very frustrating.

all i saw from iverson was turnovers and missed shots and stupid fouls...per usual

If Williams has a good game, it's likely because he got extended minutes because they were getting blown out.

Nice dunk though. Hopefully that doesn't vault him into the top 5 of the draft and he leaves after this season.

Willams is going to be very good. He sorta gave this team a little spark in the beginning. Most of his points came via garbage minutes, but he showed that he is very athletic, and that he will be a force down the road. As for Iverson, he had much better hands tonight then ever before, but most of his points were compliled up in garbage minute time. He had no answer for Sims when the game was still good. Commited stupid fouls etc... Hats off to them both for having good stats however!


You are wrong about Williams getting a lot of garbage minutes. Didn't you hear it when one of the announcers actually said he was getting good minutes in the "meat" of the game? I think it was about the 7 minute mark in the second half, someone can correct me on that. I posted it at the time in the "Rodney" thread below. Was there any "meat" in this game after about the first 10 minutes? I know these guys are trying to fill time, but come on....

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