And barnboy, look where Michigan's spread offense...
got Michigan. How richrod could have totally destroyed the Michigan defense while he was installing a spread offense must be driving those cornblue fans mad. Michigan always had "top ten" type recruiting classes prior to richrod. He had athletes there to play defense. He just was spread too thin trying to spread his spread offense all over the Big House field and he totally forgot about the fact that even with the spread offense, he would still have to field a defense. What he did at Michigan was almost a crime.
Michigan should go back to playing Michigan football. They should spread their spread offense all over into the largest landfill in the state of Michigan and let nature take it's course. richrod drove that football program into the ground. What, on earth were they thinking in Ann Arbor when they tried "beyond brewball..." featuring that ugly richrodball that they have been playing in the Big House. Their ad must have been taking tips from badger joel maturi about how to spend millions buying out contracts without really trying...I'll bet Alvarez has some thoughts about the Michigan ad that would rival what he thinks about his boy badger joel...