I don't think the Gophers will win 20


Oct 17, 2009
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I know it's early, but based on what we all saw at the tournament, Minnesota has some glaring weaknesses. We all thought this team was going to win 21-23 games this season. Not so fast! Let's say the Gophers lose to Miami. That's puts them at 4-3. OK, then let's say they go on and win four more nonconference games at home (who knows anymore). That puts them at 8-3 going into the Big Ten schedule. I think it would be foolish to think this team can win more than 10 league games, putting them at 16-18 wins...
Needless to say, I'm very disturbed by the losses this weekend. Portland was killed by West Virginia and Butler isn't that good. Texas AM tried to give the Gophers the game, and they still couldn't pull through! I believe in Tubby, but there is only so much you can do with several pretty good players and no great players.

Have some confidence in Tubby and a team that has a great deal of depth and talent. They ran into some cold shooting (which happens) against a couple of decent teams. Tubby is a great coach and teacher and he has a number of things he can bring to the team to improve on. The shooting will come back. You know that teams run through stretches like that. We played reasonably poor, and still had a chance in both of the games. Back away from the ledge. I expect the Gophers to play well against Miami and come away with a win on Wednesday. Everyone will calm down and get back to reality. We are not going to win the conference, but we will make the tournament with ease and win a game or two. Patience, young grasshopper...........

By all means, I think we should just close shop on the season right now. Why go on?;)

Have some confidence in Tubby and a team that has a great deal of depth and talent. They ran into some cold shooting (which happens) against a couple of decent teams. Tubby is a great coach and teacher and he has a number of things he can bring to the team to improve on. The shooting will come back. You know that teams run through stretches like that. We played reasonably poor, and still had a chance in both of the games. Back away from the ledge. I expect the Gophers to play well against Miami and come away with a win on Wednesday. Everyone will calm down and get back to reality. We are not going to win the conference, but we will make the tournament with ease and win a game or two. Patience, young grasshopper...........

OK, fair enough. But realistically how many games do you expect them to win this season?

I think we should just close shop on the season right now. Why go on?;)

The season isn't over, but I am allowed to express my disappointment with how they played this weekend. Aren't I? I didn't attack any players and didn't cry about how the season is over like some other people on here.

Well judging by some of the losses by other Big 10 teams, this conference is still wide open. I saw some of the worst shooting I have seen from a Gopher basketball team I have ever seen this past weekend, and we were right there at the end with both teams. I still think we win 20.

Realistically: 10-2 non conference, 11-7 big ten: 21 wins.
I was very disappointed in the losses, but bottom line is that they may help us as we move down the road. The team may have thought they were going to coast being ranked 16th in the country. A little overrated at this point, but feel they will be a top 20 team by the end of the season as they gel.

If you are going to base your entire season on these two games, I would agree with you - 16 wins. That, fortunately, is not how the season is going to play out with this team and this coach.

You most certainly are entitled to do that. I'm speaking more to the tone of the "the sky is falling, the world is coming to an end" crowd on this board.

You most certainly are entitled to do that. I'm speaking more to the tone of the "the sky is falling, the world is coming to an end" crowd on this board.

The world is not coming to an end and the sky is not falling. This weekend was tough to watch. I just hope the poor shooting is simply a fluke and not a reality.

I felt 23-7 would get an 'A' in my book before the season. I would now revise that to 22-8 as I expected 2-1 this week-end. I'm also not as confident in the 22 wins as I was on Thursday, but that can all change with a solid win on Wednesday.

This team has had a lot of distractions and such to start this season. Losing three good players is going to have an affect. I think they just have some things to work out and if they can steal a win in Miami, that will go a long way towards getting them back on track. I'm not surprised by a slower start considering the circumstances coming into the year. I'm more worried about them playing well in conference play, and in the NCAA tournament, which I still fully expect them to still make.

You people have no idea how good of a coach you have. I am a big gopher fan, but live in the state to the east. I cannot believe all of the negative crap that you post on this site. I signed up to talk gopher basketball, not to read posts about how Tubby should have done this, Tubby should have done that. When you win a national championship, and have never had a season of under 20 losses, then you can start talking. Until then, shut up. Do we want Dan Monson back? Some of you guys probably would want him back.

I dont know what some of you expect when you have 2 potential starters suspended, it doesnt make sense to have the same goals or get upset when they lose games we expected to win with a different roster. I'm as frustrated as anyone else but im frustrated with the fact tubby had to suspend our biggest difference makers. We will not have an improved record,ranking, or seed without royce or mbakwe. that doesnt mean this season cant still be enjoyable

You people have no idea how good of a coach you have. I am a big gopher fan, but live in the state to the east. I cannot believe all of the negative crap that you post on this site. I signed up to talk gopher basketball, not to read posts about how Tubby should have done this, Tubby should have done that. When you win a national championship, and have never had a season of under 20 losses, then you can start talking. Until then, shut up. Do we want Dan Monson back? Some of you guys probably would want him back.

Go away. This message board is not meant as a Gopher slobber-fest. Few people on here question Tubby's judgment.

I by no means am bashing Tubby. I think he is a great coach. I am just sick of people second guessing him.

Here are some stats.

FG% 3PT% FT%
44.1% 32.7% 71.5% 2008-2009 whole season
41.8% 31.2% 75% 2008-2009 BT games only
33.3% 15.8% 59.1% vs. Portland
38.6% 33.3% 66.7% vs. Texas A&M

Assuming that we have not regressed, we will have better shooting days.

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