Interesting idea on Big Ten scheduling


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Nov 21, 2008
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Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz floated an interesting idea at the Big Ten Media Day in Chicago this week.

He likes the idea of all Big Ten teams playing a round robin schedule (every team plays 10 Big Ten games). But, he says to do it, the NCAA should move to a 13-game regular season. It would mean 10 conference games and 3 non-conference games. It would likely mean an additional money-generating home game for every school, too.

I like the idea.


That idea's been floating around for a long time but it'll never happen

I think it would be a great idea. The Big Ten would then have the season move to later in the year because they can argue that doing, say two off weeks because the schedule is so tough. Didn't we have a season or two already that had 13 games? It's not like this is new...maybe the Big Ten could start their seasons early to incorporate this as well. probably the best idea to come out of Iowa since settlers kept moving west to get out of there.

That's what people were saying ten years ago in regard to a 12-game regular season schedule. Money talks.

Its not that beneficial to add an extra home game every other season IMO. And you'd have to have every D1 team agree to this and I don't think they will

Its not that beneficial to add an extra home game every other season IMO.

Not that beneficial outside of the extra $3-5 million the ONE game would produce, depending on the school.

Currently, most Big 10 teams get 7 homes games - 4 Big 10 and 3 out 4 non-con. If they went to round robin, it wouldn't change for most part - 5 Big 10 and 2 out of 3 non-con. So, in the end, not much further revenue for an extra game - just additional Big 10 revenue to split up.

Didn't we have a season or two already that had 13 games? It's not like this is new...

Not unless you are counting the bowl game. The season used to be 11 weeks but because of an early Labor Day they moved to a 12 game season for two years. They then decided to keep the 12 game regular season. Thirteen games (excluding bowl games) is reserved to 1) teams that play games at Hawaii 2) teams that play in a conference championship game.

Ohio State played a 13 game schedule when they won the national title in 02. It has happened in the past.

it happens if you play Hawaii which I think is the only exception. Plus the SEC, ACC and B12 have championship games meaning their winner would have to play 14 games giving them one more chance to lose and lessening the conferences chances at getting a team in the NC game which I don't know if they'd want to risk

I would love this idea, you could really crown a true champion, and I want to play every Big Ten team each season.

Is it likely? Who knows. I do know that the longer the season gets, the less likely a playoff system becomes.

So let me get this straight...we can't have a playoff because, according to university administrators, it "compromises the integrity of the student-athlete" due to the extra games, and yet we can increase the length of the regular season yet again?

They will all be the biggest hypocrites ever if this happens. I mean, seriously. You can only sh*t in people's hands and call it chocolate ice cream for so long.

Not unless you are counting the bowl game. The season used to be 11 weeks but because of an early Labor Day they moved to a 12 game season for two years. They then decided to keep the 12 game regular season. Thirteen games (excluding bowl games) is reserved to 1) teams that play games at Hawaii 2) teams that play in a conference championship game.

My mistake, thanks.

I would like to play to whole Big Ten...

So let me get this straight...we can't have a playoff because, according to university administrators, it "compromises the integrity of the student-athlete" due to the extra games, and yet we can increase the length of the regular season yet again?

They will all be the biggest hypocrites ever if this happens. I mean, seriously. You can only sh*t in people's hands and call it chocolate ice cream for so long.

But, DP is right. You can't make the claim of "Student first" for one, then agree to the other. the only way this could happen would be to surrender a Non-conference game. That has been argued here at length. I'm in favor of that, but many are not.

So let me get this straight...we can't have a playoff because, according to university administrators, it "compromises the integrity of the student-athlete" due to the extra games, and yet we can increase the length of the regular season yet again?

They will all be the biggest hypocrites ever if this happens. I mean, seriously. You can only sh*t in people's hands and call it chocolate ice cream for so long.

Dude. They already are hypocrites. I'm sure you know that. Not having a NCAA Division I playoff has nothing to do with the extra time student athletes spend away from the classroom. If it did, then NCAA FCS, NCAA Div. II and NCAA Div. III football titles would not be decided by 16-team playoffs. But, they are.

There is only one reason there is no NCAA Div. I-A playoff. It is because in the current setup, the money stays in the hands of the university presidents. If it goes to the playoffs, then the NCAA gets their mitts on the dough. The prez's don't want that, obviously.

So, again, they already are hypocrites in the worst way, so this should not shock anyone that maybe they would go to 13 games to make another pile of money.

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