Iowa Postgame Presser Quotes and Notes

Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
Tracy Claeys:
On what stands out in the loss: Obvious, we got whipped up front. Couldn’t create space with the OL. No pocket to pass. Leidner couldn’t ever set his feet because he had to get the hell out of the way. They were tight on our receivers, didn’t have as big of windows to throw to. Their D just took it to us.

Like to have a stalemate up front and we didn’t even get that.

Shot ourselves in the foot in the first half. Dropped pass, INT, fumble, just sloppy. Never did really block them up front very much. They just whipped us up front.

Keeps going to back how bad the OL got dominated.

On the big run: Missed a tackle. We get a tackle there we’re good. Defensively, we played well enough to win the game.

Our DL did awfully well. Coverage was good. I wasn’t disappointed with the defense at all. We got after them as much up front as their DL got after us.

No update on Pirsig injury. Calhoun still battling a toe injury.

Shannon Brooks:
I think the holes were there. Maybe missed a few holes on certain plays. We could have broken more tackles. Have to work on ball security.

The reaction in the locker room was just quiet. This is one that’s a big rivalry. It was a hurt feeling in the room. We train all year for this game, to play for the pig.

They were really physical. A lot of teams are going to be like that because they know how we like to run the ball. We just have to be ready for that.

Nick Rallis:
Defensively, we did a good job keeping them out of the end zone. Just one big play in there to stop; to play a complete game. Big plays are something we to have to avoid, and one is too many.

It tough to not take Floyd home because it’s something that lives with you forever. It sucks. We still have the Axe to play for. We’re just going back to work tomorrow to get ready for Maryland.

On having Sherels back: He brings energy and enthusiasm. Gets on us when we’re doing something wrong. Felt a security with him down there. Having him there to get us in the right spots was very comforting today.

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