If/When the Vikings Move...

Ski U Master

Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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How many Vikings season ticket holders would purchase Gopher season tickets?

20%? 40%? more?

If the Vikings left town could we sell out a 80,000 seat stadium? If you do the math the Vikes average about 64k per home game and the Gophers average about 40-45k in recent years. Added together that's 100k+ football fans watching a game in Minneapolis on a weekend both teams are home. Obviously all the Vikings ticket holders wouldn't cross over after the team left, but what percentage would just because they want to watch live football on the weekend?

If the Gophers pick up 10% - 20% of Viking fans and 100% of the media attention, that is all we are going to need. There will never be an unsold ticket in The Brick even if it is expanded. It will be just like the Wild. It is going to be great.

I'd say 10 percent, tops. Most Viking fans wouldn't care to go to a no-beer stadium.

A privately funded stadium - what a concept. LA beckons, Vikings!

BTW, this is why this topic crossed my mind:


Lol...thanks for adding this. I was about to ask why this thread (which will inevitably devolve into a pro/anti Viking fan shouting match) got started again. :D

Lester "The Bagman"

Is using this an introductory salvo in a legislative session which will go no where. You can shame the Vikes for using this as a lever, but they are shameless already. You can hear the cries of we added payroll, won the division, offered development money, and get nothing in return. We have no choice. And the hue and cry of the radio and tv sports guys will be 24/7. And don't be surprised if they throw in a shot at TCF Stadium and The Gophers. You found a way to build a stadium for the University and they haven't won anything recently. Get ready this will be ugly.

Now how many Vike Fans would buy Gopher Tickets? Its a diferent animal. From the pumped up noise/music with every break in the action. The unabashed drunken vulgarity that offends the casual fan. The indoor temperature climate controlled experience with beer sales. Contrast with everything we are going to have. But there are disgruntled Vike fans who will buy Gopher Tickets. The Vike Fan Base is declining, and TCF is very attractive. If Coach Brewster defends the house and wins at home, within 3 years the expansion will be needed. So based on 3 years I say 25,000 tickets will be picked up. And the question will asked, Can we expand further?

Lol...thanks for adding this. I was about to ask why this thread (which will inevitably devolve into a pro/anti Viking fan shouting match) got started again. :D

I wasn't trying to get a pro/anti thing going. To be honest it doesn't matter if you like or dislike the Vikings for this discussion, it's just a hypothetical situation. I was wondering what other people thought about what cross over there might be, if any.

It is a stupid question

because the Vikings aren't going anywhere.

Go Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I was Pete Carroll I would be fighting this tooth and nail. What does Carroll gain from a NFL team. He looses attention, fan bases, season ticket holders, etc. He needs this stadium thing to fall though. As for the Vikes. My solution is very simple. First sell the physical Dome to the Vikes for dirt cheap like a $1. Then take all the land it sits on plus the parking lots next to it the state owns and sell it to Zygi for market price. Then he gets to build Zygiworld. He keeps all the reveune(consessicions, parking, etc) minus standard taxes. And if ask nicely the state can finance the place by offering him loans and use Zygiworld as colateral. Everyone wins Zygi gets his stadium and surronding buildings and $$$ the Vikings stay Pete Carroll is still NFL team-less. Who loses.

As for if the Vikings leave here is nice little chart I made for everyone to see the number of new season ticket holders by percentage of Viking season ticket holders buying Gopher season ticket holders. I'm basing this off 47000 Gopher season ticket holders including student, leave 3000 for the opposing team(standard practice) so there are no single game avaliable barring returns for the opposing team. I'm also figuring 60 thousand Vikings season ticket holders.

Percent New season ticket holders Number of Season Ticket Holders Reference College Stadium.
5% 3000 50000 Memorial Stadium(Indiana Style)
10% 6000 53000
15% 9000 56000
20% 12000 59000
25% 15000 62000 Memorial Stadium(Illinois Style)/Ross-Ade
30% 18000 65000
35% 21000 68000
40% 24000 71000 Kinnick Stadium
45% 27000 74000 Spartan Stadium
50% 30000 77000
55% 33000 80000 Camp Randall
60% 36000 83000
65% 39000 86000
70% 42000 89000
75% 45000 92000
80% 48000 95000
85% 51000 98000
90% 54000 101000 Ohio Stadium
95% 57000 104000
100% 60000 107000 Penn State/The Big House

Sorry it won't hold the format I gave it.

If I was Pete Carroll I would be fighting this tooth and nail. What does Carroll gain from a NFL team.

Unless he wants to get another chance to be a head coach in the NFL, then this is perfect for him. He seamlessly transitions from USC to the Los Angeles Vikings.

How many Vikings season ticket holders would purchase Gopher season tickets?

20%? 40%? more?

If the Vikings left town could we sell out a 80,000 seat stadium? If you do the math the Vikes average about 64k per home game and the Gophers average about 40-45k in recent years. Added together that's 100k+ football fans watching a game in Minneapolis on a weekend both teams are home. Obviously all the Vikings ticket holders wouldn't cross over after the team left, but what percentage would just because they want to watch live football on the weekend?

The Vikings won't go anywhere. Count on it. And if they do, it'll be another Cleveland, Houston, or Baltimore, the NFL will find a way to get a franchise back to the TC. So all you Viking-bashers out there, forget it; NFL fans are NFL fans, and unless they don't already like the Gophers too, they aren't suddenly just going to say oh well, I guess it's time to switch my fishing/hunting/garage cleaning/etc. day from Saturday to Sunday. The people that do this will be low in number indeed.

Also, UofM recruiting may become harder, because one selling point to recruits is that big brother (the NFL) is available right in town. If the Gophers want fans, they will have to earn them back.

I know when the North Stars left town, it made Gopher hockey season tickets a pipedream to get. I had chances to get season tickets every year, until the North Stars left, then that option dried up very fast. I would guess a similar situation with football. Gopher football season tickets would be tough to get.

You can't add the 60,000 Vikings tickets to the 50,000 Gophers tickets to get 110,000. Some of those people sitting in the stands for Vikings games also are sitting there for Gophers games. Also, the Gophers would not pick up 100% of the Vikings media attention, people would still be following the NFL here.

If the Vikings move, the state will move heaven and earth to get a new NFL team here. The time that the Gophers would have the state to themselves would be limited.

Quote: "If the Vikings move, the state will move heaven and earth to get a new NFL team here. The time that the Gophers would have the state to themselves would be limited."

If the state doesn't "move heaven and earth" to KEEP the Vikings here, they certainly will not do it to get another franchise to move here. Even if they try to get another franchise, most current Viking fans will either be dead or too old to care. Many fans love the Vikings but not enough to want a tax increase.

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