If you want to see how matte maroon looks

Those look almost like a light shade of black at times.

Boys, lets wait for the full Monty before we past judgement. This is kind of like the part in Major League when they had the cardboard image of the hot owner and were pealing it off a section at a time. The end results looked pretty good.

Then again, I though Baylor's uniform with the matte helments and bolder same color jersey and pants looked awesome. Hopefully, we will get something along those lines.

Boys, lets wait for the full Monty before we past judgement. This is kind of like the part in Major League when they had the cardboard image of the hot owner and were pealing it off a section at a time. The end results looked pretty good.

Plus there's a difference between how maroon/white looks and maroon/gold (plus a little black) looks.

Baylor's matte green looked pretty bad too.

I was thinking the matte maroon was a positive, but now I'm wondering how it will look on the field.

I thought Baylor's helmets looked pretty sick, especially with the green. They reminded me of WWII helmets.


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