Iowa Fan Stories at the Bank


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Jul 28, 2009
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Who else had D-bag Iowa fans in their neighbor's season tickets?? We were completely surrounded in Sec. 111. There were even four hog-farmers in row 1 who felt the need to stand the entire game. I guess they were trying to get a better view of their beloved Hawks. All of the frustrating moments from this season were wiped away today after seeing those 4 hog farmers slouch and march up the stairs towards the exits.


Who else had D-bag Iowa fans in their neighbor's season tickets?? We were completely surrounded in Sec. 111. There were even four hog-farmers in row 1 who felt the need to stand the entire game. I guess they were trying to get a better view of their beloved Hawks. All of the frustrating moments from this season were wiped away today after seeing those 4 hog farmers slouch and march up the stairs towards the exits.


The stereotype of Iowa fans is on the money 80% of the time. Rude, obnoxious, uneducated, etc. There are some good ones too but its like no other fan base I have ever seen. Wisconsin fans are 10 times better.

The stereotype of Iowa fans is on the money 80% of the time. Rude, obnoxious, uneducated, etc. There are some good ones too but its like no other fan base I have ever seen. Wisconsin fans are 10 times better.

Yes, yes, and yes.

I've said it 100 times - I've been to every Big Ten Stadium, and never had any real problems, save for Iowa City.

As to their visiting fans coming here . . . it is like a teenager on their first trip away from home, or on their first drinking binge. Try acting like you've been there before. Good grief.

we had a lady right behind us who just vulgar and angry the whole game. f this, f that, f'ing embarrassment. we laughed at her the whole time.

The tickets behind us are consistently sold to visiting fans, and the seats to our right are owned by scalpers. I figure after a 3-9 season the owners of both sets will not be renewing, which is a good thing.

We had 10 to 12 inbreds across the aisle. Two of the hot babes had to weigh 300 pounds and all they could do was scream "go hawks" and I mean scream! As one of the guys left he said to us "You guys deserved to win-you beat us". Guess there might be a few with class.

If Iowa continues to circle the bottom of the toilet bowl will Nebraska be able to reject this lame new artificial Nebraska-Iowa "rivalry game" and give them back to the Gophers? Please?

they did not disappoint us

Once again...the Iowa fans did not disappoint or change our expectations of them. No class...rude and obnoxious pretty much sums it up....male and female....also add in drunk and excessively vulgar language. We met a FEW NICE iowa fans in the tailgating lot....and they mentioned how ashamed they were of the behavior of their own fans! All they have are their beloved 7-5 hawks....too bad that there is no NFL, NHL, MLB or NBA in iowa. I wonder how many DWI were issued last night ...hahahahahaha....

I am still laughing...........hahahahahahahaha...:clap::pig::clap::pig:


the folks in front of us couldn't figure out the "35 South" chant at the end. They said it made no sense because they were from Brooklyn Center. ugh

The girl behind me was as dumb as they come. I mean really dumb! When I turned around to laugh at her, I was stunned to see she was hot. I couldn't understand it. I guess miracles do happen.

Besides that chick, most around my section were fine. They were drunk for sure but well behaved for the most part.

Fans near me were fine

There were iowa fans all around me since my season tix are in the upper level, but they were all respectful. It helps when the Gophers were up 10 before they even touched the ball. One couple 2 rows in front of me came back after halftime and the dude exclaimed how he and his girl had just "warmed up" which had everyone around laughing

Most of the fans from Iowa are like any other traveling fanbase but they have a significant percentage of them that look and act like they got lost on the way to a tractor pull. We rode the bus over from the St. Paul parking lot and there were a few numbskulls hooting and hollering the entire way there.

It's these loudmouth, ignorant dopes that give the rest of the Hawkeye fans a bad name IMO. They cement Iowa's reputation as the redneck school of the Big Ten. Only thing I've seen that's close in recent history are traveling Sioux Hockey fans.

My Iowa fans story starts the night before, over at Leaning Tower. Full up with Hawkeye fans (I was at the only Golden Gopher table in the place. A Hawkeye fan in his 50s comes in to the bar and is obviously so drunk he can hardly stand...but he can still yell out 'Go Hawks!'. Classy. Next day it's over to Sterbs. A lot of Hawkeye fans, but generally pretty nice.

Then it's into the stadium. Sitting in 212, opposite from our normal season tickets (Gopher07 had the tickets this time, Dad and I had to move else where). Few Hawkeye fans a few rows back from us made it a point to mockingly announce 'That's another Hawkeye...FIRST DOWN!' Kept going with it all game...

That win, sliding down a snow pile to get onto the field...that's one of the most satisfying wins I've been at in a while.

I really enjoyed the way the stadium announcing staff would drown out any attempt by the Iowa fans to get a good chant going. That loudspeaker system is a great tool for the home team. The dome staff on the other hand always seemed to play it neutral as if it was important not to offend the visitors, as if ticket sales were more important than home field advantage.

You can't be that mad. It was Jeb's first time to the big city. How do you think they are going to act?

"Oh look, big buildings and even more big buildings!"
"What do you mean I can't wear sweatpants into the nightclub?"
"Do you know where they sell Affliction shirts around here?"
"Look Jeb! Girls that weigh less than we do!"

I found them to be a little more timid than usual. In 2008 they were out of control. This year there weren't as many and they were down most of the game. When they scored to take the lead, that's the first and only time any obnoxious taunting occurred. When McKnight made the shoestring catch that put an end to it.

Sally's was packed before the game and it was ground zero for rude, boorish behavior. It was the kind of atmosphere where it was tough to get from point A to point B without bumping into someone. I made an early observation that the black and gold clad fans were much more likely to ram into people as they blazed their pinball-like trail through the crowd. My buddy and I made the observation and then flashed each other a sort of "ah-ha" look to one another each time a drunken black 'n gold weeble slammed into us. Sure there were some oblivious Gopher fans too... But it was about 80-20 in "favor" of the Iowans despite being outnumbered in total.

My personal favorite was a pair women that slammed into me as I was headed out of the tent. They cut me off, stepped in front of me and a whole line of people trying to use the walkway to exit the tent, walked about 10 feet, and then stopped to have a conversation right in the middle of the walkway... completely oblivious to the stalled line of people behind them.

I thanked the group next to me for allowing me to see what white trash looks like first hand. They were dumber than a box of rocks. I pointed to a jet in the sky and to downtown Minneapolis. Welcome to the big city. Now shut the F@#& up and go back to Iowa. You don't F#@% with me.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a cluster of Iowa fans, five or so, sitting next to me. They were quiet, and didn't say much at all. It helps when you stake yourself to an early lead.

I thanked the group next to me for allowing me to see what white trash looks like first hand. They were dumber than a box of rocks. I pointed to a jet in the sky and to downtown Minneapolis. Welcome to the big city. Now shut the F@#& up and go back to Iowa. You don't F#@% with me.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes, and your intelligence certainly oozes from this a gopher fan stuck in iowa city, i must say that the traveling fans are way worse than the average hawkeye fan...more fanatical...overall though games here aren't that bad...certainly the animosity between the hawkeyes and gophers is much more one sided...many hawkeye fans simply don't understand the who hates iowa chant

I would agree that the Iowa fans were less in number than 2 years ago and not as bold. I was in line at the concession stand and a mid twenty's Iowa fan ordered a hot chocolate. The fan paid for the item and was given the hot chocolate. She then proceeded to set the cup of hot chocolate down on the counter and begin to exchange text messages. I had to step around her to place my order. She never moved during my or the next persons order, oblivious to the fact that she was blocking the entire line.

The tickets behind us are consistently sold to visiting fans, and the seats to our right are owned by scalpers. I figure after a 3-9 season the owners of both sets will not be renewing, which is a good thing.

Looking forward to adding those tix to our seats next year. "Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!"

Glad to see Iowa fans proving their true colors once again. All the white trash in our state flock to the Hawkeyes like flies to manure.

I'd love for ISU and Minnesota to play a home and home in order to have a reason to visit TCF Bank, and so that we can show you that not all Iowans are like those inbreds.

On the bus...

Mrs. Billd and I park in Lot 86 on the West Bank and take the U shuttle bus over to the stadium most games. Did the same yesterday.

We got on the bus and took two seats across from some older Hawk couple and strike up a conversation. We're in our early 50s so small talk aka football was easy.

Anyway, we got on a track talking about other B10 schools and the wife says she "really dislikes Illinois...but if she had a team she liked second best after the Hawks it would be Wisconsin."

Fortunately, the bus ride ended right there as she was dead serious. 'Nuff said on that.

Otherwise, took great joy in cheering loudly for the Gophers on almost every down, especially with Hawkeyes seated directly in front of us along several rows.

Also, here's to Darren the Greek and ButchNashGuy for their support yesterday too. 212 Rocks!

Go Gophers! Enjoy Floyd!

yes, and your intelligence certainly oozes from this a gopher fan stuck in iowa city, i must say that the traveling fans are way worse than the average hawkeye fan...more fanatical...overall though games here aren't that bad...certainly the animosity between the hawkeyes and gophers is much more one sided...many hawkeye fans simply don't understand the who hates iowa chant

Can't say my experience is the same.

I was walking just behind a group of drunken hawkeye fans near the stadium. All of them were exhibiting typical obnoxious behavior, yelling and laughing loudly. Then, one of them dropped her cell phone and it shattered into several pieces. She let out a vicious scream of drunken anger at her mistake. That was enjoyable to watch.

certainly the animosity between the hawkeyes and gophers is much more one sided...many hawkeye fans simply don't understand the who hates iowa chant

For me it dates back to the time when the Hawk fans tore down the goal posts after a victory at the Dome and tried to march out of the stadium with them...not too classy.

It was pretty business as usual for Hawkeye fans: visibly drunk, loud, arrogant, just general obnoxiousness.

Some notes:

-They really don't know how to respond to bathroomsexgate; it's often met with some pretty confounding looks after you remind them of it. One Hawkeye fan actually shot back: "But that was in the Metrodome," as though they now have some sort of clean slate?

-The looks on the exiting Iowa fans' faces as the clocked ticked down to zero and "Shout" came on the PA is something I will never forget. One of my more memorable sporting experiences, most certainly.

-There was one pathetic Hawkeye fan desperately trying to fight anyone who would indulge him after the game (he was, of course, by himself). He just kept yelling "We're still going to a bowl game, bitch!" But his silence became deafening when someone yelled at him "Iowa basketball."

My father in law has had his season tix since 1977, and took a pic of some 20 yr old hawk fan at the end of the game saying, "I have to get a picture of the worst fan I've ever seen".

As bad as you could imagine a drunk 20 yr old IA fan, and that's pretty bad.

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