I know it's after only two games...

Great Plains Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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But Gophers are 17th nationally in total defense; NCAA stats. Point is that we have been way down in stats early season some years - nice to be near the top this year. Hope we can stay there.

After two games in 2011, the Gophers gave up 371 yards to USC and 421 yards to New Mexico State. This season, the Gophers have given up 275 yards to UNLV and 231 to New Hampshire. Looks like an improvement. Last year's team would have lost to UNLV.

I think it is important that we keep this all in perspective and don't get "victory disease" after two games with crappy teams. I agree the Gophers would have lost to UNLV last year and it is encouraging to see the opponent's punter on the field. But I'll leave it at that for now: encouraging. As many others have said, the next two games will tell a lot because they have track records of matching up with better teams, and of course the B1G season will tell a lot MORE. There are some good offensive teams remaining on the schedule so the defensive improvement will need to keep pace.

I want to echo Schnauzer's sentiment. The important thing is we are 2-0 and have beaten two teams we should have beaten. The first game was more of an adventure then we would have liked but a win is a win. I love stats but they are meaningless this early in the year. After 4 games you can start to see a trend but the real numbers don't beocme evident until you get into conference play.

You have to take quality of opponent into account when looking at individual and team stats at this point which gets next to impossible because teams are playing opponents that are all over the map talent wise. That being said we should be doing pretty well across the board at this point since we have played two very weak teams to this point.

I wouldn't call them meaningless for a team like ours. When we've seen the defensive performances we've seen the last two years, having a three game stretch from Illinois to UNH like we saw is more than encouraging. We're obviously not a top 20 defense, but the point is, we at least showed that we are capable of having a defense that can make some plays out there. That's in addition to the trend we saw the whole second half of last year, just a gradual improvement. Keep this up, and maybe we do see something nice come later in B1G play.

Momentum is a very powerful thing. When you turn it in your favor, good things happen. Players start playing above their levels, bounces seem to go the right way, punts don't go for 10 yards. and a host of other things that have ailed the Gophers.

Yes it's only 2 games (technically a 3-game winning streak), but it's nice to see confidence among the players, staff, and fans. This is something we haven't experienced in a long time.

I will totally agree that it is nice to see sacks and interceptions no matter who the opposition is. Those have been sorely lacking around here in recent years. I am just really curious to see how the defense holds up against a quality offense which we should see this weekend. This will be the first experienced QB we have faced this season also.

What are we saying here? Is this team better than lasts years team? I would say that the returning players are better. The question is are the new players better than the players who left and are the games played this year comparable to those last season?

Last start with the games played so far this year versus similar opponents last year. Last years team lost to NDSU and New Mexico State. I'm biased but I think most will agree, 2011 NDSU would beat the crap out of 2012 UNLV and New Hampshire. New Mexico State finished with a record of 4-8; I would say they are about the same as the 2012 UNLV and New Hampshire. The difference is Gray was not making his 2nd start and the coach didn't fall out on the side line so they had their head coach without the distraction (maybe it doesn't matter..maybe it does).

Players? I think the return of Troy, the use of Carter, a pass rush and a more experienced Gray
offsets the lost of Royston, GT and last years inexperienced Gray.....so far. Last seasons WR's,
RB's and TE's? They were made irrelevant by bad o-line and QB play.

So far I like what I have seen of this years team. Gray rebounded with the type of game he
should have against that type of opponent but others on offense rely on his ability to distribute
the football. Ie force teams to honor the pass and get out of those 8 man fronts, until then we
won't be able to consistently run the ball and we will remain one dimensional. The exception
being Gray running the ball.

I'm waiting to see how the d-line and backers hold up against D1 competition; I really don't want
a repeat of last year where the secondary should have changed their numbers to numbers in the

Opp's I didn't answer the question. While I think it's trending towards this years team being better. I choose to withold judgement until this years team actually plays someone.

Last start with the games played so far this year versus similar opponents last year. Last years team lost to NDSU and New Mexico State. I'm biased but I think most will agree, 2011 NDSU would beat the crap out of 2012 UNLV and New Hampshire. New Mexico State finished with a record of 4-8; I would say they are about the same as the 2012 UNLV and New Hampshire. The difference is Gray was not making his 2nd start and the coach didn't fall out on the side line so they had their head coach without the distraction (maybe it doesn't matter..maybe it does).

Coach Kill had his seizure with 20 seconds left in the game, so it is difficult to attribute the NMSU loss to distraction from his seizure. Given that the 2011 Gophers lost at home to New Mexico State, it is hard to see that they would have defeated UNLV on the road. The 2011 Gophers gave up 421 yards to New Mexico State and 405 yards to Miami at home. The 2012 Gophers have given up 275 yards to UNLV on the road (and about 65 of those yards were in OT) and 231 yards to New Hampshire. And as you said yourself, Gray is looking better than he was at this point last year.

I'm pretty pumped. Gray is on pace for 1308 yards rushing with 12 TDs on the ground and 2,184 yards passing with 24 TD tosses. And only 6 INTs! Best. Year. Ever.

Cue message board explosion. In three, two, one...

Coach Kill had his seizure with 20 seconds left in the game, so it is difficult to attribute the NMSU loss to distraction from his seizure. Given that the 2011 Gophers lost at home to New Mexico State, it is hard to see that they would have defeated UNLV on the road. The 2011 Gophers gave up 421 yards to New Mexico State and 405 yards to Miami at home. The 2012 Gophers have given up 275 yards to UNLV on the road (and about 65 of those yards were in OT) and 231 yards to New Hampshire. And as you said yourself, Gray is looking better than he was at this point last year.

I want to make it clear that I don't necessarily disagree with you, but UNLV just LOST at home to Northern Arizona. I am not sure we can say that UNLV beats last years NMSU team. Western Michigan should be a good gauge, they were easily handled on the road at Illinois. If the Gophers can defeat WMU comfortably, that would be a good sign.

I want to make it clear that I don't necessarily disagree with you, but UNLV just LOST at home to Northern Arizona. I am not sure we can say that UNLV beats last years NMSU team. Western Michigan should be a good gauge, they were easily handled on the road at Illinois. If the Gophers can defeat WMU comfortably, that would be a good sign.

I'm not saying that UNLV would have beaten MTSU. What I'm saying is that I think that the 2011 Gophers, at that point in the season, would likely have lost to UNLV on the road. I agree that WMU will be a good test of how much the Gophers have improved, but it seems clear to me that the Gophers have improved, the question is how much the have improved.

I think it is important that we keep this all in perspective and don't get "victory disease" after two games with crappy teams. I agree the Gophers would have lost to UNLV last year and it is encouraging to see the opponent's punter on the field. But I'll leave it at that for now: encouraging. As many others have said, the next two games will tell a lot because they have track records of matching up with better teams, and of course the B1G season will tell a lot MORE. There are some good offensive teams remaining on the schedule so the defensive improvement will need to keep pace.

Yes what he said.

It's ok to be excited and yes things have definitely improved, but temper expectations. There is no quick fix in football. Coach Kill said it best "build on concrete, brick by brick".

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