How was the Crowd today?

Triple D

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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It looked pretty empty towards the top on TV.

Was the atmosphere any better than last home game against Iowa?

I gotta tell ya, after watching both the Wisconsin home crowd last week and the Iowa home crowd this week I am jealous of the atmosphere they have compared to what we have.

It looked pretty empty towards the top on TV.

Was the atmosphere any better than last home game against Iowa?

I gotta tell ya, after watching both the Wisconsin home crowd last week and the Iowa home crowd this week I am jealous of the atmosphere they have compared to what we have.

We will never have that atmosphere.

We will never have that atmosphere.
We've had that atmosphere plenty of times at TCF - twice just last year (TCU and Michigan). Win and play will come and cheer loud.

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Crowd was 50 times better than the Iowa game imo

Seemed about half full. Upper deck home side is just pathetic. I don't understand.

Seemed about half full. Upper deck home side is just pathetic. I don't understand.

You're right about the Home side upper deck, but IMHO, you're way off if you think that there were only 25,000 people in there today.

The ESPNU production makes the stadium seem like a ghost yard. There is almost nothing audible from the crowd.

Seemed about half full. Upper deck home side is just pathetic. I don't understand.

What's not to understand? They jacked up the ticket prices and the on-field performance is average. Season tickets were down, what, 20%? The atmosphere at games this year have been the worst I've experienced at TCF. A lot of the long-time passionate fans aren't showing up any more.

From TV, the crowd looked pretty sad...But I guess it's no huge surprise at this point in the season...

The TCU and Michigan games were definitely the craziest I have been to at TCF. Crowd energy was great.

The crowd was energetic and loud in the first quarter (obviously) but we all pretty much sat on our hands and enjoyed the beautiful day from then on. Student section was really full and loud, but the rest of the place was at most two thirds full. Put a better product on the field and you'll get a better atmosphere.

The crowd was energetic and loud in the first quarter (obviously) but we all pretty much sat on our hands and enjoyed the beautiful day from then on. Student section was really full and loud, but the rest of the place was at most two thirds full. Put a better product on the field and you'll get a better atmosphere.

Pretty much agree with this. After the first quarter, fans in our section turned to sarcastic humor. What do you expect when your're playing for a field goal to defeat Rutgers?

It wasn't bad, but the derps will ALWAYS kill a crowd. That's just how it is.

If it wasn't mistakes were creating problems then the crowd would be more into it.

Announced attendance was 44k and some change.

It looked pretty empty towards the top on TV.

Was the atmosphere any better than last home game against Iowa?

I gotta tell ya, after watching both the Wisconsin home crowd last week and the Iowa home crowd this week I am jealous of the atmosphere they have compared to what we have.

Official Attendance was 46,096.

in the first half The stadium was mostly full, in particular the student section was jammed. And we made a lot of noise. But in the second half, as the game got closer, the crowd got much quieter and an awful lot of people seemed to have left.

It looked pretty empty towards the top on TV.

Was the atmosphere any better than last home game against Iowa?

I gotta tell ya, after watching both the Wisconsin home crowd last week and the Iowa home crowd this week I am jealous of the atmosphere they have compared to what we have.

If only there were something you could do to help. Oh well.

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