Is Edsall Brewster 2.0?

No, he went to a BCS game with UConn. Brewster was a Broncos Tight ends coach.

I think they will both fail for completely different reasons.

Edsall has done a terrible job of getting Friedgen's (spelling) players to buy into what he is doing at all. I never got the vibe that was the case here with Brew. Brew had a lot of failures as a coach, but he treated every kid on the roster like he recruited them, which is what a coach should do.

Edsall has done a terrible job of getting Friedgen's (spelling) players to buy into what he is doing at all. I never got the vibe that was the case here with Brew. Brew had a lot of failures as a coach, but he treated every kid on the roster like he recruited them, which is what a coach should do.

+1. "Wait 'til [x coach] gets his recruits in here" is a recipe for failure. If he can't take the players already on the roster and make them better, why/how is he going to do it with his own recruits?

I've got several thoughts on this:

1) Gary Crowton needs a PR person. His statements/disloyalty will make finding an OC job more difficult. You can say those things after you get a job, but before just looks like sour grapes.

2) WARNING: Masonites, do not read further. The epic collapse of of the Terps in the second half of the NC State games is eerily familiar to the collapses of the Mason Era. Edsall is a Mason/Brewster hybrid.

Brew had a lot of failures as a coach, but he treated every kid on the roster like he recruited them, which is what a coach should do.

Not completely...the players he inherited were not too happy that all Brew talked about was recruiting for the first year he was coach.

I could easily see Edsell's former OC Norries Wilson (former gopher lineman) goes back to becoming the OC at Maryland. Norries got fired at Columbia as the HC.

I could easily see Edsell's former OC Norries Wilson (former gopher lineman) goes back to becoming the OC at Maryland. Norries got fired at Columbia as the HC.
I think Edsall is a very good defensive coach that will succeed if given time. I don't think he is a good recruitier, and is very conservative offensively mostly worrying about keeping his D our of trouble. He could compete in a conference like the Big East or if he was at a helmet school in an area with a boatload of talent. There is a lot of talent in the ACC area; given enough time he may do alright.

The firing of Ralph Friedgen had a lot of similarities to the firing of Mason. Both took-over programs that were cellar-dwellers for several years and brought them to a level that few outsiders thought was possible. Both saw their programs back-track a bit, and both were ultimately fired with horrible timing and without any sort of real vision or plan.

But Edsall and Brewster are very different. Edsall was a proven program-builder. He took Connecticut from nothing to mediocrity (in the worst BCS conference after most of its best teams had left for the ACC), including a highwater mark 9-win season.

Why did Maryland hire a coach like this after a 9-win season in the ACC? It is every bit as confusing as why Minnesota thought it apropos to hire a first-time HC to "improve" a program that was bowl-eligible 7 out of the previous 8 seasons in the Big Ten (at a time when it was very easily the first or second strongest conference).

Either one of these hires might have worked out. But it wasn't very likely. In both cases, the AD relied pretty much exclusively on selling hope and hype to sell a few season tickets. Both completely ignored or failed to comprehend the 10-20 year impact of their descisions.

Minnesota was intereseted in Edsall in the hope that he would have been able to get the team back to a .500-.600 level. I can't understand what the hell Maryland was thinking.

No, he went to a BCS game with UConn. Brewster was a Broncos Tight ends coach.

It is notable that this UConn team might have been the worst team to ever play in a BCS bowl.
.666 win percentage overall with a .714 conference win percentage (in the worst BCS conference, in a year that the Big East was even significantly worse than at least 2 non-AQ conferences).

The firing of Ralph Friedgen had a lot of similarities to the firing of Mason. Both took-over programs that were cellar-dwellers for several years and brought them to a level that few outsiders thought was possible. Both saw their programs back-track a bit, and both were ultimately fired with horrible timing and without any sort of real vision or plan.

But Edsall and Brewster are very different. Edsall was a proven program-builder. He took Connecticut from nothing to mediocrity (in the worst BCS conference after most of its best teams had left for the ACC), including a highwater mark 9-win season.

Why did Maryland hire a coach like this after a 9-win season in the ACC? It is every bit as confusing as why Minnesota thought it apropos to hire a first-time HC to "improve" a program that was bowl-eligible 7 out of the previous 8 seasons in the Big Ten (at a time when it was very easily the first or second strongest conference).

Either one of these hires might have worked out. But it wasn't very likely. In both cases, the AD relied pretty much exclusively on selling hope and hype to sell a few season tickets. Both completely ignored or failed to comprehend the 10-20 year impact of their descisions.

Minnesota was intereseted in Edsall in the hope that he would have been able to get the team back to a .500-.600 level. I can't understand what the hell Maryland was thinking.
Exactly right! We were interested in him because he was NDs choice the year before. Obviously, Maturi recognized that the two jobs require almost exactly the same skills in a coach, so he decided the same coach should work here.

Edsall reminds me more of Steve Kragthorpe going from Tulsa to Louisville and being an absolute disaster.

RichRod from WV to Michigan would be another example.

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