How close are Olson and Michael


Jul 11, 2010
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To rplacing Wills and Alford? I am sure most will answer next year, but really how can you deny a player like Olson in favor of these two underperformers? Alford plays too high, and whiffs on blocks. Wills is big but amazingly weak. Add to that he was carrying about 50 extra pounds that did nothing.

Without tackles who can seal the edge, protect the pocket, and collapse the end on running plays we will continue to suffer in the running game, and unless they keep a TE or Fullback in to help, Weber and the passing game will be nothing.

I cannot imagine Coach Brewster or Coach Davis are unaware of the sad situation in the offensive line. Why else would all big time recruits, Olson, Gjere, The Twins along with the afore mentioned Olson and Michael be on scholarship? I don't think Olson or Michael are that far away from starting. Maybe a whiff and a sack may be the cue to the bench.

And another guy who should be back is Ryan Wynn. Maybe at center? Burris to Guard?

I cannot wait for fall practice. If there is no change in the offensive line, there is no hope.

The apologists answer is as follows and I cannot confirm or deny any of it.

Wills has dropped weight and gained strength.
Alford along with Carufel played injured last year.
Line play improved in spring.

Take it for what you will.

The better players will play. Tim Davis has said before that all these young guys lack is experience. By the way, it's Brooks Michel, pronouced "Mee-shell".

To rplacing Wills and Alford? I am sure most will answer next year, but really how can you deny a player like Olson in favor of these two underperformers? Alford plays too high, and whiffs on blocks. Wills is big but amazingly weak. Add to that he was carrying about 50 extra pounds that did nothing.

Without tackles who can seal the edge, protect the pocket, and collapse the end on running plays we will continue to suffer in the running game, and unless they keep a TE or Fullback in to help, Weber and the passing game will be nothing.

I cannot imagine Coach Brewster or Coach Davis are unaware of the sad situation in the offensive line. Why else would all big time recruits, Olson, Gjere, The Twins along with the afore mentioned Olson and Michael be on scholarship? I don't think Olson or Michael are that far away from starting. Maybe a whiff and a sack may be the cue to the bench.

And another guy who should be back is Ryan Wynn. Maybe at center? Burris to Guard?

I cannot wait for fall practice. If there is no change in the offensive line, there is no hope.

I think most in here are with you, the Oline drastically needs to improve.
From what I can gather, Both Alford and Wills were hurt last year and played anyway, they are now both healthy for what it's worth. Wills reportedly is also much stronger and has shed some weight, both cannot hurt.
Olson is by all reports going to push for time, Michel is a big body and a strong kid, but not the athlete and not as advanced technically as Olson right now.
Wynn hasn't been talked about as a major player, but i would expect he'll push for a spot in camp. Nevertheless, Burris will probably be our starter at center.

I think by the time the piglovers roll into town we'll have Olson plugged in somewhere, and Michel will have been seasoned somewhat with spot backup work. Both will be strong candidates to start in '11, Olson is probably a lock.
That's how I see it, anyone else with more?


George Michael? No eligibility and would most likely demand to play tight end.

Gene Michael? Too busy with the Yankees. At his age would defintely supply experience though.

Michael Jordan? Pretty sure he already used up his college eligibility. Plus, I heard if was going to give another sport a shot it might be baseball.

Michael Richards? Nice size, poor footwork. Ever see Kramer walk into a room. Worse than Wills.

Michael Chang? Good footwork- especially in the mud of BigTen country, not big enough though.

Michael Caine? Typical Brit, loves futbol, not football.

Those guys aside, I think that there is this kid, Brooks Michel, who deserves a shot. He's no Michael, but he could be OK.


"The better players will play. Tim Davis has said before that all these young guys lack is experience."

I hate to quibble with the Coach, but all Alford and Wills have is experience getting beat, experience being unable to generate a running game, experience in almost getting Weber killed.

And finally when it comes to experience, how many big games did these two contibute toward? Experience in losing is worthless.

And to editors, punsters, and those who took full advantage of my posting, I apologize for the mis spelling of Michel.

And even if Wills is down to say 315, can he bench his weight? Can he squat twice his weight? I doubt it. I doubt he has done much of anything in the weight and conditioning department or it would be front page news. Alford's problem is not his injury rather its two fold. First, body type. He is short waisted and appears top heavy. Combine that with his inablility to bend his knees use of leverage and explosion Heck he cannot even set a pick very well. Running is keyed on the ability to read a block. When Alford can neither collapse the end or ride him outside and up the field it makes running left impossible at best, and a disaster most of the time.

Not to quibble, but I think guard play last year was as poor as that of the tackles. We might as well replace everyone.

"The better players will play. Tim Davis has said before that all these young guys lack is experience."

I hate to quibble with the Coach, but all Alford and Wills have is experience getting beat, experience being unable to generate a running game, experience in almost getting Weber killed.

And finally when it comes to experience, how many big games did these two contibute toward? Experience in losing is worthless.

And to editors, punsters, and those who took full advantage of my posting, I apologize for the mis spelling of Michel.

And even if Wills is down to say 315, can he bench his weight? Can he squat twice his weight? I doubt it. I doubt he has done much of anything in the weight and conditioning department or it would be front page news. Alford's problem is not his injury rather its two fold. First, body type. He is short waisted and appears top heavy. Combine that with his inablility to bend his knees use of leverage and explosion Heck he cannot even set a pick very well. Running is keyed on the ability to read a block. When Alford can neither collapse the end or ride him outside and up the field it makes running left impossible at best, and a disaster most of the time.

"I hate to quibble with the Coach". Then don't.

Slow day at work huh?


What the coach said was all they (meaning Olson and Michel) lacked was experience. I am only illustrating the experience with Wills and Alford is less than acceptable. If what Olson and Michel lack is experience, put em coach.

The better players will play. Tim Davis has said before that all these young guys lack is experience. By the way, it's Brooks Michel, pronouced "Mee-shell".

Your spelling is correct but I'm not sure of your pronunciation. Brewster says it like the name Michael when he has said his name on the radio.

I say, let Coach Davis do his job, he'll play the best player. Wills, gets a lot of heat he doesn't deserve, even though he deserves his fair share. Careful, just plain didn't play well last year, and some of his errors were blamed on Wills. This year we find out that he was playing hurt all year. Let the coach who's there everyday sort things out. I do know that if we get into the same sort of injury situation this year, the injured player, will be riding the pine because we have healthy alternitives.

typical thought undervaluing the role of experience and physical development. See this thought every year, and every year you're all dissapointed.

The whole problem with your argument is that it's based on the opinion that the two older kids suck. Wills and alford sucking doesn't equal the younger kids being great. That doesn't make the younger kids ready. Putting O-linemen out too early too much to get lit up by more experienced and talented D-lines will not improve this team. No matter what your opinion of Wills and Alford, the young guys still need to be developed and aclimated to the greater speed and athleticism of the college game.

they may be good, but they are not that good.

so whine all you want, but it still doesn't change basic realities of player development.

To rplacing Wills and Alford? I am sure most will answer next year, but really how can you deny a player like Olson in favor of these two underperformers? Alford plays too high, and whiffs on blocks. Wills is big but amazingly weak. Add to that he was carrying about 50 extra pounds that did nothing.

Without tackles who can seal the edge, protect the pocket, and collapse the end on running plays we will continue to suffer in the running game, and unless they keep a TE or Fullback in to help, Weber and the passing game will be nothing.

I cannot imagine Coach Brewster or Coach Davis are unaware of the sad situation in the offensive line. Why else would all big time recruits, Olson, Gjere, The Twins along with the afore mentioned Olson and Michael be on scholarship? I don't think Olson or Michael are that far away from starting. Maybe a whiff and a sack may be the cue to the bench.

And another guy who should be back is Ryan Wynn. Maybe at center? Burris to Guard?

I cannot wait for fall practice. If there is no change in the offensive line, there is no hope.

You are failing to note a few things.

1) Wills improved dramatically as the season progressed and looked good (physically and athletically) during the spring game.

2) JUCOs usually have their breakout season their second year - take it for what it's worth.

3) Alford played hurt all last year

4) Why pick on those two particularly and not the guards?

5) Michel is far from ready.

They are both an injury away.

Given Alford's history, one of them will surely be needed at LT at some point.

I'm stealing this from someone I know: Coaches get paid to win. If they don't win they will lose their jobs. They will play the guys who they feel give them the best chance to win, so that they will be able to keep their jobs.

Unless you are at practice and know what you're talking about, you'll just have to defer to the coaches. I think a big problem last year was the lack of quality depth. So many guys were playing hurt, but with no viable players behind them they had to stay in there.

You are failing to note a few things.

1) Wills improved dramatically as the season progressed and looked good (physically and athletically) during the spring game.

2) JUCOs usually have their breakout season their second year - take it for what it's worth.

3) Alford played hurt all last year

4) Why pick on those two particularly and not the guards?

5) Michel is far from ready.

I think you should reconsider your position on #5. He is more ready than most folks appreciate. Whoever Davis decides wins the spots will be able to move people out of the running lanes; I expect that to happen and this young man may well play a significant part.

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