I Know Coach Brewster is all over this


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Nov 21, 2008
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But it has been my contention that graduating high school seniors should enroll in summer school at the U. I don't have the dates in hand but I think I remember most of last years recruits enrolling. While it was an exception under former coaches, I get the idea its a rule with Coach Brewster. Does anyone have the summer schedule at the U at hand and are there two sessions? Does an early June graduation dovetail into second session?

Of course the next question, who enrolled and who is going to wait till fall. I would imagine there will none of the latter.

I for one want to see Mr. Hageman lineup with Wills and Carufel. That could be stout. And the ability to throw a ball in the middle of the field to a reciever with height, hands, and hops is a bonus.

That could be stout.


Seriously, that would be a lot of humanity along the front line.

I'm with you on the summer school thing too. I think it's helpful to get guys in school and get a few classes under the belt ahead of jumping into football practices. Arriving on campus in August and immediately being put into football and then throwing classes on top of that can certainly be a stressful experience. Though I imagine it still is for summer school attendees, I imagine it eliminates some of the unknown factor from school and schoolwork and eases the transition, if only a little.

Summer School

The 2009 recruits are automatically enrolled in summer school. The report to campus on June 11th and start classes on June 15th. They are taking six credits in the summer to get their feet wet and will also get involved in the strength and conditioning program.

The 2009 recruits are automatically enrolled in summer school. The report to campus on June 11th and start classes on June 15th. They are taking six credits in the summer to get their feet wet and will also get involved in the strength and conditioning program.

obviously, you're referring only to those recruits who are fully qualified...cleared...and ready to go...:eek:

Its automatic? Or is it matter of or a measure of committment? It is the best thing for an the recruits to begin what is or can be a 5 year program. What is the threshold of credits to maintain a full time status. 12, 15? If so the fall should be classes in your wheelhouse. Maybe you are a literature buff, or accounting is your thing, whatever take those classes in the fall during the season and save the chemistry, calculus, etc for the second semester and or the first summer session.

Its automatic? Or is it matter of or a measure of committment? It is the best thing for an the recruits to begin what is or can be a 5 year program. What is the threshold of credits to maintain a full time status. 12, 15? If so the fall should be classes in your wheelhouse. Maybe you are a literature buff, or accounting is your thing, whatever take those classes in the fall during the season and save the chemistry, calculus, etc for the second semester and or the first summer session.

Chemistry, calculas in the summer? What you don't want anyone to be eligible.

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