I'm still going.....98 other players to support.

Nov 20, 2008
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We talked about it this morning . My wife, who did marketing for the AD at UMD, did not have kind words to say about the EOAA. Basically in her words: " Overstaffed angry women who will turnover
rocks that have already been turned over" We're driving , so I can certainly understand people who
want to cancel if they're going with a air/hotel package. We did find out this morning that 4 of our friends from Northern Minnesota are still going because of the cold weather and the opportunity to spend time in San Diego. I hope more fans will also consider that element along with supporting the other 98 players.

Oftentimes, dire circumstances give rise to pleasantly surprising developments. Perhaps 3-4 of those waiting in the wings
will get their chance to play and make the most of it.

Your wife is on to something. The Office of the EOAA at he University is little more than a group of well-hung women with a license to kill; looking for an opportunity to destroy the enemy. Like a terrorist bomb plot, this conclusion was carefully positioned and timed to maximize damage and casualties. Counter offensive now in order. Over and out! :mad:

San Diego is worth the trip regardless of the outcome of the bowl game.

Did she really? This is the first time I've heard of it. Will you please tell us more about it?

dpodoll...making a point in reference to the EOAA. Sorry you show such disdain for successful people. You shoot your mouth off a lot. Talks cheap. I'll be in San Diego supporting the Gophers .How about you?

Absolutely no reason to cancel the trip. Still very much looking forward to the trip, the game, and all of the other Holiday Bowl activities!

Absolutely no reason to cancel the trip. Still very much looking forward to the trip, the game, and all of the other Holiday Bowl activities!

Agree, if the players are all still suspended for the game itself it will significantly hurt our chances of winning given the lack of depth in the secondary. But if you were planning to go before the suspensions it would be foolish to cancel the trip now just because of them.

Absolutely no reason to cancel the trip. Still very much looking forward to the trip, the game, and all of the other Holiday Bowl activities!

That's kind of how our group has viewed our road trips to Gopher football games the past couple of years. Our trip to Fort Collins last year and Lincoln this year, were more about the journey (craft beer, great food, great people) and less about the outcome of the game. If the Gophers win - hey it's icing on the cake!

That's kind of how our group has viewed our road trips to Gopher football games the past couple of years. Our trip to Fort Collins last year and Lincoln this year, were more about the journey (craft beer, great food, great people) and less about the outcome of the game. If the Gophers win - hey it's icing on the cake!

That's how I approach 90% of our road trips.

If it was all about wins and losses, I would've quit long ago.

Did she really? This is the first time I've heard of it. Will you please tell us more about it?

You might also be surprised to hear that he still hits the golf ball straight, owns a home on the lake and Winters where it's warm.

You might also be surprised to hear that he still hits the golf ball straight, owns a home on the lake and Winters where it's warm.

Thank-you very much...hit the the Altitude Bar at the Marriott Gaslamp ....I'll buy.....cheers

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