How productive has your work day been?

I had a HUGE presentation for work yesterday, and nothing to do today. So this game dovetails perfectly with me doing absolutely squat in the office.

Trying to go over people's financials until I leave @ 11 has been pretty tough so far this morning! Not making a lot of head way! HAHA! :)

fuzzy asked in OP: " How productive has your work day been?"

I will expand it to productivity all week. I haven't done jack $hit all week.

I can't even focus on the boards here today. Money fo nothing, at work here.

Got in at 7 to finish some stuff up, so I was wildy productive. About to leave now though.

I decided to work from home today. Problem is my work computer isn't working so blackberry it is. Productivity wise, little work to zero work, homework must get done before the game, but I was able to get the pork shoulder in the crock pot in time so to that extent I would say it's been a productive morning.

My last meeting is at 1:30 till 2:30...just brutal.

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