How many people pick seats per day?


Nov 20, 2008
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I have 11 days to go?

If I already donated $1000 this year and buy $250 seats. ($1500 total contribution) What happens the following year to my parking spot? (The following year I would be donating $500)

The way I understand it, parking goes by current year contributions. So next year, you will need to donate another $500 to park in Zone 2, or another $2000 to park in Zone 1.


"How many people pick seats per day?"

I pick mine, and just mine, every day. :clap :clap

I have 11 days to go?

If I already donated $1000 this year and buy $250 seats. ($1500 total contribution) What happens the following year to my parking spot? (The following year I would be donating $500)

Also you have to think when you select your seats in 11 days and you want "PREFERRED SEATS", you'll have to donate more money (whatever you've donated prior doesn't matter anymore except in what order you get to select your seats - GOPHERS POINTS).

So if you want "PREFERRED SEATS" between the 20 yardlines, you'll pay $250/seat PLUS $100, $250 or $500 extra per seat. All this, of course, has nothing to do with parking spots.

Also you have to think when you select your seats in 11 days and you want "PREFERRED SEATS", you'll have to donate more money (whatever you've donated prior doesn't matter anymore except in what order you get to select your seats - GOPHERS POINTS).

So if you want "PREFERRED SEATS" between the 20 yardlines, you'll pay $250/seat PLUS $100, $250 or $500 extra per seat. All this, of course, has nothing to do with parking spots.

Tickets are $275. The preferred seating contribution applies towards the parking contribution needed for the lots closest to the stadium.

Doing some math based on my selection date and seat rankings, I think 500 to 600 seats are selected per business day (i.e. Mon-Fri). Just a rough guess though.

I'm about in the 5400 range and pick on April 16th.

I'm familiar with the ticket pay structure. My question was, I already donated $1000 to the "m" club room, this counts towards parking if I bought seats int the $250 a piece level. I can still park in a blue lot this year. What happens next year if I only donate $500?

I'm about in the 5400 range and pick on April 16th.

I'm familiar with the ticket pay structure. My question was, I already donated $1000 to the "m" club room, this counts towards parking if I bought seats int the $250 a piece level. I can still park in a blue lot this year. What happens next year if I only donate $500?

I see. Wouldn't they reset parking selections priority order since parking spot are based annually (per season)?

As far as parking goes and if they keep everything the same this as next year it would work like this. If you kept you seats that you pay an additional $250 a seat for and assuming you have two seats that would count as $500 towards parking. You would then have "donate" an additional $500 to something associated to athletics to get a $1000 donation parking spot. This year it sounds like you are already going to be over but unfortunately that doesn't carry forward until next year unless you were to have pledged that $1000 over two years and paid $500 this year and $500 next year.

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