Iowa Jokes - any new ones?


Nov 4, 2009
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: What do you call a bunch of tractors parked in front of a McDonald’s on Friday night in Iowa?

A: Prom.


In Minnesota, if people are told they have six months to live, they move to Iowa, where it seems like a decade.


Well, when ya can’t beat ‘em, laugh at ‘em. That’s what they say in Minnesota – about Iowans.

Q. Why did the Hawkeye cross the road?

A. He didn’t. He backed into it, the same way Iowa got into its last bowl game.


Q. How do you get a University of Iowa graduate off your porch?

A. Pay him for the pizza.


Q. What do you get if you drive through Ames SLOWLY?

A. A degree in Engineering

Did you hear the one about the 2 pigs in the bathroom. Never mind.

And you married an Iowan woman. It precluded me from saying the only Iowa joke I know.

A guy is at a bar and he says to the man next to him, "Do you want to hear a hilarious Iowa joke?" The man turns to him and, trying to intimidate him, says "I went to the University of Iowa and so did my 2 friends here and we are all over 6'-4" 300lbs, so do you still want to tell the joke?" He responds, "No, I don't want to have to explain it 3 times."

A guy is at a bar and he says to the man next to him, "Do you want to hear a hilarious Iowa joke?" The man turns to him and, trying to intimidate him, says "I went to the University of Iowa and so did my 2 friends here and we are all over 6'-4" 300lbs, so do you still want to tell the joke?" He responds, "No, I don't want to have to explain it 3 times."


I'll tell this again. What do you call a beautiful woman in Iowa? A tourist.

Q- Why did they chose turf for TCF Bank Stadium??

A- To keep the Iowa chicks from grazing on the field..

How many Iowa jokes are there? Just two, the rest are true stories.

What do you call someone from Iowa walking down the street with a sow under each ARM?

A pimp!!

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