How to Watch the Post-Mbakwe Gophers

From the Barn

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Nov 20, 2008
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I rarely link to my own articles, but I think it is warrented under the circumstances. Think of it as a survial guide to staying supportive of the team and not getting too depressed about another season that won't live up to expectations.

And save the calls for Tubby's head and the comparisons to the previous regime for the other threads. Our team is on the floor, and it is what is, regardless of what you think it should be or hoped it would be.

I rarely link to my own articles, but I think it is warrented under the circumstances. Think of it as a survial guide to staying supportive of the team and not getting too depressed about another season that won't live up to expectations.

And save the calls for Tubby's head and the comparisons to the previous regime for the other threads. Our team is on the floor, and it is what is, regardless of what you think it should be or hoped it would be.

I feel horrible for Trevor and wish him the absolute best. I think the team will be very interesting and with young guards there is hope for some surprising wins.

Regarding Tubby, I am proud that he is the head coach. He brings dignity and respect to the University. He has had a bad run of luck with injuries, etc, but he remains someone we can all be proud of.

just my 2 cents.

Very well done, FTB. An excellent read for all Gopher basketball fans. You make so many good points, but this one stood out:

"As long as they play hard, you should be fully behind them, regardless of the mistakes they will make and the lumps they will take."

Priority #1 for me is that this team busts its hump the rest of the season. That's a minimum expectation for any team that I follow closely, especially so when big-time adversity hits (i.e. Iron 5). If the Gophers do that, I expect fans showing up at Williams Arena -- whatever attendance numbers are -- will notice it & appreciate it.

This is the part of the story where Tubby will earn his pay. 'The System' should be flexible enough to feature guards-which we have this year. If not, the writing is on the wall.

Compared to last years injury to Nolan, this happened early enough in the season for the adjustments (and the refinement of them) to take hold. The injury is devistating, 14 and 10 are tuff to replace but there are others on the roster who can and should step up. We will see if all the gushing of EE is legit and hope Mo can bounce back.

FTB, the question should be why after losing one player no matter how good of a player it is make it so the season won't live up to expectations?

as someone posted in another thread no team's fortunes should rest on one player.

you talk about supporting the team yet concede the season is lost. sounds like you have given up on the squad having any chance.

Well done, FTB. It really is about supporting the team on the floor all the time, not just in adversity. I too am intrigued with the possibility of a more guard driven offense that has a chance to put up some points and seeing if a guy like Rodney, who has been second banana for so long can step it up. In the past, removed expectations have loosened things up for fan a player alike, and can create some fun moments. This is hardly an Iron Five situation, but it is tough.

To be honest, my biggest worry is whether Tubby can handle another puch to the gut at this stage of his career. If he can, there is promise of surprise. If not, it could bleed into the team and be bad news.

I have to ask what a "frienemy" is. Is this unfamiliar blog speak? I may have a lot of them and not know it.

FTB, the question should be why after losing one player no matter how good of a player it is make it so the season won't live up to expectations?

This is just stupid. Mbakwe is the best player we have had in many seasons, certainly at the very least in the last 6-7 years. On what planet do you lose far and away your best player and still live up to the expectations of your full roster? What is different about the Indianapolis Colts from last year to this year other than the loss of Peyton Manning? And they went from a team that had gone to the playoffs 9 straight years to an 0-11 squad that is one of the worst in league history. Now, Mbakwe is nowhere near as good as Manning, nor nowhere near as important to his team, so the drop should not be as precipitous (and it won't be), but to expect no drop-off is just plain stupid.

I rarely link to my own articles, but I think it is warrented under the circumstances. Think of it as a survial guide to staying supportive of the team and not getting too depressed about another season that won't live up to expectations.

And save the calls for Tubby's head and the comparisons to the previous regime for the other threads. Our team is on the floor, and it is what is, regardless of what you think it should be or hoped it would be.

"Our team is on the floor" Isn't that what Norman Dale said when he went with 4 players?

This is just stupid. Mbakwe is the best player we have had in many seasons, certainly at the very least in the last 6-7 years. On what planet do you lose far and away your best player and still live up to the expectations of your full roster? What is different about the Indianapolis Colts from last year to this year other than the loss of Peyton Manning? And they went from a team that had gone to the playoffs 9 straight years to an 0-11 squad that is one of the worst in league history. Now, Mbakwe is nowhere near as good as Manning, nor nowhere near as important to his team, so the drop should not be as precipitous (and it won't be), but to expect no drop-off is just plain stupid.

dpdoll- agreed that "expecting no drop off" is stupid. However, I think most here figure that losing Mbakwe at this point in time should not prevent the team from reaching reasonable goals such as competing to get into the NCAAs. If the team has been well planned and is in good shape- that's what should happen and we should expect it out of a coach of this level and in his 5th year here. If we had had a major run in the NCAAs sometime in the past 4 years then I think patience would be greater. This is not happening in a vacuum. Expectations should remain reasonably high. I would guess that Wisconsin still goes to the NCAAs if they lose Jordan Taylor tomorrow. I'm confident of that. That's where we need to be.

I'll give someone money to get a " Our hickory's won't crack! " sign on ESPN tonight.

So much fear on the Gopherhole lately. It's really quite sad.

I'll give someone money to get a " Our hickory's won't crack! " sign on ESPN tonight.

So much fear on the Gopherhole lately. It's really quite sad.

Agreed! The title of these threads should be: "How to accept defeat like a good Minnesotan."

Don't get me wrong FTB- the article is good and well done and it's a fair perspective. I just can't go for the "wait for next year or the year after" bargain again this year.

It has been wait til next year for about 103 of the last 110 years. Not sure why you would draw the line in the sand now.

It has been wait til next year for about 103 of the last 110 years. Not sure why you would draw the line in the sand now.

This is not a "win this year or you are fired line in the sand" with me. It's a win this year or I'll be dissatisified line in the sand. I think that's reasonable. Minnesota had not been to the NCAAs in years when Musselman arrived. HE DREW THE LINE IN THE SAND. That year in the 5th game we lost the game and two of our top 6 players in a moment's time (Behagen was a Mbakwe level player). Mussleman picked up the pieces with an intramural guy (yes it happened to be Dave Winfield so pretty fortunate) and finished as Big Ten champs. For the remainder of that year there were really only 5 strong Big Ten players on that squad. He got it done. Let's do this.

Enjoyed the read FTB, and thought many similar things prior to reading it, and had already planned on following a number of your 'Do's and Don'ts'. The players deserve our support regardless of W-L, even if you don't agree with the Coach, the AD, or any of the other powers that be.

bga1 -

dpdoll- agreed that "expecting no drop off" is stupid. However, I think most here figure that losing Mbakwe at this point in time should not prevent the team from reaching reasonable goals such as competing to get into the NCAAs. If the team has been well planned and is in good shape- that's what should happen and we should expect it out of a coach of this level and in his 5th year here. If we had had a major run in the NCAAs sometime in the past 4 years then I think patience would be greater. This is not happening in a vacuum. Expectations should remain reasonably high. I would guess that Wisconsin still goes to the NCAAs if they lose Jordan Taylor tomorrow. I'm confident of that. That's where we need to be.

Under ordinary circumstances, where a program isn't plagued by multiple transfers and ill-timed injuries I'd agree with you fully. But I think we WOULD be in great shape to overcome this injury were it not for all the attrition faced.
I do disagree that the loss of a Jordan Taylor would still get Wisconsin to a tournament. I think you underestimate the value of exceptional guard play in college, especially from the point.

Wrong. Those are extremely broad "expectations". I could say "my expectation is that the Gophers will play a full season and win some games and lose same games", but that's not really an expectation, is it? If you expected them to finish, say, 9th before, you can't sanely predict them to finish 9th now. Therefore, your expectations have lowered. Of course, you won't flesh out your expectations so fully, because it's a lot tougher to be proven wrong when you keep things as generic and broad as possible.

I expected them to finish 7th and I can sanely still predict them to finish 7th. my expectations have not been lowered. but again I am relentlessly negative.

and if I am proven wrong so be it. I have no delusions of grandeur.

dpdoll- agreed that "expecting no drop off" is stupid. However, I think most here figure that losing Mbakwe at this point in time should not prevent the team from reaching reasonable goals such as competing to get into the NCAAs. If the team has been well planned and is in good shape- that's what should happen and we should expect it out of a coach of this level and in his 5th year here. If we had had a major run in the NCAAs sometime in the past 4 years then I think patience would be greater. This is not happening in a vacuum. Expectations should remain reasonably high. I would guess that Wisconsin still goes to the NCAAs if they lose Jordan Taylor tomorrow. I'm confident of that. That's where we need to be.


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