Ideal Timeline?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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So the Goalline Club annual banquet is today. Can't imagine anything going down until after program and Coyle has a chance to meet with Claeys.

Extension or firing likely late tonight or tomorrow. Coyle needs to act in the next 24 hours.

If it's a firing, competition goes up with every coach that's let go.

Western Michigan, Temple and Navy all have championship games next week. Those would be back door hirings.

My guess is an extension is announced by Tuesday.

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So the Goalline Club annual banquet is today. Can't imagine anything going down until after program and Coyle has a chance to meet with Claeys.

Extension or firing likely late tonight or tomorrow. Coyle needs to act in the next 24 hours.

If it's a firing, competition goes up with every coach that's let go.

Western Michigan, Temple and Navy all have championship games next week. Those would be back door hirings.

My guess is an extension is announced by Tuesday.

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Standing around the trophy case and reminiscing about another great season, does it get any better than this?!?

This is such a tough situation because if you let him go there are no guarantees that we don't get another Brewster. On the other hand I talked to two players from last year's team down in Nebraska. They basically said they like Tracey but he's not a leader,too quiet! I felt with a kill like leader we have maybe 1-2 more wins this year. I am also happy that Mitch is done but worried that he was #1qb. What does that say about our backups?

Whatever Coyle is going to do will need to be done quickly. I would expect we will know something by middle of next week at the latest.

Coyle wanted to be an AD at a P5 school - well, now he gets to show that he belongs here by making a tough decision.

I have concluded that Claeys is not the guy to lead this program forward. He's a caretaker coach. He never would have gotten the job without Kill's health problems - and the U having no permanent AD at the time due to Mega-Tongue's debacle.

Claeys may be a nice guy - but he's not a leader. At work, we hired a new general manager last year. Nicest guy in the world - but he didn't want to be the boss. He didn't want to make tough decisions, or tell anyone "no." As a result, we spent about 9 months just rudderless, with decisions not being made or delegated to people who couldn't handle it. That GM eventually resigned, and now we're trying to dig ourselves out of the hole. That is how I see the Gopher FB program under Claeys.

The Gophers need a new Boss - Not the same as the old boss - with a new approach. That is not Claeys.

I hope Coyle has the guts to make a change. But, since this is the U of MN we're talking about, I expect that Claeys will get a short extension with a minimal buyout - thereby guaranteeing that we will keep having this same argument for the next year at least. I hope I'm wrong.

This is such a tough situation because if you let him go there are no guarantees that we don't get another Brewster. On the other hand I talked to two players from last year's team down in Nebraska. They basically said they like Tracey but he's not a leader,too quiet! I felt with a kill like leader we have maybe 1-2 more wins this year. I am also happy that Mitch is done but worried that he was #1qb. What does that say about our backups?

Coyle is in no way as inept as to hire a tight end coach. Brewster like hire will not happen under Coyle. We need a head coach who can build enthusiasm, inspire, recruit, and coach.

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This is such a tough situation because if you let him go there are no guarantees that we don't get another Brewster. On the other hand I talked to two players from last year's team down in Nebraska. They basically said they like Tracey but he's not a leader,too quiet! I felt with a kill like leader we have maybe 1-2 more wins this year. I am also happy that Mitch is done but worried that he was #1qb. What does that say about our backups?

this. i said it to two guys sitting by me that you could feel the difference between the 2 sidelines between the 3rd and 4th. We were still up 17-10, but Wisconsin is hopping around and excited on their sidelines and our staff and players are standing there not interacting with each other, not getting up for the 4th and, while not trying to read into it too much, just trying to hold on. we need some extra fire in the program, whether that's a new HC or a new assistant or a QB/player who actually can get the guys going. It appeared sadly lacking in several games this year when we needed someone to right the ship and it never happened.

Coyle wanted to be an AD at a P5 school - well, now he gets to show that he belongs here by making a tough decision.

I have concluded that Claeys is not the guy to lead this program forward. He's a caretaker coach. He never would have gotten the job without Kill's health problems - and the U having no permanent AD at the time due to Mega-Tongue's debacle.

Claeys may be a nice guy - but he's not a leader. At work, we hired a new general manager last year. Nicest guy in the world - but he didn't want to be the boss. He didn't want to make tough decisions, or tell anyone "no." As a result, we spent about 9 months just rudderless, with decisions not being made or delegated to people who couldn't handle it. That GM eventually resigned, and now we're trying to dig ourselves out of the hole. That is how I see the Gopher FB program under Claeys.

The Gophers need a new Boss - Not the same as the old boss - with a new approach. That is not Claeys.

I hope Coyle has the guts to make a change. But, since this is the U of MN we're talking about, I expect that Claeys will get a short extension with a minimal buyout - thereby guaranteeing that we will keep having this same argument for the next year at least. I hope I'm wrong.

Agree 100% SON. I like Claeys. But he is a caretaker, not a leader who's going to get us to the next level. We have maxed out if a change is not made.

TC is not the answer. By all accounts he appears to be a nice guy and a good coordinator, but he utterly lacks the tools to be anything more than mediocre as a head coach. He is not a leader and has less charisma than a bowl of mashed peas. He panics under pressure, has zero feel for the offensive side of the ball, and inspires no confidence in his players when things start to go bad. Make the move, Mr. Coyle. Make it now! Things will only get worse if you wait. The long-suffering fans of this program deserve better.

All of this I agree with.

this. i said it to two guys sitting by me that you could feel the difference between the 2 sidelines between the 3rd and 4th. We were still up 17-10, but Wisconsin is hopping around and excited on their sidelines and our staff and players are standing there not interacting with each other, not getting up for the 4th and, while not trying to read into it too much, just trying to hold on. we need some extra fire in the program, whether that's a new HC or a new assistant or a QB/player who actually can get the guys going. It appeared sadly lacking in several games this year when we needed someone to right the ship and it never happened.

This coach just doesn't act like a head coach, or looks like he is un-comfortable with the media or answering questions to the public. His coaches show even leaves a lot to be desired with a lot of cliche nothing answers.
You need a face of the program that can sell tickets and motivate people to come out and watch the product. Like it or not today's head coaches and staffs are the ultimate marketing team for the program. They cannot be BS con artist, but they cannot be dry toast either.
Honestly the only coaches on this staff that the players rally around are coach Anderson, coach Phelps and coach Sherrels and coach Sawvel those are the best recruiters on this staff, the guy's that bring in all of the players. I think we have about four coaches on this entire staff that can recruit and bring in good players.
Gophers need new leadership and I am hoping it is a current head coach. This doesn't need to be on the job training. This cannot wait until the bowl game, that would be to late. Waiting until the bowl game last time we ended up with Tim Brewster. If a change is going to happen it needs to happen this week, so that we can get on with hiring a new head coach. I think Tracy Claeys time should be up, he just isn't leader, face of the program material.

I'm exhausted with all this. Will someone make the quick correct decisions so we can move on?

Claeys is intelligent enough to see his shortcomings as the Head Gopher. He should(will) do what's best for the team.

I'm exhausted with all this. Will someone make the quick correct decisions so we can move on?

I was thinking the same.

I think TC should get more time. TBH, the fact he didn't get an extension before Wisconsin makes me think he is gone.

At this point I almost don't care.

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