Hopkins basketball coach Ken Novak-- talks Joe Coleman


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Sep 17, 2010
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BS: You've had some outstanding players at Hopkins. Where does (likely Mr. Basketball and University of Minnesota-bound) Joe Coleman rank?

KN: Joe is the best athlete I've ever coached,
and I coached a lot of really good athletes. He had great concentration and focus skills. His toughness, his ability to compete, is second to nobody. He's the type of kid who plays with joy. He plays like he loves to play the game. The beauty of Joe is, he knows he has to work on things. He's a consummate focused, work-ethic guy. The Gophers are very lucky to get him. He's a high-energy guy who really competes. He has made a huge improvement in two years. I expect a huge improvement next year. His upside? I don't want to say it is limitless, but he has a great upside. He's a kid who was an inside guy who has worked on being an outside player, too. He can play three positions for the Gophers. I'd like to see him work on his point guard skills — somebody who can pass, shoot. Joe really works on his versatility. That was our strength as a team.
BS: What does Joe do that sets him apart from the other outstanding players you've had (such as Kris Humphries, Tyler Nicolai and Blake Hoffarber)?

KN: I think it's his athleticism that makes him really, really good. It's also his ability to compete, and his toughness. Skillwise, he still has work to do. He'd like to really become one of the best players in the country, and in order to do that he has to improve his shooting, his mid-range game, ball handling, passing. It's almost like saying he has to improve everything, but that's what all players have to do. Joe is the type of kid who will work on it.


The Novak all-stars, not his...

C- Kris Humphries, 2003. One state title, 1 year at Minnesota, NBA-able
F- Royce White, 2009. One state title, a college career ahead of him?
F- Marvin Singleton, 2011. Two state titles, a college career ahead
G- Blake Hoffarber, 2007. Two state titles, the "butt shot" and the winner against Indiana
G- Joe Coleman, 2011. Two state titles, a college career ahead

2nd Team

C- Dan Vander Vieren, 2006 or Mike Broghammer, 2009
F- Dan Coleman, 2003. One state title, an OK Gopher career
G- Trent Lockett, 2009. One state title, has proved he is a hi-D1 player
G- Jared Nuness, 1997.
G- Darren Clarke, 2003. One state title.
G- Siyani Chambers, 2012. Two state titles, a third on the way? Likely to move up.

The Novak all-stars, not his...

C- Kris Humphries, 2003. One state title, 1 year at Minnesota, NBA-able
F- Royce White, 2009. One state title, a college career ahead of him?
F- Marvin Singleton, 2011. Two state titles, a college career ahead
G- Blake Hoffarber, 2007. Two state titles, the "butt shot" and the winner against Indiana
G- Joe Coleman, 2011. Two state titles, a college career ahead

2nd Team

C- Dan Vander Vieren, 2006 or Mike Broghammer, 2009
F- Dan Coleman, 2003. One state title, an OK Gopher career
G- Trent Lockett, 2009. One state title, has proved he is a hi-D1 player
G- Jared Nuness, 1997.
G- Darren Clarke, 2003. One state title.
G- Siyani Chambers, 2012. Two state titles, a third on the way? Likely to move up.

I would put Jeff Hagen in there on the 2nd team. He is better than both VanderVieren and Broghammer.

Watching the state title game was the first time I've ever seen Joe Coleman play. And I didn't get to watch the whole game, so I'm suffering from severe sample size limitation (insert your joke here). All that said, I liked what I saw. His ability to get into the lane and consistently score from inside 10 feet was encouraging. That's one of the things a '2' or a combo guard absolutely needs to do. What blew me away was his aggressiveness and foot speed on the dribble. He was a blur at times. How many times did Al Nolen take over a college game with his quick first step and speed to the basket? Joe will do that same thing and maybe even do it better. One thing I've concluded watching the NCAA Tournament is that foot speed is ultra important. Getting easy baskets in transition, getting to loose balls, accelerating past a defender, recovering on defense - that's winning basketball.

Now he has to work on his jumper.

It will be nice to have guards who can finish around the basket next year. I liked Al but he was the worst when it came to finishing at the hoop. Half the time he didn't hit the rimJoe Coleman both seem to be solid in that regard. Combine them with Chip and Austin next year and I expect to see a lot more guard scoring next year.


It will be nice to have guards who can finish around the basket next year. I liked Al but he was the worst when it came to finishing at the hoop. Half the time he didn't hit the rimJoe Coleman both seem to be solid in that regard. Combine them with Chip and Austin next year and I expect to see a lot more guard scoring next year.

Evidence suggests that Welch and Andre can make a high percentage of free throws! Hopefully they get to the line. Maverick was in the mid seventies so our late game ball handling group could also be decent free throw shooters.

I like that.

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