I didn't miss it, did I?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Has Royce White ever once admitted fault for anything he has done? And I don't mean plea agreements and whatnot.

Has he ever once said, "I was wrong. I screwed up. I apologize and want to do what's right. I realize I have an opportunity here and I want to take advantage of it. I let myself, my team, my coaches, my university, and my fans down. It won't happen again, and I am going to do everything I can to get back on the court."

Unless I totally missed it (and I don't think I've missed any of this crap), he has never said anything of the sort. I don't think he is capable of doing that. I teach junior high kids everyday, and there are kids that get it and are responsible, kids that don't but are teachable, and kids that don't and never will. They simply blame anyone else anytime they can. They cry and whine and don't change. They just continue to ruin things for themselves.

It's pretty clear which category Royce falls into. I truly believe he has bigger mental issues that need to be cleared up. That's what people should be focusing on. Those who defend him and want him to play right now are extremely off base. This kid should be as far away from basketball as he can for awhile.

Do you that defend him have any idea how far it would have gone if he had publically just admitted wrongdoing and dedicated himself to the team? People would forgive and move on and love him without question (provided he did indeed stay out of trouble). But instead he has created this narcisistic circus.

I knew something was wrong when he was expelled. That just doesn't happen that easily. But he seemingly stayed out of trouble after that, so the fan in me wanted to believe he was actually going to contribute and be a good citizen this year. Removing myself from my fandom, I can't say I am surprised one bit by what has transpired.

Tubby was in an impossible situation with whether to recruit him or not. Unfortunately, he was wrong. But that's not his fault. It's Royce White's.

If you can't find someone else to blame, you're not looking hard enough.

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