Iowa staying classy

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Jan 17, 2010
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CLIVE — Kirk Ferentz first got the idea in late January. The topic was the inaugural assistant coach of the year award.

You know where this is headed.

Iowa became immersed in the aftermath of the rhabdomyolysis outbreak that sent 13 players to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics after a strenuous workout in late January.

The outbreak, which a UI investigation later concluded had no root cause, happened under the watch of strength and conditioning coach Chris Doyle, who bore the brunt of the waves of national criticism.

Tuesday night, Ferentz said a lot of the lessons players learn start with the strength and conditioning program and then announced to the Polk County I-Club that Doyle was Iowa’s most valuable coach of the year.

Doyle, who declined an interview request, accepted to a standing ovation and loud cheers. He also spoke publiclly for the first time since the rhabdo outbreak.

“We went through some well-documented difficult times this past offseason,” Doyle said. “Sometimes when we face adversity, you really find out what you’re made out of.

“The strength of the Iowa program is in the people, the character and community that has been developed under coach Ferentz and his leadership. That’s where it starts, with Kirk. He does his best stuff when there are tough times. That’s when you see Kirk’s best stuff, you see his best grit. That was certainly the case here.”

Doyle also thanked UI President Sally Mason and athletics director Gary Barta. He also spoke about the families involved in the rhabdo outbreak.

“Most importantly, the athletes’ families who were involved this past winter, their character, their strength,” Doyle said. “There’s a lot we can learn from this and move forward from there.

“We know we have an obligation to the people of the state of Iowa to come to work everyday and build a program that represents this state and the people in it the way they’d want it run. And we’re going to continue to do that.”

Wow, in order to win next year's award maybe a coach can shoot for 25 players in the hospital?

New Iowa recruiting slogan: "Play for Iowa, we won't quite kill you!"

I think I’d rather take my chances hunting with Dick Cheney. In Iowa, he’d be sportsman of the year.

Most places would try to learn from this experience and move as quickly away from it hoping it would fad from the publics memory. Iowa chooses to award the Strain & Collapse coach?????? Gotta say a U of I public relations degree is not looking as good as it may have a year ago.

Most places would try to learn from this experience and move as quickly away from it hoping it would fad from the publics memory. Iowa chooses to award the Strain & Collapse coach?????? Gotta say a U of I public relations degree is not looking as good as it may have a year ago.

Yeah, that is rather baffling. Even before this, rather than taking any responsibility, Iowa blamed people for even talking about it, and here, they create an award which seems like an excuse to thumb their noses at anyone critical of their handling of this situation. It seems the whole thing would have blown over, why bring it back into the news?

Can you imagine if this had happened at the U?

Funny thing is, they are very proud of this award! A standing Ovation! Well it gave them something to stand up for besides the corn.

A friend of mine moved from Minneapolis to Des Moines. That in itself raised the average IQ of both states.

So, he recieved an award for successfully covering up a supplements scandal. If we had only thought of that with Luther Darville and Jan Ganglehoff...

A perfect example of how many athletic programs are, in effect, "closed systems," that operate on a different planet when it comes to how they deal with, for lack of a better term, idiocy. In just about any other walk of life, this assistant coach would have been sent packing. Here, he's given an honor for dealing with a tense situation that he created on his own. It's like the kid who burned down his house, but was helpful when the Fire Department arrived.

A perfect example of how many athletic programs are, in effect, "closed systems," that operate on a different planet when it comes to how they deal with, for lack of a better term, idiocy. In just about any other walk of life, this assistant coach would have been sent packing. Here, he's given an honor for dealing with a tense situation that he created on his own. It's like the kid who burned down his house, but was helpful when the Fire Department arrived.

More like the arsonist who dials 911 after lighting the oily rags.

To give the S&C coach the award just makes Ferentz and the University look incredibly insensitive to the players and their families.

Even if Ferentz really felt like the guy deserved the award, leave the sleeping dog lie. Give him the award next year. Unbelievable.

And the sad part? It probably won't affect Iowa's recruiting. UGH!!

I still hope the NCAA sniffs around and finds something, but I'm not holding my breath.

I am laughing a bit at the situation between tOSU and Iowa. Tressel is obviously culpable more what has happened to him and the tOSU football program, but Ferentz has been running the equivalent of a half-way house down in Iowa City and then does a tone-deaf thing like this and no one even arches an eyebrow.

This strikes me as the equivalent of John Boehner introducing a resolution in the House today declaring that George Bush was the greatest President ever. Surely it's a joke, right?

I heard about this also and had the same reaction most of you did. But, not surprising to me, hawkeye fans I've talked to don't see it as a big deal at all, just like they didn't when the whole thing happened this winter. It's one thing to be a "homer" and be bias about your program, but it's crazy how many hawkeye fans will defend their program no matter what. I haven't heard even a bit of criticism of Ferentz down here over this.

Classiness abounds in Iowa. Consider all the Broadway shows in Des Moines.

Perhaps by not taking any responsibility, and doubling down, he's forcing the fan base to either rally behind him or tear down the program.

Broadway? really?

Speaking of which - season tickets are on sale now for the 2011 - 2012 season:

Let us see...Birds of a feather, 1983. Old and outdated.
Romeo and Juliet, the American Version, 1957 Is this the 50th time it has been performed?
Bring it on, a bad movie made into a worse musical...
Memphis, is decent.
Billy Elliot another movie made into a play...skipola
Wicked is excellent, depending on cast.
Rain, not sure the need of this play.
so the real question they ever show plays? or just musicals?
Broadway this is not.

In comparison, a real Broadway company's season:
by William Shakespeare
directed by Joe Dowling
September 10 – November 5, 2011
Wurtele Thrust Stage

by Seamus Heaney
based upon Sophocles' Antigone
directed by Marcela Lorca
September 24 – November 6, 2011
McGuire Proscenium Stage

by Adam Rapp
directed by Benjamin McGovern
October 22 – November 20, 2011
Dowling Studio

by Charles Dickens
adapted by Crispin Whittell
directed by Joe Dowling
November 19 – December 30, 2011
Wurtele Thrust Stage

by Brandon Thomas
directed by John Miller-Stephany
November 26, 2011 – January 15, 2012
McGuire Proscenium Stage

by Tennessee Williams
directed by TBA
January 14 – February 26, 2012
Wurtele Thrust Stage

The Acting Company in association with
The Guthrie Theater presents
by William Shakespeare
directed by Rob Melrose
January 14 – February 5, 2012
Dowling Studio

by Peter Quilter
directed by Terry Johnson
January 28 – March 11, 2012
McGuire Proscenium Stage

by Conor McPherson
from the short story by Daphne du Maurier
directed by Henry Wishcamper
February 25 – April 8, 2012
Dowling Studio

by Noël Coward
directed by Christopher Luscombe
March 10 – April 22, 2012
Wurtele Thrust Stage

by Donald Margulies
directed by Joe Dowling
April 7 – May 20, 2012
McGuire Proscenium Stage

The Guthrie Theater presents
A Penumbra Theatre Company production of
by James Baldwin
directed by Lou Bellamy
May 5 – June 17, 2012
Wurtele Thrust Stage

music and lyrics by Cole Porter
book by Paul Blake
based on the Paramount Pictures motion picture
directed by John Miller-Stephany
McGuire Proscenium Stage
June 9 - August 19, 2012

by Neil Simon
directed by Gary Gisselman
July 7 – September 2, 2012
Wurtele Thrust Stage

So, he recieved an award for successfully covering up a supplements scandal. If we had only thought of that with Luther Darville and Jan Ganglehoff...

I don't see anything in there about supplements causing it.

OR are you implying that either the health care providers that treated the players or the media in Iowa City agreed with the U of Iowa athletic dept to diagnose and report a fake condition?

I don't see anything in there about supplements causing it.

OR are you implying that either the health care providers that treated the players or the media in Iowa City agreed with the U of Iowa athletic dept to diagnose and report a fake condition?

You may have missed this table:

Medications and Toxic Substances That Increase the Risk of Rhabdomyolysis

Direct myotoxicity

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, especially in combination with fibrate-derived lipid-lowering agents such as niacin (nicotinic acid; Nicolar)
Cyclosporine (Sandimmune)
Itraconazole (Sporanox)
Zidovudine (Retrovir)

Indirect muscle damage

Central nervous system depressants
Ecstasy (MDMA)
Neuromuscular blocking agents

Let us see...Birds of a feather, 1983. Old and outdated.
Romeo and Juliet, the American Version, 1957 Is this the 50th time it has been performed?
Bring it on, a bad movie made into a worse musical...
Memphis, is decent.
Billy Elliot another movie made into a play...skipola
Wicked is excellent, depending on cast.
Rain, not sure the need of this play.
so the real question they ever show plays? or just musicals?
Broadway this is not.

In comparison, a real Broadway company's season:
by William Shakespeare
directed by Joe Dowling
September 10 – November 5, 2011
Wurtele Thrust Stage

by Seamus Heaney
based upon Sophocles' Antigone
directed by Marcela Lorca
September 24 – November 6, 2011
McGuire Proscenium Stage

by Adam Rapp
directed by Benjamin McGovern
October 22 – November 20, 2011
Dowling Studio

by Charles Dickens
adapted by Crispin Whittell
directed by Joe Dowling
November 19 – December 30, 2011
Wurtele Thrust Stage

by Brandon Thomas
directed by John Miller-Stephany
November 26, 2011 – January 15, 2012
McGuire Proscenium Stage

by Tennessee Williams
directed by TBA
January 14 – February 26, 2012
Wurtele Thrust Stage

The Acting Company in association with
The Guthrie Theater presents
by William Shakespeare
directed by Rob Melrose
January 14 – February 5, 2012
Dowling Studio

by Peter Quilter
directed by Terry Johnson
January 28 – March 11, 2012
McGuire Proscenium Stage

by Conor McPherson
from the short story by Daphne du Maurier
directed by Henry Wishcamper
February 25 – April 8, 2012
Dowling Studio

by Noël Coward
directed by Christopher Luscombe
March 10 – April 22, 2012
Wurtele Thrust Stage

by Donald Margulies
directed by Joe Dowling
April 7 – May 20, 2012
McGuire Proscenium Stage

The Guthrie Theater presents
A Penumbra Theatre Company production of
by James Baldwin
directed by Lou Bellamy
May 5 – June 17, 2012
Wurtele Thrust Stage

music and lyrics by Cole Porter
book by Paul Blake
based on the Paramount Pictures motion picture
directed by John Miller-Stephany
McGuire Proscenium Stage
June 9 - August 19, 2012

by Neil Simon
directed by Gary Gisselman
July 7 – September 2, 2012
Wurtele Thrust Stage

Give him a break. That was actually a pretty funny response. He's nothing like PantherHawk. Then again nobody is like that....

You may have missed this table:

Medications and Toxic Substances That Increase the Risk of Rhabdomyolysis

Direct myotoxicity

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, especially in combination with fibrate-derived lipid-lowering agents such as niacin (nicotinic acid; Nicolar)
Cyclosporine (Sandimmune)
Itraconazole (Sporanox)
Zidovudine (Retrovir)

Indirect muscle damage

Central nervous system depressants
Ecstasy (MDMA)
Neuromuscular blocking agents

Whoops! Indeed, I completely missed the possibility that the Iowa strength & conditioning coach could've been giving his players Cocaine and Ecstasy in order to boost their workouts.

The medications listed are for: lowering cholesterol (statins), transplanted organ rejection prevention, anti-fungal, antibiotics, gout prevention, anti-viral and dermatitis treatment. If he was giving his players oral corticosteroids thinking that they were "steroids" to beef them up or thinking that they would act as a general anti-inflammatory - then there's no real controversy here, he's just a moron.

Give him a break. That was actually a pretty funny response. He's nothing like PantherHawk. Then again nobody is like that....

No problem StP. I wasn't expecting hugs and kisses...and he delivered.

I don't see anything in there about supplements causing it.

OR are you implying that either the health care providers that treated the players or the media in Iowa City agreed with the U of Iowa athletic dept to diagnose and report a fake condition?

Pick one (from your own link):

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, especially in combination with fibrate-derived lipid-lowering agents such as niacin (nicotinic acid; Nicolar)

All have been known in the (yes, way back) past to be in "supplements" or have "natural" chemicals that mimic these affects in the body.

IT CAN'T BE CAUSED BY OVER-EXERCISE IN THAT MANY PEOPLE AT ONE TIME IN ONE PLACE. Get it through your head. It is statistically IMPOSSIBLE. There was some outside agent involved. To say "we'll never know what it was" is utter B.S.

There is either a cover-up, inept investigators, or flat out idiots involved. I'll hope for the latter and wish you good luck.

Lastly, I have never visited another team's board. I find that interesting, and quite telling...

Pick one (from your own link):

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, especially in combination with fibrate-derived lipid-lowering agents such as niacin (nicotinic acid; Nicolar)

All have been known in the (yes, way back) past to be in "supplements" or have "natural" chemicals that mimic these affects in the body.

IT CAN'T BE CAUSED BY OVER-EXERCISE IN THAT MANY PEOPLE AT ONE TIME IN ONE PLACE. Get it through your head. It is statistically IMPOSSIBLE. There was some outside agent involved. To say "we'll never know what it was" is utter B.S.

There is either a cover-up, inept investigators, or flat out idiots involved. I'll hope for the latter and wish you good luck.

Lastly, I have never visited another team's board. I find that interesting, and quite telling...

The medicines listed above are for: lowering cholesterol (statins), transplanted organ rejection prevention, anti-fungal, antibiotics, gout prevention, anti-viral and dermatitis treatment.

On the other hand, one of the known causes is intense physical activity. If the whole team was doing the same workout - certainly that's a legitimate explanation for why many came down with the same condition.

I will agree it's suspicious in the sense that every team does workouts, why would Iowa's be such much harder. Makes you wonder just what kind of workouts they were doing.

This is a message board for U of M football fans, correct? I am one of those. I attend the U of M currently.

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