Hoo boy - Penn St. shots fired at USC


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>For USC and Silas Redd, the easy choice to sign on with salesman Lane Kiffin didn't end well <a href="http://t.co/FSaK6rJEAd">http://t.co/FSaK6rJEAd</a></p>— Penn State football (@psufootball) <a href="https://twitter.com/psufootball/statuses/384743648685850624">September 30, 2013</a></blockquote>
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First, this is crap telling puke it stinks. Second, as much as I despise Kiffin, I’d taken my chances with USC over PSU (pedophile state university).

Your program stood and did nothing while children were raped in your facilities. I would keep quiet.

It's not Penn State's official twitter account. It's the Patriot News.

Your program stood and did nothing while children were raped in your facilities. I would keep quiet.

Again, the offended and the accused said this never happened, and Sandusky was never convicted on such. So please quit repeating this lie.

Again, the offended and the accused said this never happened, and Sandusky was never convicted on such. So please quit repeating this lie.
I'm obviously stupid, but this sounds like rape to me. In December 2010, assistant coach Mike McQueary appeared before the grand jury looking into the Victim 1 case. The presentment states that on March 1, 2002, at 9:30 PM, McQueary entered the locker room at the Lasch Football Building at Penn State and heard what he believed to be the sounds of sexual activity coming from the shower. He looked in the shower and "saw a naked boy, Victim 2, whose age he estimated to be ten years, with his hands up against the wall, being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked Sandusky."

Penn State employee McQueary saw a boy being raped in the shower by Sandusky at Penn State. The boy being raped by Sandusky in the shower on the campus at Penn State has not yet been identified. The fact that the boy has not been identified obviously does not mean that a serial child rapist and known pedophile employed for years by Penn State (despite the fact that he was a known pedophile) does not mean that a child was not raped in the shower at Penn State University. And on a far, far more minor note; it is not to hard to have no NCAA violations when you have absolutely no established university infrastructure for monitoring or reporting any NCAA violations. But if you have no problems with knowingly employing and allowing access to all your facilities to someone you know is a pedophile any other possible NCAA violations are not really worth even bothering to look for, are they?

I'm obviously stupid, but this sounds like rape to me. In December 2010, assistant coach Mike McQueary appeared before the grand jury looking into the Victim 1 case. The presentment states that on March 1, 2002, at 9:30 PM, McQueary entered the locker room at the Lasch Football Building at Penn State and heard what he believed to be the sounds of sexual activity coming from the shower. He looked in the shower and "saw a naked boy, Victim 2, whose age he estimated to be ten years, with his hands up against the wall, being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked Sandusky."

Not so fast. McQueary didn't actually state that he saw those things; that was the summary of the Grand Jury report, which says "saw," but that doesn't match the actual testimony, in which McQueary only said he (paraphrasing) put two and two together based on what he heard. Here's a summary oped article on the subject:


Not so fast. McQueary didn't actually state that he saw those things; that was the summary of the Grand Jury report, which says "saw," but that doesn't match the actual testimony, in which McQueary only said he (paraphrasing) put two and two together based on what he heard. Here's a summary oped article on the subject:

Feel free to carry on with your defense of a man that anyone with a shred of common sense can see preyed on little boys. I am sure the boys he took advantage of appreciate your crusade.

Feel free to carry on with your defense of a man that anyone with a shred of common sense can see preyed on little boys. I am sure the boys he took advantage of appreciate your crusade.

Just like global warming deniers, who rely on the straw man argument that: well, the U.S. didn't ratify the Kyoto Protocol, therefore global warming isn't real, you make a ridiculous straw man argument that, since I can PROVE you incorrect on your assertions of what McQueary actually testified, that I am defending Jerry Sandusky.

Look, fact is, McQueary never saw a rape, it was merely an assertion. And if that's the honest truth, then the whole case against PSU is poor at best.

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