I wus a teecher in Manitooba, but Prexy B


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
tought me LATER in life that all you A holes had to be CONTRASTED or else! What happened to my quick twitch muscles at he YMCA today??? Bring back the litteracey test for those taht we're not educated like me.

THIS week will count to 8.3 percent towards my annual trip TO NASHVILLE WHere I SOLD Candy BARS to the MORMONS and bAPTIST to RAISE money for new pApisT rosaryies at WINONA cotter.

I am going to steal concessions and paper TOWELS until the M and M buyouts are Payed for! NO DONATIONS from mrs WREN until the dept is covered!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suck it Joel1


Just a little retro Wren/ Loon humor for all of you! Merry hate I hate Iowa week!

tought me LATER in life that all you A holes had to be CONTRASTED or else! What happened to my quick twitch muscles at he YMCA today??? Bring back the litteracey test for those taht we're not educated like me.

THIS week will count to 8.3 percent towards my annual trip TO NASHVILLE WHere I SOLD Candy BARS to the MORMONS and bAPTIST to RAISE money for new pApisT rosaryies at WINONA cotter.

I am going to steal concessions and paper TOWELS until the M and M buyouts are Payed for! NO DONATIONS from mrs WREN until the dept is covered!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suck it Joel1


Just a little retro Wren/ Loon humor for all of you! Merry hate I hate Iowa week!


no wonder you people thought you were going to the rose bowl!


no wonder you people thought you were going to the rose bowl!

Looks like Pantherhawk found his 2 day window when the Gopherhole opened up registration with the new board. Is there an ignore function on the new messageboard or do I have to wait a couple days until he is banned? Nice Light Saber Guy.

I got scared as soon as I saw This Prexy B. Thank God Wrenbawls isn't here because I don't need to hear about how This Brewster needs to fire This Dunbar. This Brewster needs to run the football and stop the run in order to win Big Ten games. Yada for 10 paragraphs...

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