I come before the altar of Goldy to repent...


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
Forgive me Kill, for I have sinned:

  • I thought our team may go 0-8 in conference play
  • I cursed Matt Limegrover's name for his lack of creativity on offense
  • I doubted whether the staff could coach in the B1G
  • I said we wouldn't be able to win games in conference play by simply asserting our will in the running game
  • I doubted we'd see great improvement after the Iowa game--I'd grown bored with the "we're young" excuse

These are not my only sins, Father Kill. Please forgive me for all other sins both spoken and thought. I submit fully to your will for the program, and I promise to spread your Word throughout Gopher Nation. Amen.

I've decided that I'm so happy with the 6 wins we already have, I won't air any more negative thoughts on this football board for the rest of this season. That's my penance for not believing.

I thought we were ticketed for 0-8. The results of the last two games have been incredible surprises. I am on cloud 9 after today's win. That game was amazing.

I am hungry for more. I'm so happy right now, but I see winnable games on the schedule. This could be a special breakout season for this young group of players.

Forgive me Kill, for I have sinned:

  • I thought our team may go 0-8 in conference play
  • I cursed Matt Limegrover's name for his lack of creativity on offense
  • I doubted whether the staff could coach in the B1G
  • I said we wouldn't be able to win games in conference play by simply asserting our will in the running game
  • I doubted we'd see great improvement after the Iowa game--I'd grown bored with the "we're young" excuse

These are not my only sins, Father Kill. Please forgive me for all other sins both spoken and thought. I submit fully to your will for the program, and I promise to spread your Word throughout Gopher Nation. Amen.

Say 15 Dr Dons and ask for forgiveness.

I've often wondered what it would take to chip away at the negative's talking points. It's good to see they aren't just caricatures.

I emptied out my Ignore List... there will not be another negative comment from me as long as I'm on Gopherhole from now on...

If this were Michigan, blah... but we haven't beaten Nebraska since the 60's... they could lose it & I'm still happy about this win because it wasn't a fluke... we dominated...

Forgive me Kill, for I have sinned:

  • I thought our team may go 0-8 in conference play
  • I cursed Matt Limegrover's name for his lack of creativity on offense
  • I doubted whether the staff could coach in the B1G
  • I said we wouldn't be able to win games in conference play by simply asserting our will in the running game
  • I doubted we'd see great improvement after the Iowa game--I'd grown bored with the "we're young" excuse

These are not my only sins, Father Kill. Please forgive me for all other sins both spoken and thought. I submit fully to your will for the program, and I promise to spread your Word throughout Gopher Nation. Amen.

I am surprised you were able to get to the confessional box. There must have been along line.

Forgive me Kill, for I have sinned:

  • I thought our team may go 0-8 in conference play
  • I cursed Matt Limegrover's name for his lack of creativity on offense
  • I doubted whether the staff could coach in the B1G
  • I said we wouldn't be able to win games in conference play by simply asserting our will in the running game
  • I doubted we'd see great improvement after the Iowa game--I'd grown bored with the "we're young" excuse

These are not my only sins, Father Kill. Please forgive me for all other sins both spoken and thought. I submit fully to your will for the program, and I promise to spread your Word throughout Gopher Nation. Amen.

I, too, need to say 15 - 20 Hail Doc's, and then run down the block with my oversized M flag.

Hail Doctor Don,
Father of all.
My drink is with me.

Holy Don,
Blessed are thou among fans,
And blessed is the fruit of your prostate,

Forgive me Kill, for I have sinned:

  • I thought our team may go 0-8 in conference play
  • I cursed Matt Limegrover's name for his lack of creativity on offense
  • I doubted whether the staff could coach in the B1G
  • I said we wouldn't be able to win games in conference play by simply asserting our will in the running game
  • I doubted we'd see great improvement after the Iowa game--I'd grown bored with the "we're young" excuse

These are not my only sins, Father Kill. Please forgive me for all other sins both spoken and thought. I submit fully to your will for the program, and I promise to spread your Word throughout Gopher Nation. Amen.

To those of you:

-who saw positive signs when you reviewed a second and third time the tapes of our losses to Michigan and Iowa;
-who thought that it was irrationally pessimistic in predicting losses by wide margins to the likes of NW and Neb;
-who believed we were getting better and closer to being a decent team;
-who had indefatigable optimism and faith in the system;

you were absolutely right. You were smarter than most of us. You knew what you were talking about. These last two wins by the Gophers belong to you!

I've come to the realization that I just need to go back to being a fan and stop judging and criticizing. I obviously don't know jack about the intricacies of the game.

Go Gophers. Go Jerry Kill and Staff.

I, too, need to say 15 - 20 Hail Doc's, and then run down the block with my oversized M flag.

LOL Was that you that snagged that thing post-game?!?!

And I'm AMAZED at how many of you are coming out and asking forgiveness. It's not needed. You were frustrated. We understand. Just get on board and LESSGO!!!

To those of you:

-who saw positive signs when you reviewed a second and third time the tapes of our losses to Michigan and Iowa;
-who thought that it was irrationally pessimistic in predicting losses by wide margins to the likes of NW and Neb;
-who believed we were getting better and closer to being a decent team;
-who had indefatigable optimism and faith in the system;

you were absolutely right. You were smarter than most of us. You knew what you were talking about. These last two wins by the Gophers belong to you!

I've come to the realization that I just need to go back to being a fan and stop judging and criticizing. I obviously don't know jack about the intricacies of the game.

Go Gophers. Go Jerry Kill and Staff.

"The Coaches Know More Than I Do." Repeat. "The Coaches Know More Than I Do." Repeat. "The Coaches Know More Than I Do." Repeat.

Every single one of you has big balls for admitting you were doubting this team. At times, I had my doubts as well. This makes EVERYTHING in the last year worth it. Tears, High-Fives, Hugs, and Cheers were had today....and I loved every moment of it.

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