If Peterson is Leaving


Sep 11, 2010
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there's absolutely no talk about it on any boise forum. They gonna be pissed if he leaves

well, they did say its under wraps, and the players wont be informed til this morning, highly unlikely a team meeting will take place at 7am or earlier (MST). IIRC there actually IS a team meeting scheduled there for 'bowl game stuff, et al' that was reported yesterday on espn (TV only)

do they have a list of player's twitter accounts there?

i keep saying this and people are ignoring me, but if we find some of the prospective player's twitter accounts, then unless its leaked otherwise most likely a player will tweet about their coach leaving before anything else

There's no talk on any forum for any school. This is really getting annoying. I just want to get on with my life.

Maybe Pel need to learn how to spell his named, It Petersen, not Peterson. but i want this to be over with soon.

There's a thread on the UConn board, but it's just speculation prolly based on the same sources we've heard from.

People are getting way too upset about Petersen being spelled wrong. Posters have even been afraid that Petersen is not going to come here because he saw his name spelled wrong on Gopherhole.com. Petersen will have better reason than that, if he doesn't come here! Stop taking yourself so seriously!

People are getting way too upset about Petersen being spelled wrong. Posters have even been afraid that Petersen is not going to come here because he saw his name spelled wrong on Gopherhole.com. Petersen will have better reason than that, if he doesn't come here! Stop taking yourself so seriously!

+1 :clap:

And you are sensitive to suggestions of spelling accurately because...?

...you are embarrassed by your command of this elementary skill?

NO! Peterson's name MUST be spelled corectly, he is a god and we ALL must behave accordingly.

NO! Peterson's name MUST be spelled corectly, he is a god and we ALL must behave accordingly.

You're right, spelling is inconsequential. From now on, I'm going to call you gophergay. After all, it's only one letter off - no big deal.

Just a quick note: it is insulting to misspell or mispronounce someone's name repeatedly. Get it right.

You're right, spelling is inconsequential. From now on, I'm going to call you gophergay. After all, it's only one letter off - no big deal.

That made me laugh out loud......not that there is anything wrong with being (Gopher) gay as Sienfeld would say.

Wow, there's a lot of cold, hard reality for Gopher fans in that thread.

Meh. No different than the things we've been saying about UConn. Provincialism rules in these things.

With that said, I didn't post it because I figured some of the yahoos on here would go over and start defending their Minnesotan honor.

Wow, there's a lot of cold, hard reality for Gopher fans in that thread.

True, though who knows. money talks bull*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# walks.

the circumstances for petersen were entirely different last year. basing any decision about now based on then are totally wrong. not even looking at USC, maybe he hates USC lol...but iirc his team just went undefeated and there was no conference shifting. now theyre moving to a new conference, TCU left, and some other schools might? idk exactly, but the main reason was to improve schedule and now thats all but down the drain, they lost 1 game this year that annihilated natl title hopes and deflated the big hype bubble

but yes, he could stay on longer waiting for other opportunities to come up. then again, new conference next year, what if he has a down year? he wont be as in demand for all the more cushy job placements. his QB is going ot be a senior, so that may keep him there another year, unless the QB wants to try out the draft.

there's absolutely no talk about it on any boise forum. They gonna be pissed if he leaves

They're probably just waiting until they are told from 3 sources who are willing to allow them to release their names as sources until they post it on their board.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Link just posted on BSU Scout board referencing GopherHole. Prepare to be inundated with mountain people.

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