How was this not targeting? (Video)


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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I wondered the same when it happened.

I think there can be little doubt that would have been targeting if a Gopher had done it.

Who cares? That play had no affect on the game and if anybody else besides the QB is tackled like that we aren't even having this discussion, it would be considered a legit football play (which is good). If anything I'm thankful that they didn't call targeting on Lynn (not that I thought it was targeting).

We were the recipient of some horrific calls, none worse than our offensive play calls

He's not defenseless. He's a runner who puts his head down. The stretches on this site for justification of losses is unreal.

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Yeah, that seemed pretty obvious to me in real time. That's about 3 this year on Mitch that weren't called. Hell, the DEFENDER got up woozy because he went in with the crown and made helmet to helmet contact. JOke.

He's not defenseless. He's a runner who puts his head down. The stretches on this site for justification of losses is unreal.

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Don't have to be defenseless if the defender launches and leads with the crown of the helmet. That was textbook targeting. Didn't cost MN the game, so whatever. But was definitely BS.

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Go Gophers!!
Stop changing the subject with video evidence. We are a dirty team, and nobody else is.

Who cares? That play had no affect on the game and if anybody else besides the QB is tackled like that we aren't even having this discussion, it would be considered a legit football play (which is good). If anything I'm thankful that they didn't call targeting on Lynn (not that I thought it was targeting).
So you just assume that if it's called targeting and he has to sit out, that his replacement is in the same exact spot on every play?

Don't have to be defenseless if the defender launches and leads with the crown of the helmet. That was textbook targeting. Didn't cost MN the game, so whatever. But was definitely BS.

His shoulder and helmet hit at same time. Dive and launch are different. Lynn was same play. Both dive and both are correctly called, no target. Lynn was borderline as it's a defenseless player and in slow motion, late.

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Don't have to be defenseless if the defender launches and leads with the crown of the helmet. That was textbook targeting. Didn't cost MN the game, so whatever. But was definitely BS.

If the Mitch play today was targeting, then about 50 percent of the running plays involving a RB would be targeting. The officials rarely if ever call targeting when a runner is advancing and helmet to helmet contact happens. Regardless of what the rule books says that is not how the officials call it.

I am tired of reading these misguided calls for targeting. Watch some games, and get back to me when you see the officials call targeting on a hit on a runner. The only one I have ever seen was when the player was on the ground and the defender came up late and "speared" the runner.

So you just assume that if it's called targeting and he has to sit out, that his replacement is in the same exact spot on every play?

Unlikely that the level of drop off of play in his replacement has any real effect on the game. If anything, it's certainly possible that his replacement could have played better.

The only two calls I had beef with were when they said no penalty on Wolitarsky when the Badgers defender tackled him and impeded his progress towards the football they call un-catch able. He grabbed held and tackled Wolitarsky on the call, and the official put the flag back in his pocket.
The second call was in the first half, they gave Clement on the sideline a first down when he clearly stepped out of bounds a yard and 1/2 prior to making it to the first down marker. They essentially awarded Clement a first down on that play he did not earn and Wisconsin gained a free play off of it. I didn't like the hit on Mitch Leidner, but as you said he never get's target calls even when he is hit helmet to helmet or a guy launches at his head. I thought he hit him mostly on the left shoulder but the helmet crown did hit Mitch in the head and neck area and that was a speer with the crown of the helmet an intentional shot at his head as he was giving himself up.

The forced throw fade route to Still in the second half turned all momentum and was the biggest factor in the football game. That play killed all the Gophers confidence and belief they could win.

If the Mitch play today was targeting, then about 50 percent of the running plays involving a RB would be targeting. The officials rarely if ever call targeting when a runner is advancing and helmet to helmet contact happens. Regardless of what the rule books says that is not how the officials call it.

I am tired of reading these misguided calls for targeting. Watch some games, and get back to me when you see the officials call targeting on a hit on a runner. The only one I have ever seen was when the player was on the ground and the defender came up late and "speared" the runner.


I just about threw a chair at the TV when "Bad Mitch" made his inevitable reappearance and threw that awful interception in the end zone.

In my heart I knew better, that a TD was probably needed to have any hope of holding on and 20-10 lead would probably not be enough, but it still destroyed all momentum. I half though/ hoped that our defense could hold up with a 20-10 lead and if the running game could kill some clock. The fact that the defense hung in there for four quarters against what has been a very active and explosive Northwestern last week gave me some hope.

Right before the play I said to the two cats sitting next to me, that we either needed to hand the ball of to Brooks, or let Mitch take one look and if it was not there throw it into the seats. Instead he threw the predictable pic, and the two cats were quickly exiting the living room.

Mitch and Jay Johnson pretty much made anything the defense did or did not do irrelevant.

I just about threw a chair at the TV when "Bad Mitch" made his inevitable reappearance and threw that awful interception in the end zone.

In my heart I knew better, that a TD was probably needed to have any hope of holding on and 20-10 lead would probably not be enough, but it still destroyed all momentum. I half though/ hoped that our defense could hold up with a 20-10 lead and if the running game could kill some clock. The fact that the defense hung in there for four quarters against what has been a very active and explosive Northwestern last week gave me some hope.

Right before the play I said to the two cats sitting next to me, that we either needed to hand the ball of to Brooks, or let Mitch take one look and if it was not there throw it into the seats. Instead he threw the predictable pic, and the two cats were quickly exiting the living room.

Mitch and Jay Johnson pretty much made anything the defense did or did not do irrelevant.

I never pegged you as a cat person. Now I'm worried your house is full of them.

I have been watching Hoarders, and got rid of the other 20 cats back in August, just in case I was a hoarder, to ensure social services did not show up during the football season. I do have some jugs and buckets in the bathroom full of brown water that I am not going get rid of up, no matter what anyone thinks, though! about the cats....

These two cats are temporary guests, but they never overshoot the cat box, sleep a lot, and tend to sit to next to me when I watch football games for hours, so I cannot complain. I like not having to interact with other humans in person at least during Gopher Football games, so this helps. I will sort of miss them when they are gone. I think they are starting to figure it out when Mitch throws an interception, it does not mean they are bad cats.

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