How many GopherPoints do you have?

How many Gopher Points do you have?

  • less than 500

    Votes: 11 28.9%
  • 500 - 1,000

    Votes: 14 36.8%
  • 1,001 - 1,500

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • 1,501 - 2,500

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • more than 2,500

    Votes: 7 18.4%

  • Total voters

Go Gophers Rah

Section 238 Row 21
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
Now that the donation deadline has passed, I am curious how many points GopherHolers have. My guess is that it will take about 11,500 points to get into the $100 premium seats.

I have 973 points. Mostly through my years as a season ticket holder, but also some for both my wife and I being alumni and getting the lifetime membership to the Alumni Assn.

I dropped over 200 seats

I was like 10,100 in the November mailing and as of today I am 10,300. I did a "what if scenario" on the web site and to get those 200 slots back was like $1,000 so I bagged it

I was at 508 or so before they agreed to award points to former band members, so I should be bumped up to around 708 once they get all of that stuff processed. I should be somewhere near 14,766 depending on what other people did.

I dropped ~1100 places - down to 16,100.

2819.38 (87.09%)

As of now I pick 5163. I qualify for the $250 seats but not the $500 seats.

A lot of the older people around me will not be paying the seat license, (I will). My guess is some of you may be able to move up.

I have virtually no points as this was my first year with tickets and I am not an alum.

I thought I'd pick a little lower than 27,910. I bought my tickets after the N Illinois game. Is it possible that there was only 27,000 season ticket holders that are not students going into this year?

How many tickets are reserved for students next year? 10,000?? 3,000-5,000 for visiting teams???

People on the waiting list might get in a little sooner than they thought. I know they sold tickets til about Nov 1, who knows how many though.

I was at 508 or so before they agreed to award points to former band members, so I should be bumped up to around 708 once they get all of that stuff processed. I should be somewhere near 14,766 depending on what other people did.

KZ, have your band points been updated in the system yet? Mine haven't been, but I know of others that have had their point totals updated.

KZ, have your band points been updated in the system yet? Mine haven't been, but I know of others that have had their point totals updated.

I called the ticket office on the 31st to make sure, and they said it was going to take a few weeks to process all of the information, but they thanked me for calling to check and they put a note on my account of my marching years. They even sent an e-mail thanking me for checking up on it.

The person I talked to thought they would have it all taken care of by the end of January.

I would expect the $100 license seats to go fast, followed by the $250 ones. My guess is pretty much everyone will get a shot at the $500 license seats, no matter what their ranking.

I don't know about everyone getting a shot at the $500 seats. Remember that money is 80% tax deductable. I would take them where I'm at if I thought the seats were drastically better than the $250 seats.

I have 2,800 some odd points. I will not be paying a priemum fee. I know several couples that have as many points as I do that are not even getting seats in the new stadium. I think the U might be supised at the lack of interest on the $500 seats. I expect them to sell out, but I am guessing that it will take longer than the U first anticipated.

I am just happy to have tickets in a new outdoor stadium on campus! I don't care where I end up. Not sure if I want to pay extra money to bump up or not.

We're in the range of 10600 for two of our seats. I think I'm going to drop our third seat and
buy into the $250 upgrade. I hate to give up the third seat but I'd also like to move closer to
the 30 yard line.

We have 5600 points per seat and that places us about #1700 overall. I was thinking about the $100 upgrade but I think that puts you on the visitor side of the field. I have been on the visitor side at the dome since inception and don't care for it. The band is always facing the other way, can't see the activity with Gopher coaches, etc..anyway we will be shooting for 20 yard line about a third of the way up (and paying no premium).

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