If This Temp Trend Continues, Will Alcohol Be Allowed In TCF For The Iowa Game?

The Goof really thinks he has any idea what it will look like 15 days out?

Depends how deep the friskers want to dig in your snowpants.

They really have not been tough at all this year, I do not think I have been patted down once.

I have noticed the guys at the top of each section with the headphones and two-toned blue shrits being much more vigiliant and on the look out for flasks though. The guy at the top of Section 107 / 105 takes his job a little to seriously and watches like a freaking hawk.

They really have not been tough at all this year, I do not think I have been patted down once.

I have noticed the guys at the top of each section with the headphones and two-toned blue shrits being much more vigiliant and on the look out for flasks though. The guy at the top of Section 107 / 105 takes his job a little to seriously and watches like a freaking hawk.

Maybe he gets paid on commission, or gets to drink all the booze he confiscates? :p

They really have not been tough at all this year, I do not think I have been patted down once.

I have noticed the guys at the top of each section with the headphones and two-toned blue shrits being much more vigiliant and on the look out for flasks though. The guy at the top of Section 107 / 105 takes his job a little to seriously and watches like a freaking hawk.

Yeah, he really relishes his role as commandant. We got Iceman (cool security dude down on the field) to shoo him away when he came down accusing us of getting to rambunctious. No worries, though; I don't envy the blue shirts their job of being the fun police. After that one incident we've been cool.

The only time I've ever seen him kick someone out was when some dude in the first row turned to face the crowd and took a long sip from his binocular flask. Aside from being hilarious, it was epically stupid and he deserved to get kicked.

Yeah, he really relishes his role as commandant. We got Iceman (cool security dude down on the field) to shoo him away when he came down accusing us of getting to rambunctious. No worries, though; I don't envy the blue shirts their job of being the fun police. After that one incident we've been cool.

The only time I've ever seen him kick someone out was when some dude in the first row turned to face the crowd and took a long sip from his binocular flask. Aside from being hilarious, it was epically stupid and he deserved to get kicked.

Yes, how would you like to be the one who has to wade into a group of drunken pigeyes to take away their home brewed hooch? That would be like getting between a sow and the trough and you might come out without your hands attached, if you come out at all!:pig:

Yeah, he really relishes his role as commandant. We got Iceman (cool security dude down on the field) to shoo him away when he came down accusing us of getting to rambunctious. No worries, though; I don't envy the blue shirts their job of being the fun police. After that one incident we've been cool.

The only time I've ever seen him kick someone out was when some dude in the first row turned to face the crowd and took a long sip from his binocular flask. Aside from being hilarious, it was epically stupid and he deserved to get kicked.

I saw some guy get tossed out of 105 during the OSU game. He was in the front row wearing blaze orange and could barely stand up. They moved in on him pretty quickly.

I saw some guy get tossed out of 105 during the OSU game. He was in the front row wearing blaze orange and could barely stand up. They moved in on him pretty quickly.

Same guy. Was literally begging to get the boot. I think he thought it would be cool to show the crowd that he could drink right in front of everyone. Turned to the crowd, made a big show up opening his binocular flask and took a deep swig. It was epic.

He was escorted out about 20 seconds later.

Same guy. Was literally begging to get the boot. I think he thought it would be cool to show the crowd that he could drink right in front of everyone. Turned to the crowd, made a big show up opening his binocular flask and took a deep swig. It was epic.

He was escorted out about 20 seconds later.

So he was a drunken deer hunter for halloween? I thought it might have something to do with not seeing over the OSU band and causing a disturbance with them. I missed the turning to the crowd and drinking part. That is classic.

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