Interesting read from the Syracuse perspective

He is right, but we wasted at least as many opportunities as they did. There was no question about which team physically dominated play, although it would be nice if we would just score and quit turning every fourth quarter into nail bite city.
i will take the win and like it, despite my whining.

Oh gee, what a bitch. I guess I know how easy it is to complain after a loss, but that is pathetic.

lol. he has a one sentence paragraph stating that the orange are a quarter of the way through their schedule. four out of twelve is one third. how do such gaping mistakes make it to print? the writer is complaining about the orange's choke job last night but he had that fraction right in front of him, looking him in the eye, and failed to convert. math, like football, is all about execution.

This guy sounds like a fan on a message board. Bitch about things and then give no evidence that you're assertion is correct.

Namely, how did Marcus Sales only have two catches for 32 yards? The Minnesota defense played very well, but were they really THAT good that a Top 5 wide receiver in the country coming in to this game was blanketed all day? That is Hackett's job to get him the football and get him back involved in the offense.

Sales doesn't have to have 100 yards every game, but how did he become a ghost all of sudden?

So what he seems to be saying here is, "I have no idea how the Gophers were covering Sales. I don't know if they're covering him man to man, zoning or doubling him. I just want to believe we are so good it doesn't matter what the defense does."

I expect this is the same guy who would bitch and moan if Nassib throws an interception because he was forcing the ball to Sales. I mean he already complained about Sales putting to much heat on an out route to the opposite side of the field.

He may have had some points in that article but he certainly came across more as a fan just venting his anger than as an objective reporter who understands the game of football.

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