If you were Dave Mona . . . Part II


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Nov 20, 2008
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As was learned today on the Sports Huddle, Dave Mona and probably others in the sports media visit this website.

So, if you have a question or two that you'd like to see asked by Dave Mona and answered by coach Kill on the Sports Huddle, please post them in this thread. There are a few other good questions in the first thread that haven't been asked yet, but I'm confident you'll be able to come up with even more good questions.

Go Gophers!!

I really want to get updates on Gjeres and Campions head injuries.

I'm starting to wonder if DL65 IS Dave Mona himself?????
I've never seen the two of you together...

Maybe. Station19 is Reusse. If not he has to at least be related the way he defends any negativity towards him in Gopherhole.

Do you think football needs an early signing period similar to basketball? Any other recruiting rules you'd like to see changed or tweaked?

I'm starting to wonder if DL65 IS Dave Mona himself?????
I've never seen the two of you together...

They both seem to understand Sid also. Very strange. Is this just a coincident or are they the same person? Only the shadow knows for sure.

Thanks sonnygarcia

Brooks's career is done, will remain on non football scholly.

I heard that was the case. I expect the Gophers have to go through a process with the NCAA to have him moved to that category. Until then I guess he needs to remain on the football roster. It sure took a long time for Xzavian Brandon to be dropped from the roster.

Parski1 said:
Maybe. Station19 is Reusse. If not he has to at least be related the way he defends any negativity towards him in Gopherhole.

Wren = Sid? Opinions aren't identical but I'll bet Sid uses ALL CAPS a lot.

Did coach Kill and his staff watch the Godaddy.com bowl game?

Why has Coach Kill not hired the GopherHole poster, and fantastic coach, Rosemountain? :confused:

Does coach Kill recruit the state of Minnesota kids differently than the kids out of the state of Minnesota?

1) Are you planning on visiting outstate communities this summer, as you did last year? If so, have you or the athletic department selected the towns to be visited?

2) Last fall there was talk of reported interest in scheduling Notre Dame. Is that a strong possibliity? Will the new B1G and PAC 12 Conference scheduling agreement impact the possibility of scheduling the Irish or other BCS schools? Do you have any say in future scheduling? Do you favor scheduling games with FCS schools?

3) Are there any specific marketing steps/tools that you'd like to see implemented to sell and promote Golden Gopher football?

Go Gophers!!

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