Is the Band Playing Wednesday?

watertown 1987 guy n

Well-known member
Dec 2, 2008
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:confused:Is the band gonig to be there or are they still out? If not, seems a bit sad that they couldn't put some effort into scrounging up enough alumni and students to celebrate the big ten opener.

Good point. The atmosphere just isn't the same without the band. No offense to the old recordings over the PA, but it gets me about as excited as I get at a funeral.

Yeah this is huge, I'm worried about it. Between break and the football game I'm not confident. The SE Lousiana game didn't have the band and then earlier this year in the NABC Classic we were sans a band and those games really missed an element. The Rouser was really lacking without the band.

I hope in some form they are there. Need them for this game!

The lack of a band at the last two games has really had a big part in killing the vibe. The High Point game was the low point of crowd involvement, possibly all season (I was in Madison during the NABC, so I don't want to say definitely). When Steadman Short was shooting free throws for HP in the 1st half, you could have heard a Gopher chewing on some green, leafy vegetables on the corner of Oak and University. But, like the SE Louisiana game, it was near Christmas against a non-conf opponent without any name appeal, so playing without the band was somewhat understandable.

To have a Big 10 opener without a band would be a real shame.

I would think there is no way they would leave behind some of the band members from the trip or fly them into arizona on a special flight between games. Usually the band is at the bowl game for a few days in advance rehearsing and doing pep fests. Maybe the alumni band will be there.

I hope they have the band there, I think it's a big element. Especially after sitting right next to them during the Cornell game when that place got fired up in the second half during timeouts the band director told the band members to turn and point towards Cornell's huddle while they blasted the rouser to make it even louder for them to hear during the timeout. It was pretty funny and cool to see that.

I also hope they have the "A" squad better-looking older cheerleaders there and not the 12 year old looking little girls they've had at most of the games this season. If you go to a lot of games, you know exactly what I mean, haha!

I'd expect the alumni band will be there. It's too big of a game not to have some kind of band there.

Please, anything other than the cliche Zombie Nation (is there an arena in the country that doesn't play this idiotic pregame headache?) and the rest of the piped-in noise pollution. Music as fake as Pamela Anderson's you-know-whats.

"Maybe the alumni band will be there."

This what I'm assuming. Even if it's half as loud as the normal band and they play the Rouser at every break in the action, it's still preferable to the in-house music played at the last two games. If I wanted to watch basketball with a lifeless crowd and listen to recorded music, I'd just take the free Timberwolves tickets that are omnipresent in the skyways on game day.

Prince and MJ are good. The band is good. Together, somehow, someway they are great.

I hate piped in music at college basketball games, but their choices could be much, much worse.

The difference in the cheerleading squads is that one group is the actual cheerleaders, while the other is the dance team. Dance team >>>> Cheerleaders

Yes, an alumni band will be there, I got an e-mail a couple of days ago about it. I assume the regular pep band will be there for Ohio State, as they should be back from Arizona by then.

I agree about the MJ, Prince and Earth, Wind & Fire that is played well before the start of the game, when most of the crowd hasn't arrived. It's a nice, relaxing, feel-good, cool way to settle into your seat and watch players from both teams warm up. Whoever decided to switch to the MJ/Prince/EWF music motif in pregame gets a thumbs up.

The difference in the cheerleading squads is that one group is the actual cheerleaders, while the other is the dance team. Dance team >>>> Cheerleaders

Ah, that makes sense. I wonder if we can trade some cheerleaders for a couple dance team members for the rest of the year? ;)

Ah, that makes sense. I wonder if we can trade some cheerleaders for a couple dance team members for the rest of the year? ;)

The dance team chicks are hot as hell, I'm with you 100%. However, I doubt they are there on Wednesday since most of them are likely down in Tempe for the Insight Bowl.

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