If there is a press conference on the Cosgrove hiring, can someone let us know if....


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Nov 21, 2008
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a reporter grilled Brewster on Cosgrove's track record and getting run out of Nebraska??? I just want to get a good sense on whether Brew is fully aware of that situation and what his thoughts are on it. Thanks.

I'm sure Brewster is totally ignorant to Cosgrove's coaching history. :rolleyes:

A better question for Brew would be why he thinks Cosgrove can be successful here when he was not at Nebraska.

Regardless, I'll trust the head coach and athletic director and eagerly await the on-field results.

I'll preface this by saying I am unquestionably a Brewster supporter. But this whole thing smacks of arrogance. The hire could be summarized perfectly by Brewster saying, "Yeah, the only reason I hired him is because he's my friend and we go back 25 years. I know he's worthless as a coach, but I am so awesome that I don't need good assistants to win championships."

I'll preface this by saying I am unquestionably a Brewster supporter. But this whole thing smacks of arrogance. The hire could be summarized perfectly by Brewster saying, "Yeah, the only reason I hired him is because he's my friend and we go back 25 years. I know he's worthless as a coach, but I am so awesome that I don't need good assistants to win championships."

I cannot agree more, with Brewsters on field coaching still in question and now with Cosgrove on poor, who is going to coach and develop this talent. You can bring in all the talent in the world but if you cannot develop it from what it was in high school you are not going to be very competitive in the Big Ten.

While I am Brewster backer, this move makes no sense other than he is hiring is friend and Maturi is shoving it down his throat. I would love for someone to put Brewster on the spot and ask why the hell he hired Cosgrove?

I am not happy with this hire as well, but I have to remain optimistic until proven otherwise. Here is hoping we are all wrong and have to apologize to Brew at the end of the year!

So much has been written about the Husker 07 putrid D under Cosgrove. But Cosgrove is the same guy that coached with Alvarez four 14 years and resurrected that horrible program. Plus Wisky had the #5 rated D in 1999 and Wisky averaged 21ppg during his tenure. His third year, the Huskers gave up 18 ppg. Most Gopher fans would kill for that record.

So which guy will we come to Minnesota?

So much has been written about the Husker 07 putrid D under Cosgrove. But Cosgrove is the same guy that coached with Alvarez four 14 years and resurrected that horrible program. Plus Wisky had the #5 rated D in 1999 and Wisky averaged 21ppg during his tenure. His third year, the Huskers gave up 18 ppg. Most Gopher fans would kill for that record.

So which guy will we come to Minnesota?

If it was only one year for this guy then you could toss it out as an anomoly but look at his entire track record and you can see the average of his career is not good.


WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Cosgrove is a co-coordinator. Do you think Brew, Cross, Lee, Butler are going to bow to him? Gophers fans, by and large, are idiots.

Damn I didn't realize his defenses at Nebraska were ranked 56th at worst. That would be a nice upgrade for the gophers to be ranked 56th!!!

Damn I didn't realize his defenses at Nebraska were ranked 56th at worst. That would be a nice upgrade for the gophers to be ranked 56th!!!

The link did not include the 2007 defense ranking which was 112th.

So which is it, is 2007 an anomoly or not. Either 56th was his worst with the exception of 2007 or it wasn't.

I don't know if it was a anomoly or not, he merely stated that 56th was their worst defense during his time there. I was just correcting him as 112 is worse than 56. If may have been a anomoly but even if it was it didn't change the fact that 56th wasn't the single worst season. He wasn't talking about averages he was talking about individual seasons.

I don't know if it was a anomoly or not, he merely stated that 56th was their worst defense during his time there. I was just correcting him as 112 is worse than 56. If may have been a anomoly but even if it was it didn't change the fact that 56th wasn't the single worst season. He wasn't talking about averages he was talking about individual seasons.

I think you've got to look at the whole body of work, or at least a quantifiable trend. I don't see it. I see one bad year. My worry would be that he hasn't adjusted well to the spread which at his time in Wiscy wouldn't have hurt him yet. So that is the question looming for me. I don't think we know that answer.

He's a proven good coach. You have to ignore a lot of evidence to say otherwise. Is he great? Was he the best choice available? Well that is really the debate.

People...quit responding to Gophergod. He is a moron. Take the time yourself to read up on Cosgrove's history. Gophergod has no clue what goes into coaching and player development. Gophergod has no clue what the head coaches at Cosgrove's schools asked him to do each week. Gophergod has no clue. Do you really think Gophergod knows what he is talking about? What has he done in his life to give him any sliver of credibility when it comes to talking about football? There are numerous morons on this site but if we were to take a vote, exclude all the posters who are actully non-gopher fans, Gophergod would be the #1 MORON. Am I right?

People...quit responding to Gophergod. He is a moron. Take the time yourself to read up on Cosgrove's history. Gophergod has no clue what goes into coaching and player development. Gophergod has no clue what the head coaches at Cosgrove's schools asked him to do each week. Gophergod has no clue. Do you really think Gophergod knows what he is talking about? What has he done in his life to give him any sliver of credibility when it comes to talking about football? There are numerous morons on this site but if we were to take a vote, exclude all the posters who are actully non-gopher fans, Gophergod would be the #1 MORON. Am I right?

NO, unfortunately you're wrong. I don't even think he'd make the T10 list. Though I think I've got a shot.

People...quit responding to Gophergod. He is a moron. Take the time yourself to read up on Cosgrove's history. Gophergod has no clue what goes into coaching and player development. Gophergod has no clue what the head coaches at Cosgrove's schools asked him to do each week. Gophergod has no clue. Do you really think Gophergod knows what he is talking about? What has he done in his life to give him any sliver of credibility when it comes to talking about football? There are numerous morons on this site but if we were to take a vote, exclude all the posters who are actully non-gopher fans, Gophergod would be the #1 MORON. Am I right?

GopherMac, you proclaim to know a lot about me and my experiences in life yet I am pretty sure we have never met or talked, please correct me if I am wrong as I do run into quite a few bitter, angry, and lonely people and cannot keep track of them all. Clearly you have some self-esteem issues as you have to ask the board for validation("Am I right?"). Try to be a big boy and just stand by your comments alone without asking for validation.

good grief

It's always fun when we stop talking about football and start the "I know you are but what am I" stuff. I'm still waiting for someone to say "whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." Focus, people! Quit trying to predict the future. You'll have to wait for it just like the rest of us. Unless you have the ability to predict the future, in which case can you give me the winning powerball numbers for this saturday?

lets put it this way. Friendship only goes so far. If there is not good reason to bring him back for a second year, this will only be a one year deal.

That said, I do find it interesting that he co-def coordinatored it. It sounds like he may recognize the deficiencies of Cosgrove and may be addressing it!

Thanks GopherGuy05. Maybe you should pass those on to Cosgrove, too, since from all the talk here it sounds like the powerball might be the only thing he'll ever have a chance at winning again.

I apologize Gopherfaith. That's what I should have said. I lost my cool after reading so many posts by so-called experts about why the gophers are doomed, why the coach is stupid, why this hire is so dumb, etc. I lost my cool with Lawrence21 back a few weeks ago and I apologize for that, too. I think I am not able to be an optimist or at least a person who will give some time to a program and read these posts without letting my inner-rage take over. I don't know Gophergod and he could be an expert on college football and maybe does know exactly why Cosgrove will fail. I will either not read certain posts or learn to deal with my anger with what I consider ridiculous posts. Sorry Gophergod and Lawrence 21 for calling you morons and idiots. I don't claim to be an expert and I only have 30+ years of playing, watching, and enjoying football as my resume. Where I do differ from you guys is I don't claim stuff I don't know. I was thinking about how poor a coach Belichek was when he was with the Browns. Should the Patriots have hired such a loser to lead their team? I don't think this is the same situation as the Cosgrove hire but I sure wouldn't claim that this the worst hire until you see the product on the field.

Gophermac, just try to keep some perspective. Life is short--just enjoy Gopher football instead of agonizing over that which you cannot affect. Sounds kind of zen-like, doesn't it.

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