Insight Bowl expectations?

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Just wondering what some on here expect from the Insight Bowl. I'm also curious to know just how what you see in the bowl game will affect your perception of the program and what to expect for next year.

I'm actually expecting the Gophers go roll on Iowa State in all honesty. The defense has been pretty damn respectable all season and I don't expect ISU to have a TON of success putting up a lot of points. It's not a high-powered offense and with the possible exception of success on trick plays and points off turnovers, I don't see ISU putting up major points.

Offensively, Fisch will have had around 6 weeks to digest the successes and failures of the season and get a much better feel for what this cast of characters does well and what they do not. Fisch HAS to realize that he is under the microscope at this point.

In short, to ME, the performance and success of the offense in this game will go a long ways towards showing me if Fisch can get the job done at this level. Hopefully he stops trying to show people how smart he is and develops a game plan that best utilizes the talent on the roster.

Make no mistake, this is a huge game. Forget about the negative nellies on here and in the MPS media who would like Brewster gone regardless of the outcome. Nothing will change their minds.

This game could recharge some of the perhaps now wavering fan base, as well as provide a nice kick-start to the final 5 weeks of recruiting season. This is a MASSIVELY significant game for Brewster's future and the program, IMO.

Just wondering what some on here expect from the Insight Bowl. I'm also curious to know just how what you see in the bowl game will affect your perception of the program and what to expect for next year.

I'm actually expecting the Gophers go roll on Iowa State in all honesty. The defense has been pretty damn respectable all season and I don't expect ISU to have a TON of success putting up a lot of points. It's not a high-powered offense and with the possible exception of success on trick plays and points off turnovers, I don't see ISU putting up major points.

Offensively, Fisch will have had around 6 weeks to digest the successes and failures of the season and get a much better feel for what this cast of characters does well and what they do not. Fisch HAS to realize that he is under the microscope at this point.

In short, to ME, the performance and success of the offense in this game will go a long ways towards showing me if Fisch can get the job done at this level. Hopefully he stops trying to show people how smart he is and develops a game plan that best utilizes the talent on the roster.

Make no mistake, this is a huge game. Forget about the negative nellies on here and in the MPS media who would like Brewster gone regardless of the outcome. Nothing will change their minds.

This game could recharge some of the perhaps now wavering fan base, as well as provide a nice kick-start to the final 5 weeks of recruiting season. This is a MASSIVELY significant game for Brewster's future and the program, IMO.

I expect a really good game out of the O. There have been really good flashes all year, just not late in the year. A running game is essential, mix it up. Fisch should have had time to go over all of the plays that worked and didn't work. I actually thought they had a good gameplan for the bowl LAST year, the kansas spread was just too potent for our D.

I'm hoping to not get too drunk while the game is still going on.

However, I fully expect to be too drunk by the time the game is over. Things haven't gone well the last two times I've watched the Goofs in the Insight bowl.

I am on board with your line of thinking Ogee, this game has huge implications! Bring home the victory Gophers, we need it for all the right reasons.

A win will suffice

My expectation for the Gophers is a win, no matter how it's accomplished. 7-6 sounds a heck of a lot better than 6-7.

Let's be honest, Iowa State is about the absolute best draw the Gophers could have hoped for from the Big 12. The Gophers are a middlin' team, but the good thing is Iowa State's even worse. Losing to Iowa State wouldn't be a grand endorsement of the state of the program, and would certainly raise more questions heading into the offseason.

If you tell me which offense will show up, I will tell you my expectations. I think we would win this game more often than not. We have the potential to blow them out, and I do not see them having the potential to blow us out. I can also see our offense crapping out, and we lose an ugly 16-7 game or something along those lines.

I am hoping for 26-10 Gophs - 2 tds between Def & Special Teams.

Can't be as bad as last year...I can still hear Dave Lee on the radio.

I fully expect a win as well. I do not expect ISU to score more than 14 if we can continue to play defense like we did against Iowa and SDSU. It all comes down to whether or not Fisch wants to make it complicated. A loss would be devastating for my perception of what others' perception of the program is;)

I want to see a ton of Coop. This guy is the anchor of the defense for the next 2-3 years, and he's got one hell of a nose for the ball.

I'd like to see some improvement in our pressure on the ISU QB. In addition I would like to see less confusion in our passing game, including protection and route running. Finally I would like to see ~10 plays of running right at you between the tackles (okay i don't mind pulling trapping, doubling down, kicking out, sealing, etc.. )

Like I stated in an earlier post, this team wins when it nets more than 100 yards rushing. We should go with two TEs if that's what it takes to get anything going.

i'm just looking for solid offense. something that tells me we'll be able to put something cohesive out there next year. We seem to be capable of doing everything except sustaining a drive. i want to see that happen.

I just hope I can watch it. $#@$%^$% Insight Bowl and NFL Network!!!

I felt going into the season that our D needed to hold the BT opposition to under 20ppg for us to get 5 BT wins or more. That holds true for this game as well. This team still has the same liabilities on offense. Expecting 6 weeks on the calender or Fisch to have some sort of revelation to fix it is not reasonable.


I just hope I can watch it. $#@$%^$% Insight Bowl and NFL Network!!!

I felt going into the season that our D needed to hold the BT opposition to under 20ppg for us to get 5 BT wins or more. That holds true for this game as well. This team still has the same liabilities on offense. Expecting 6 weeks on the calender or Fisch to have some sort of revelation to fix it is not reasonable.

Well, that's something I don't get, Bayfield. How can this offense look so good against MSU halfway through the season and then so bad at the end? Did they all of a sudden forget how to play offense? I know Decker going down definitely hurt the offense, but it wasn't ALL Decker, either. After that, all of a sudden Weber can't throw anymore and our offense can't score even against the likes of SDSU.

Well, that's something I don't get, Bayfield. How can this offense look so good against MSU halfway through the season and then so bad at the end? Did they all of a sudden forget how to play offense? I know Decker going down definitely hurt the offense, but it wasn't ALL Decker, either. After that, all of a sudden Weber can't throw anymore and our offense can't score even against the likes of SDSU.

I think it was the play calling first and execution a close second. To me, Fisch didn't establish any kind of rhythm before he went to a trick play or wildcat. And when he went to the wildcat, a Gray run was predictable. Any play should be called in the context of the game; what's been established, what the goals are, and what play will build off of those.

And when the play calling was working, many times the execution by the skill players wasn't there. Weber throwing incomplete, receivers dropping balls or on the wrong route, running backs not exploding through the hole or missing it altogether. The O line did have trouble, but I think they did get better as the season progressed. At times, Weber seemed to think there was more pressure than was actually there. Sometimes he just looked shell shocked.

WA Gopher

Yeah, it just got ugly at the end of the season. I think a low point was on third down and Weber threw a nice pass that would have given the team a first down..........but the two receivers collided and knocked the ball away from each other. The offense just wasn't on the same page at the end of the year and they really looked confused out there.

Good post -- those were the problems in a nutshell.

For the first time in a long, long time the Gophers are going into a bowl game with a defense that actually can stop someone when it counts. I expect to see more of the same and Fisch's offense better be able to give the defense a rest occasionally and put a few points on the board.

I cautiously predict a win. I think we have a team, and a coaching staff that are mad and have more to prove. Certainly more to prove than Iowa State, I think.

But I think it'll be ugly.

My ire for Tim Brewster since the SDSU, Illinois and Iowa games has finally calmed down, and I'm pretty positive about the team. Don't screw this up Brew.

Though, I mean, even if he does I'll be back. But still, for everyone's sake.

1) 20 points or more by the offense coming on drives of at least 30 yards or longer each score.


2) 400+ yards by the offense and fewer than 3 turnovers.

I posted this in an earlier thread on this. But for all you sports betters there is a tremendous opportunity on the over under.

Both of these teams have a problem of wilting against great defenses, but they both do pretty well against mid to poor defenses. The stats are skewed because of these poor showings. The line unless it has changed is just the average scores added together. Take out the games against the great defenses I think you're looking at about 55+ total points. Quite a difference from the line. We've never looked pretty but with one notable exception we put points up against all but the best. So has ISU.


I posted this in an earlier thread on this. But for all you sports betters there is a tremendous opportunity on the over under.

Both of these teams have a problem of wilting against great defenses, but they both do pretty well against mid to poor defenses. The stats are skewed because of these poor showings. The line unless it has changed is just the average scores added together. Take out the games against the great defenses I think you're looking at about 55+ total points. Quite a difference from the line. We've never looked pretty but with one notable exception we put points up against all but the best. So has ISU.

So you're saying you would take the OVER on the number of 48 (which is what most of the casinos have right now)?

Are you prepared to put your money where your mouth is? I can throw down a wager for you if you'd like, maybe even go off the board for a nice two-game parlay (pays almost 3-1) with the OVER and the Gophers at -2.5? A hondo will pay you around $280... it's tempting...

I kind of like the sound of it, with the exception of the SDSU game where the Rodents failed to put up an offensive TD. ISU has 6 losses, and gave up at least 34 points in FIVE of those, and not all were powerhouses either. Tough call.

Might have to do some more homework before heading to the window on this one...

yes it is tempting. I'm not a sports better but you're right about the temptation on this one. I'll see how the budget fares through the shopping and I might be contacting you.

I think the line is trending up. So thats good too.

I'm expecting us to score a lot. After witnessing the MSU game (over 40 points), and watching us put up almost 30 in the second half against Illinois, I know we are capable of more offense. The extra weeks of practice and the good weather in AZ should lead to some offensive production. ISU won't keep up.


This team needs to win this game. I don't care about they style points and how we do it but the Gophers and their coaching staff needs a win in this game. I to this point have been a backer for Coach Brewster and what he is trying to get done for the Gophers. If we can't beat Iowa State I will be very disapointed and my faith in this head coach will take a step back. Recruiting is great but at some point you have to put it together. The bigger issue seems to be the Gophers Football program over the last decade no matter the coach. When things dont go exactly the way the team hopes they cave. Mason's teams did it and Brewster's teams have struggled with it as well. Win this game and get to the offseason where the players can rest a bit and then prepare for next year. An impressive win might also help with some recruiting as well.

Recruiting is the life blood to any college team but turning those recruits into players is more important. Mason seemed to develope players who were not highly thought of Brewster must prove he can get the better talent but also develope that talent. After three years that must start to show itself on the field.

I'm expecting us to score a lot. After witnessing the MSU game (over 40 points), and watching us put up almost 30 in the second half against Illinois, I know we are capable of more offense. The extra weeks of practice and the good weather in AZ should lead to some offensive production. ISU won't keep up.

I'm aiming high (I'm not high). Offense plays adequately, defense plays lights out, Ellestad three FG's, one DEF/SF TD, Gophers win 30-13.

My money says our offense will look a lot more "Spread" and a lot less "Pro" for the bowl game. It will be a bit more simple and will rely a lot less on the QB "reading" down field with the OC calling the plays and dictating the receiver. This will mean a lot fewer QB checkoffs and a more off balanced ISU defense.

I agree with other sentiment, we got a big break drawing ISU. Not to dis ISU, but they are a team with whom we much better match up when compared to other teams we might have faced.

I'm expecting us to score a lot. After witnessing the MSU game (over 40 points), and watching us put up almost 30 in the second half against Illinois, I know we are capable of more offense. The extra weeks of practice and the good weather in AZ should lead to some offensive production. ISU won't keep up.

Not trying to be a troll at all. I'm one of the few people on either side who have had the opportunity to see both teams in person for multiple games this year. (As well as watched more than half of all games for both teams this year).

There is definitely a talent edge for Minnesota in this game, but it isn't quite as large a gap as most people here think it is. Iowa State is more talented on offense than Minnesota. We have a pretty good O-Line (& huge) and a decent running game. If we can find consistency in our passing game, ISU will be able to move the ball on Minnesota (like Minnesota, the passing game has been inconsistent all year).

However, Minnesota's defense is more talented than Iowa State's. ISU's front 4 are undersized and have trouble putting pressure on opposing QB's. And, our best pass rusher is out for the season. This game is strength vs strength and weakness vs weakness.

I can almost certainly guarantee that this game will not be a blow out, either way. Both teams have had 6 weeks to prepare for the game and both teams have capable coaching staff's to correct errors and scheme for the other team. I don't see any advantage for either team as it relates to extra preparation time (as some have asserted on here).

I've spent some time on both message boards and both sides are pretty confident about winning the game and both sides feel that this is the easiest possible match up. Many fans on both sides are already chalking this game up as a W.

As a closet Gopher fan (grew up in Minnesota as Gopher fan, mostly B-ball) I'm happy to see that most of you still have hope that this program is moving in the right direction. I really hope it is too, I'd love to see the Gophers atop the Big Ten in the next few years.

With all that said, I think it's a mistake for anybody to think this game will be easily won by either team. (That goes for my fellow ISU fans as well)

Good luck, but I certainly hope you all aren't too bummed out when Iowa State takes this one!

My money says our offense will look a lot more "Spread" and a lot less "Pro" for the bowl game. It will be a bit more simple and will rely a lot less on the QB "reading" down field with the OC calling the plays and dictating the receiver. This will mean a lot fewer QB checkoffs and a more off balanced ISU defense.

I agree with other sentiment, we got a big break drawing ISU. Not to dis ISU, but they are a team with whom we much better match up when compared to other teams we might have faced.

No dis, ISU fans feel the same way. Most were wanting to draw a B10 team in the Insight, versus an SEC team in the Independence. Most wanted to play the Gophers, but after MSU bounced 8 players for the game; some thought they would be a better draw.

Going more spread would be smart for the Gophers, Weber performed much better when they were spread last year. ISU struggled with *fast* spread teams this season (OSU, MU, A&M, KU, etc.). The two south teams just whipped us, but we competed with the other two.

Both teams have better defenses than offenses. Something that Cyclone fans would have assumed would be the opposite going into '09. Both teams have struggled at times on offense, especially with key players injured. ISU is returns our QB and 1000+ RB at close to 100%.

I am expecting a competitive game, that will look ugly at times. I suspect it will be a 7 pt win for either team. The key will be turnovers, which sounds cliche; but I expect a close game that will me the winner protects the ball. I think the gophers have an player advantage and ISU has a coaching advantage. I hope the ISU fans in attendance make a difference in the game, as well.

What about familiarity?

I may have missed it but nobody I've seen little or no mention of the fact that the Gophers have spent 3 of the last 4 holiday seasons in Tempe.

This HAS to be at least somewhat of an advantage for the Rodents. This will be nothing new, team will be comfortable, know what to expect... now granted, the Gophers haven't exactly fared very well there lately so it's not 100% positive.

I think it only helps anyway. Just a thought...

Being healthy helps

It looks like Green will be back and Tow-Arnett at center (the kid has amazing healing powers)
Tre Davis should also be in the mix. On the defense Triplett played the last 7 games at about 75%
A healthy Sherrals and BPT will also help. The last time I looked the "line" was 2.5 Gopher's. If your a betting man this is a good game to make some coin. It didn't help Iowa St. that one of their best cover guys is suspened for the game. I agree with Ogee, this game has more implications then one might think internally. Media wise, it is a no win situation for Brewster.
Souhan already labeled the Cyclones as the "dogs" of the Big 12. Reusse said it was another SDSU
game. So on and so on.

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