That coaches can get away with signing $2MM+ contracts and can walk before there committment expires. (Not saying Tubby is leaving, just in general) If they are not performing they simply get fired and get paid the remaining balance of the contract. It seems to be a one sided contract in most cases. I get the idea of leverage some of these coaches have and they are definetly wearing the pants. But, when are professional players going to start demand contracts that give them this type of leverage? Do the AD's in the NCAA have to balls to come together to put a stipulation that requires fullfillment of the contract unless they retire or go to another league? At least put a major poison pill in these contracts that prohibits them from jumping hear and there. All this does is hurt the schools, players, recruits, fans, etc. At least have a "cure" period that binds them, say, for 5 years of a 7 year deal. I would almost rather sign a solid young coach and roll the dice, rather than dealing with this speculation every year. It will also hurt Tubby in future years if he doesn't dispell emphatically these rumors. Minnesota is not the type of school that will attain 5 star recruits without a committed coach.