How much worse is this going to get?


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Aug 5, 2013
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Not looking to blame anyone or upset any other posters - just massively concerned about What happens next:-

Things bigger than football.

1) I can't believe we have progressed to trial by media - how can we have got to a position where details such as these have been shared before the players have had chance to appeal? Is this 'due process'?

2) Linked to above - the poor girl (I'm not judging guilt) should not have to endure these details being in every news report. She should be better protected than this.

3) One line in the report at least suggests there is a culture for this kind of thing? Are other cases going to come to light?

4) If there is a culture of this sort of thing should the University be doing more to protect student safety? Did this occur in an official student apartment or in privately rented accommodation? In the Uk on and off-campus student accommodation has security personnel - is that supposed to be in place at the U?

5) The mismatch between the EOAA details and the decision by the police not to bring criminal charges. Hard to believe these two things co-exist. Either the police did an appalling job or the EOAA report is inaccurate, unsubstantiated or is not balanced? If the EOAA report is proved to be one of the above, given the accused, can this be interpreted as institutional racism?

Football Issues

1) Has Coach put himself in a difficult position by supporting the boycott?

2) What are the repercussions of forfeiting attendance at a bowl game?

3) Given the involvement of a recruit etc. - will there be NCAA sanctions?

4) Impact on recruiting - would you send your child here?

Sorry for so many questions - always appreciate info from posters.

Just curious on what people think the fallout is to all this when the dust settles as far as who survives and keeps their jobs and who doesn't

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3) One line in the report at least suggests there is a culture for this kind of thing? Are other cases going to come to light?

During the Teague aftermath, wasn't it reported that were sexual harassment allegations made against a handful of football players as well? I think that came out last fall?

Bowl game media will be fun. Claeys will face the music. We'll see how that goes.

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Just curious on what people think the fallout is to all this when the dust settles as far as who survives and keeps their jobs and who doesn't

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I will be amazed if the coaching staff survives this. Tough to say what this will do to Kaler and Coyle, probably depends on what additional details come out if any as the process plays out. in terms of players it will be interesting to see what happens after the bowl game in regards to guys transferring. The whole thing is a massive black eye for the program and chances are this is all going to get a whole lot worse during the off season.

During the Teague aftermath, wasn't it reported that were sexual harassment allegations made against a handful of football players as well? I think that came out last fall?

According to Reusse yesterday on 1500, that report, which appeared in the StarTribune, had Kill incensed. It also came from the EOAA as a blanket statement, and after the investigation, it was determined that there was 1 instance of it happening and it was addressed, even though the EOAA described it as the entire football program.

Of course it's going to get worse! Look how divided this fan base is! They both are right on many different parts! There are many many different parts to this. And they will hold there ground on these issues!

The only thing everyone agrees on is no one supports sexual assault!

The only thing that gives the university a chance to come back together is if everyone is fired! Kaler, Coyle, Cleays.

Just curious on what people think the fallout is to all this when the dust settles as far as who survives and keeps their jobs and who doesn't

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I think Claeys is gone by January 1.

I think Kaler and Coyle are gone by Jan 1, 2018

The sh*t storm is over. The 10 players will remain under suspension until their hearings and appeals are completed. Some will get their suspensions reduced or lifted. Others will not. Those who disagree with the final decision after appeal will have the opportunity to challenge the decision in court. All of the players will be part of a court action for damages against the U and the girl. If the girl loses in court she will declare bankruptcy and move on with her life. If the U loses they will pay the damages from student tuition and tax payers funds. The U's top administrators who were involved in the case will move on with their lives. None of them will be fired.

The media will be clamoring for Coyle to talk up until the game. Then the media will be clamoring for Coyle to make a public announcement on his coach.

I think things will quiet a bit until the game is over. Then we'll see what Coyle plans to do. We'll then see who is enrolled in school when next semester starts.

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It would be nice if they would stop using Twitter. They are mad and may be right but these comments look bad and keep it in the spotlight.

I think the best solution is get a new coach and a clean start. Move on without the kids who are not going to be here. There is little use bitching about it anymore these kids are gone. If other kids want to play for the Minnesota Gophers then they need to move on as well. At some point we need to move forward and the sooner the better. If kids have a hard time with the punishment being handing down to others they should probably move on somewhere else.

No established coach will work for Coyle and Kaler. Minnesota took a big risk with Kill and his health problems. Kill said if Minnesota was a good
job he never would have been offered the position.

Also, players will be leaving and there will be no recruits.

Kaler and Coyle have failed.

I think Claeys is gone.

This is going to have longterm ramifications. Kaler really opened up the U to a vast amount of litigation. On numerous occasions, he has held himself and the University out as less than impartial.

The "culture" they speak of is essentially misogyny. The fact that that report decided to tackle societal issues of misogyny and hyper-sexualized college campuses is insane. This case is about sexual assault, so any discussion of anything that didn't go towards consent is smoke and mirrors. They EOAA is made up of lawyers, they knew what they were doing. Those tactics would get you thrown out of a court room (I realize they weren't in a court room), but those tactics would get you thrown out because they are a source unfair prejudice (legal term for essentially calling someone guilty because they're a bad person, not because they committed the crime). They knew better, they added it for sympathy in the court of public opinion.

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