Iowa strength and conditioning coach


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Nov 20, 2008
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Talked to a friend who is from Iowa and is a huge Iowa fan. He said that Iowa faded in the fourth quarter in a number of games and that the strength/conditioning coach was getting a lot of the blame in the papers and blogs. So he feels the coach up the ante a bit because of that pressure.

He is also just like all the other Iowa folks that completely dismisses all the miss deeds as long as Iowa wins. I still think it was terrible that Ferentz's son was living in housing meant for folks on welfare and he was making over 2 million a year at the time. He never got in any real trouble for it.

Mason was on KFAN yesterday, and did not want to accuse anyone of anything, but had a hard time believing a single workout, expecially in the winter, could be strenuous enough to cause this much damage. Said he never saw anything like it in 30 years of college football. Did not say it was not possible at all, just found it hard to believe something else did not happen that compounded the issue with the workout. Did not say anything about what the other compounding factor was, that it was illegal, or how it happened. Did not want to make judgements, but thought over-exertion after winter break was more likely to get kids to throw up on the sidelines than have this problem.

Talk Mom's into believing you care about their kids

I would think he would lose credibility with parents when he tells them that he will take care of their sons but he won't he quit recruiting long enough to come back and see his players in the hospital. Sounds more like "I will take care of your sons long enough to get them on campus."

I would think he would lose credibility with parents when he tells them that he will take care of their sons but he won't he quit recruiting long enough to come back and see his players in the hospital. Sounds more like "I will take care of your sons long enough to get them on campus."

Although I agree but he needs to keep winning the recruiting battle or he will not have a job. He should come back to Iowa City and see how is current players are doing.

Iowa Newspapers.

Iowa newspapers are far from giving the Iowa football program a pass on this workout/hospitalizations issue. I follow the biggest paper in the state (Des Moines Register), the third largest (Cedar Rapids Gazette) and the Iowa City paper. This story has been on the front page of all three papers more times than not since the story broke. The following items have been noted:
1. This matter is the latest in a fairly long series of recent incidents that reflect very poorly on the University of Iowa and its athletic programs. Rape cases (some alleged and others confirmed) and drug cases lead the list.
2. In the latest rape case (the one at which Ferentz testified this month) there are law suits still pending that question the way the athletic department handled and/or interfered with investigations of the original incident.
3. Because of the matters listed above, the University of Iowa will have a difficult time sweeping the workout/hospitalization matter under the rug.
4. So many players and their concerned parents are involved in this latest incident that it will be nearly impossible for a cover-up to take place.
5. No one would be surprised if the nature of the workouts did not reflect the fact that Iowa faded at the end of almost half its games in 2010.
6. On the other hand, there is much and growing suspicion that some other element in addition to the nature of the workouts was at play in these matters--probably involving supplements of some kind. This has been reported on in all the papers.
7. Ferentz and the athletic director have handled the workout/hospitalizations poorly. The news conference held last week had doctors not even involved in the treatment of the football players, a nonentity representing the athletic department and a parent of a player who is a high school football coach himself and who was totally sympathetic with the Hawkeye football staff.
8. The athletic director did not appear at the press conference and Ferentz did not make a public statement about it until Friday.
9. From what I know, no one has heard from a mother of a player. That could be when a lot more stuff hits the fan.
10. This story has legs and will be associated with the Iowa Hawkeye football programs for months to come.

What will be the out come of this?
The parents of the kids will want there pint of blood. Will that pint be a lawsuit or will it be the dismissal of the conditioning coach or maybe even the firing of the head coach?
This is a very ugly situation and it will be interesting to watch what happens.

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