I hope to live long enough to see Minnesota get a break like Iowa did tonight


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Somehow despite the use of instant replay, the referees stay with their initial (incorrect) call of Iowa ball with about 13 seconds left in the game and Purdue trailing by one. I don't understand the point of replay if you are going to delay the game for at least 2 minutes...and still stay with a bad call. To make matters worse, it was the type of play that is often called out on the offensive rebounder instead of calling the over back foul.

Can't feel too sorry for Purdue though there last possessions were a comedy of errors: Haas misses at the rim, they have a transition attempt with a guy streaking for a layup and miss him ending the possession with a missed open three, Swanigan yells about not getting the ball on said possession so on their next possession he turns it over, then Swanigan gets it again and misses at the rim. Everyone one of these possessions would have likely won them the game.

I watched that. Shocking call.

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Even the announcers thought it was Purdue ball... and said the fans will go nuts when the call is changed.

Agree with your post and sentiment. May we be the beneficiary of such a break. Soon!

Purdue friend told me he thought the refs were intimidated by the home crowd. I told him they never get intimidated like that in the Barn.

Just watched it and while I think it likely went off Iowa; no way you can overturn it if you called it off Purdue. Definitely not conclusive.

Not so sure about that LesB.. To my eyes the Iowa player pushed the ball through the hands of the Purdue player. Conclusive or not - I'm thinking the refs were afraid to change that call.

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