Interesting topic about Ohio State and UNC on PTI


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Nov 20, 2008
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On the PTI show they were talking about the unfair advantage Ohio State and UNC are having. Both colleges were caught cheating and thus both coaching staffs have changed. However, the old coaching staffs are coaching the teams through the bowl games while the new staffs have nothing to do but recruit. So basically the colleges have double the staffs. Both of the guys on PTI thought it was a real advantage and a big oversight by the NCAA.

Saw that myself. I have to agree. Is there something we are missing?

Seems like they are giving huge advantages to rule breakers. If I was a coach in their respective conference I would be raising heck!

The Michigan AD has gone on record against it. I would assume the NCAA will have to take a hard look at this in the off-season and decide if there is a better way to handle the transition. I am actually a little surprised they are letting this happen because it does give those schools an unfair advantage in that those new coaches have nothing to do but work on recruiting.

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