If You Were Dave Mona and Could Ask Coach Kill One Question During the Sports Huddle


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Nov 20, 2008
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what would you ask?

I believe Dave Mona peruses GopherHole's football forum, so maybe he'd pick up your question for future interviews, if you made it known. Usually Sid asks most of the questions, however, Dave manages to get a question or two in each week. I believe it's an opportunity to have your specific question of interest delivered to coach Kill.

During yesterday's segment, coach Kill talked about the importance of academics and the strength and conditioning program. He spoke briefly about academics, but he didn't elaborate about the strength and conditioning component.

Therefore, my question: What are your goals in strength and conditioning training? Greater flexibility . . . durability . . . speed . . . power . . . strength? Are the goals position specific? How do you measure success? What's your current assessment of the team's strength and conditioning after one year of implementation?

This thread may create some discussion; however, more importantly, hopefully it will become a source of questions for coach Kill. (Those that we would like to ask, if we had the opportunity.)

I'll continue to record coach Kill's responses in the weekly summary. I hope to record his response to your query.

Go Gophers!!

How does he feel about the # of s & c coaches, and compared to other conference schools.

Can the NCAA do anything to slow down the football arms race?

I would like to know Coach Kill's feelings regarding a D-1A playoff versus the BCS Bowl Games.

Why do we park in a driveway and drive in a parkway?

Why do we call them apartments if they are all stuck together?

Question I would ask Coach Kill:

Do you feel the negative media coverage of Gopher football by the local Twin Cities media hurts recruiting, either with in-state or out-state prospects?

How do you plan to convince recruits that Minnesota is the place you want to play your college football?

Two parter:

Was that U of M coaching search committee the worst you ever encountered or what?

When July rolls around, who do you think should be the next AD?

What is the single most important thing that you need to accomplish in order to turn the program around?

Which Voltron did you like better, the one with the lions or the one with all the different vehicles?

What percent of college football success comes from a) recruiting, b) conditioning and preparation, c) in-game coaching?

What schematic offensive and defensive adjustments did you make over the course of the season and why? If they were player related (players weren't talented enough), what improvements must the staff make in order to correct this prior to the start of the season (I.e. correctly scheme to level of talent.)

Why does Tubby make that whole team substitution in the first half so often?

Which Voltron did you like better, the one with the lions or the one with all the different vehicles?

i know i am not coach kill, but the one with the lions for sure. watched voltron religiously as a kid.

Additional questions for coach Kill, if Dave Mona visits this site:

1) What is the biggest challenge(s) in changing the team's culture? Especially if the school has not had a conference championship for the last 44 years.

2) What has surprised and/or disappointed you the most about the Gopher progam during your first year?

3) Is the Gopher program the challenge you thought it'd be, or bigger? Are their similarities to previous stops?

4) Are you experiencing negative recruiting at Minnesota, if so, what kind? (personal (health-related) school location, championship in the distant past, etc.) Is the negative recruiting coming from conference opponents or is it recruit-related (going after the same recruit) or both?

5) What is your greatest selling point to potential recruits? (Chance to play early, academics, employment opportunties, etc.)

6) Paul "Bear" Bryant reportedly said he recruited the recruits mother; if you sold the player's mother you'd sign the recruit on signing day. Do you have similar philosophy and practice about selling the recruits parents?

7) What's your thoughts about recruits committing to your school and then taking other visits? Do you encourage recruits to check other schools out before committing?

Go Gophers!!

Largest Twin Cities media *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# that reports on Gophers

Who is Twin Cities Media's biggest pr!ck A: Randy Shaver, B: Partick the "Hut" Reusse, C: Dark Stain,
D: Sid Hartman, E: Mike Max, obvious choice, all of the above.
My vote would be for Mike Max

How many years until the B1G and Pac-12 leave the BCS/NCAA (and are later joined by the other major conferences) and compete for their own title?

With all the talk about strength and conditioning, why not publish the results on gophersports.com? Who is the best conditioned athlete on the team. What are the numbers the staff looks at?

What is the single most important thing that you need to accomplish in order to turn the program around?

That's an easy one. Win more games.

How does it make you feel to have to waste a 1/2 hour of your life taking incoherent questions from a senile 90 year old every Sunday?
Follow-up. Has that cheap MF'r every really given you a Murray's gift certificate, or is he stashing him under his mattress?

Why isn't the poster known as 50PoundHead not on your coaching staff?


What is the status of Jimmy Gjere and Josh Campion after suffering concussions last year?

If you needed any proof that Mona reads the Hole, that question was answered this morning around 10:15.

How do you think the skill of Minnesota football players is compared to those in Illinois?

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