If Big Ten Teams Were Marvel Characters (Minnesota: Namor)


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Nov 11, 2008
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The obvious pre-P.J. Fleck choices for Minnesota were Thor and Winter Soldier, but in a post-Fleckian, "Row The Boat" world, we've got to go with the guy who has superhuman strength and stamina while in contact with water but turns into a normal guy when on land. If you've watched Minnesota's offensive and defensive lines from last year, that pretty effectively sums it up.


Go Gophers!!

Never heard of that character so makes sense I guess with the whole not being relevant yet.

EDIT: Never heard of most of those characters


I've been a comic book collector for 30 years. Namor, the Sub-Mariner, does NOT turn into a normal guy on land. He is just as strong no matter how long he stays on land. Now, the DC Character Aquaman at one point needed to be in contact with water to maintain his powers, but that was ret-conned out of existence a few years ago.

Not to get too geeky, but the Sub-Mariner was one of the first Marvel characters. he debuted in the same comic as the (original) Human Torch in the 1930's. You haven't seen him in the movies because his movie rights are caught up in a legal dispute between different companies.

and Bonin, you must not be watching any of the Marvel movies. Thor and the Winter Soldier (also known as Bucky Barnes) have been featured in several Marvel movies, including the current 'Avengers - Infinity War' that is raking in the bucks at the box office.

Well, anything can happen in Gopher fantasy land where you can go off script.

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